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S/o words you wish would disappear


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I'm surprised so many people hate the word panties!  It's never bothered me.  Perfectly good word.  ;)  Neither soda nor pop bother me either.  


I can't stand all the cutesy pregnancy words (preggers, preggo, baby bump, etc.) and "we're pregnant".  Also don't like besties or BFF (not really a word). "My bad" coming from adults is atrocious.  I've cringed at "reach out", although it depends on how it's used IMO. 



Exactly!!!!  Such as "leverage" and other insipid "business speak" "action" or "power" words.  For pity's sake, speak normally!


I mastered business speak when I was in the corporate world.  It's actually a lot of fun.  I've shared it here before, but allow me to once again share the Bullshit Generator: http://www.dack.com/web/bullshit.html  Generating B.S. and using it in business discussions helped me make many tedious meetings more bearable.  It was especially fun when colleagues and I teamed up on phone meetings (and kept track over IM) to see who could generate and use the most B.S. phrases in the meeting.  I had a few bosses who spoke almost exclusively in B.S.  Good times.  :p


Speaking of fellowship, a very well meaning assistant pastor of our church (who was in seminary at the time) wanted to start monthly Sunday after church potluck meals, and called it

Total Body Fellowship (!!!) Is there a class in seminary that one is supposed to take to teach you how to make up clever names for things?!?

Nobody said anything about it for a long time. About the third month that she announced during the announcements from the pulpit that after church she hoped everyone would stay and enjoy the "Total Body Fellowship" with our congregational family, someone did speak up and ask if we had to keep calling it that, it was just creeping her out. There was much snickering going on for a while about that one.

As in "Hey, can the kids stay with you this afternoon? Dh and I are going to enjoy some Total body fellowship"


I laughed through this whole thread, but Total Body Fellowship made me snort.  :lol:


I hate words that are used in place of a curse word.
I am not a fan of cursing (although I sometimes do) but replacing a word, with a different word-- that you want to mean that same word is just silly.

ex: frigg'n, fricking, darn,

Also perfectly good words that cannot be used because they are "bad"--- if you act like a surly, snappy female dog --- then you are acting like a b@tch.

And there should be perfectly good words we can use when we smash our thumb with a hammer... ouch isn't quite good enough.


I totally agree.  If you're going to swear, own it.  A friend of mine always says "nucking futs", and it drives me up the wall.  I've given up calling her on it.  Everyone knows what you mean, so just say it already.  :rolleyes:

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I'm currently trying to get DD to stop using "poop" as an expletive. I'd rather she just say "shit."


My big one, though, is "gay" as meaning "lame" or "not cool." Be old-fashioned and mean happy, or contemporary and mean homosexual, but it grates like nails on a chalkboard to use it as an insult/put-down.

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My big one, though, is "gay" as meaning "lame" or "not cool." Be old-fashioned and mean happy, or contemporary and mean homosexual, but it grates like nails on a chalkboard to use it as an insult/put-down.

Ex used to play dumb on his Auslan students who used that term. Kid, you look stupid when you call the computer a homosexual male because that sign really, really doesn't mean what it does in teen vernacular English!

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this might be a local phrase and it does't have to disappear...but I always raise my eyebrow when i hear it:


"It's all goochie."


It is a variation of it's all good.

I teach at an urban high school. The phrase there is, "I'm Gucci." I pick up these phrases because the kids think it is hysterical when I pull them out and use them. So I was at a dinner party one evening, and someone asked me if I wanted more wine. I answered, "No, I'm Gucci." Conversation stopped, and everyone stared at me.


Now for the one I want to disappear--man up.

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I guestimated that her ginormous panties were moist because she was preggers and her baby bump was pressing on her bladder, or because she ate too many veggies and sharted, or simply because her slacks were too tight.

Irregardless of the cause, she sat drinking her pop, totally unaware....

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I teach at an urban high school. The phrase there is, "I'm Gucci." I pick up these phrases because the kids think it is hysterical when I pull them out and use them. So I was at a dinner party one evening, and someone asked me if I wanted more wine. I answered, "No, I'm Gucci." Conversation stopped, and everyone stared at me.


Now for the one I want to disappear--man up.

Well, i feel stupid! I never saw it spelled and it didn't occur to me that it was that Gucci! I thought it was made up word!

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Well, i feel stupid! I never saw it spelled and it didn't occur to me that it was that Gucci! I thought it was made up word!


Don't feel stupid. To make you feel better, my nickname at school is OG because, well, I have all sorts of knowledge and power. OG stands for original gangster. I was telling my friends this at a dinner party (same group as the other dinner party, different party.) I told them it stood for old gangster. I was recounting the dinner party to my students (who don't attend dinner parties) and they were rolling on the floor laughing. Because I said old instead of original.

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I agree with getting rid of panties.  "Yous guys" bugs me quite a bit, but I think it's a local thing.


I think we might live in the same part of the world.  Another local thing here is to end sentences with "a while."  As in, "Can I get you more to drink a while?"  Or even, "Do yous guys want more to drink a while?"  Yeah.  Makes no sense.  I've been here five years and can't wrap my head around it.  


Also don't like cutesy pregnancy related words, like preggers or preggo.  I was recently pregnant (again) and HATED it when people referred to me as "Mama."  I'm not your mother.  


We can't use "like" or "um" around our house, as in "Um, like, would you like more to drink?"  


"Seriously?"  That one can go, too.  I have a friend that uses that one all the time.  


My inlaws (all of them, the entire huge lot of them, everyone, in fact, except my husband) say "acrost" instead of "across."  Drives.me.nuts.  Thankfully we live "acrost" the country from them and don't hear it all that often, as they do type the word correclty.  


I grew up in a house with a mother who wouldn't say the words "toilet paper" above a whisper.  At the store, she might say, "Wait a minute, I forgot to get <whisper> toilet paper."  Like it was a big secret that we bought that kind of thing?  We don't refer to Richard's Sporting Goods by name around her, either.  

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I can't stand it when someone describes another person's body type as "chunky." Not only is it rude, it sounds like Chunky Soup.

To me chunky = vomit. I don't want to eat chunky food and I certainly don't think people are "chunky."

You just ruined chunky peanut butter for me, forever.

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I think we might live in the same part of the world. Another local thing here is to end sentences with "a while." As in, "Can I get you more to drink a while?" Or even, "Do yous guys want more to drink a while?" Yeah. Makes no sense. I've been here five years and can't wrap my head around it.


Also don't like cutesy pregnancy related words, like preggers or preggo. I was recently pregnant (again) and HATED it when people referred to me as "Mama." I'm not your mother.


We can't use "like" or "um" around our house, as in "Um, like, would you like more to drink?"


"Seriously?" That one can go, too. I have a friend that uses that one all the time.


My inlaws (all of them, the entire huge lot of them, everyone, in fact, except my husband) say "acrost" instead of "across." Drives.me.nuts. Thankfully we live "acrost" the country from them and don't hear it all that often, as they do type the word correclty.


I grew up in a house with a mother who wouldn't say the words "toilet paper" above a whisper. At the store, she might say, "Wait a minute, I forgot to get <whisper> toilet paper." Like it was a big secret that we bought that kind of thing? We don't refer to Richard's Sporting Goods by name around her, either.

Dh does that acrost thing. Makes me crazy. And either he doesn't realize it or won't own up to it.

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I have just realized that I may be the most annoying person on this whole forum. I use and abuse just about every single "hated" word on this list. Can I speak correctly, with proper grammar, when necessary? Absolutely. But, not in everyday life. I must have people cringing non-stop. Except for "could care less" -that one bugs me, too. :)


But the rest... Meh, I couldn't care less. I don't give a darn what others think. I'm gonna go hang with the hubby and kiddos and drink a pop. ;)

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You know what else I hate? The name of our sporting goods store in town. Dick's Sporting Goods. I can't even say it with a straight face. I can just imagine the owner snickering when he named the place. And if his name is Richard, then I vote that it should be Richard's Sporting Goods lol.


Same here- that's why we always go to Dunham's first, even though we almost always end up at "Richard's".


There is also a diner nearby that is named "D!ck's Diner."  :leaving:

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My dad's name is Dick and, after my parents had been married for awhile, one of my Mom's brothers had a set of baseball caps made up for them. Dad's said "I'm a Dick" and Mom's said "I'm with Dick", which was pretty hysterical.


If I hear "really" one more time I just might pop. You might as well say "that's stupidest idea I've ever heard, you idiot" because that's what you mean when I ask you to do something and you say "really?" with that tone. My brother uses it all the time, even though he is a grown man. And he says it every.time. his kids do something annoying, so now they say it all the time. Then I hear my kids use it - makes me crazy.

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If I hear "really" one more time I just might pop. You might as well say "that's stupidest idea I've ever heard, you idiot" because that's what you mean when I ask you to do something and you say "really?" with that tone. My brother uses it all the time, even though he is a grown man. And he says it every.time. his kids do something annoying, so now they say it all the time. Then I hear my kids use it - makes me crazy.

My dh has turned that into a look. His co-workers call it the "Dumb a$$" look that he gives people or machines when they've done something really stupid. He doesn't say anything, just gives the look, and gives the person a chance to try again. :D

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Christians who use the word "convicted" all the time.


"I was convicted the other day..."


"I think she's been convicted!"



Yes, I am with you on that. There are a couple of ladies in our church that use that word in just about every other sentence.



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That reminds me of the famous race car driver that passed away recently. Dick Trickle.  No joke.


I know.  His mother must not have liked him very much.  :) 

My dad used to work with a guy named Peter Wiener.  As a pre-teen it used to crack me up.   

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