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How to make my HS room more inviting?

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Dh worked very hard last year converting one of our garages into a homeschool room. Sme of you may remember my posts about it. We polished e floor, put in great ikea stuff, a big desk, lots of shelves, a couch...


Well still gravitate towards the living room. Maybe because while they are doing their work, I like to do chores, dishes, fold laundry, whatever, and I can't do that stuff in the hs room. They don't need tons of supervision, in the sense that I don't need to sit next to them all the time, so.....

I thought if i could make our hs room more inviting, we might use it more?


ETA: Photos in post 18!!

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Ohhhh, talk to me about polishing the floors :D


We also used to use a converted garage (already done when we bought the house.... with icky carpet), and your reasons you gravitate to the living room is why we aren't in it right now. It will become the office/my craft space/guest room. WE moved school out to the alcove off our living room. We were talking about it the other day, and my BF mentioned swapping them back - and I told him it just wouldn't work.


Do you have a space in the room? A small desk/craft area that you can hang out in? You should be able to fold the laundry back there... is it really isolated from the rest of the house?


What do the kids think it needs?

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We do this too. I am so used to the small house that even though I love the idea of going to a separate area, it is hard to keep us all together when one needs to do independent work and I am teaching the other. Our room is lovely with lots of light, but somehow we end up upstairs anyway. Or one is there and one is upstairs and I try to switch off teaching but that is really not what I had in mind.


I am thinking if I make a real effort to do a lot in there, and don't keep leaving for housework etc. I have been wanting to set up a separate science table, so maybe that could be enough separation so they don't distract each other if they are facing different ways. Setting up messy art projects and encouraging them to be in the room more so it becomes more natural.


I'd love other ideas too!

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In the garage...schoolroom: classical music playing softly, a bowl of raw veggies and glasses of iced tea on a tray, and pillows pillows everywhere


In the living room: a job-delegating...laundry extraordinaire...Mama Homeschool Samurai


It's all about atmosphere.


And remember, you don't have to school in the schoolroom, but ya better keep your schoolin' stuff there after hours.

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My kids will follow the food, the cat, and me (in that order). Thus, studying in the dining room - I'm there or in the kitchen, and the cat lies in the sunlight on the table, preferably on whatever book is open.


So if you make the room a place where you and/or a pet want to be, and bring snacks occasionally, I bet that would do the trick.

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Our last year of hsing, we ended up more in the dining room and living room, too.

Since it seems that you get a little restless in your schoolroom, along with the rug, could you put in some things that would be comforting/inviting/practical for you? I think you probably could fold laundry in there, but...:-) who wants to trek laundry thru the house and trek it back? Lol

Could you arrange your schedule so that you could use the room to do some of your own academic or, y'know, "reading/writing/bill paying" chores or pleasures there? Sort of like your own school day? Do you have a pretty desk or small table there, or an armchair and a TV tray you could put a laptop on?

Can you make a cosy, pretty corner for yourself?

And then maybe tweak your schedule so that some of the things that would take you out of the schoolroom either happen before or after school time, or on a break?

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In the garage...schoolroom: classical music playing softly, a bowl of raw veggies and glasses of iced tea on a tray, and pillows pillows everywhere


In the living room: a job-delegating...laundry extraordinaire...Mama Homeschool Samurai


It's all about atmosphere.


And remember, you don't have to school in the schoolroom, but ya better keep your schoolin' stuff there after hours.


I was about to ask about windows and lament that the lack of natural light would keep them away.... but this is great!  Do this!  :001_smile:

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We need a picture to help you with suggestions :).

Okay! I will post today. I had an idea--we have a very large ikea table, almost dining room sized, in the center of the room and initially i thought that would be nice. But there is very little room to maneuver around it. So now I am considering pushing it against a wall and having a more open space in the middle, again, with a rug and bean bag chairs. More openness might work.

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I was about to ask about windows and lament that the lack of natural light would keep them away.... but this is great!  Do this!  :001_smile:

DH knocked out part of the garage door and installed windows. So it's filled with light. No excuse there!

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Ugh, the forum just ate my post. Okay, so here are the photos:










I just ordered this rug from Target--it's lighter than I wanted, and actually, I really wanted a shag rug, but the good ones are beyond our budget:




I want to buy a comfy large recliner too, and lots of oversized pillows...I am also going to put our old coffee table in there, as my boys like to sit on the rug and work on the coffee table in the living room, so maybe they will like the same in the school room. 



Any suggestions to "warm it up"?

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Your space looks so bright! What a wonderful husband you have!


Here are some ideas that I have found to help me in our home:


- Use baskets to hold things instead of tubs (they look so pretty!). I find mine at thrift stores.

- Maybe make an art center/shelf/spot? Organize your art supplies on a self so that they are pretty and accessible. I put mine (colored pencils, markers, etc) in glass mason jars and a little caddy and they look so nice! My kids love that they are right there when they want them.

- Make a nature center/shelf/spot? My MIL has a science cabinet where she keeps all of their nature treasures that they find. It is pretty cool to look at all the stuff they have in there.

- Put some color on the walls. Perhaps frame some of your kids artwork, or put up a pretty poster, etc. I found a book of beautiful flower photographs at the thrift store for $1.50 and cut out the pictures and framed them with cheap Walmart frames. It looks so good! A lot of older famous artwork is public domain as well and can be found on the internet and printed where ever you print photos. This is how I decorated my boys room. You just have to make sure that the art is public domain so that it is legal.

- Add some throw pillows and perhaps a basket for blankets- does it get cold in there in the winter?

- Could you make a place for your work too? Perhaps you could start out in that room doing something and then move to do dishes or whatever.


I am not Catholic but someone here linked to this blog a while back and it really inspired me to make my learning spaces more pretty and inviting. Perhaps you might like it too:




I hope this helps some!


ETA: I thought of some other ideas:


- Add some plants? They really seem to warm up our home.

- Do you sew? You could use some fabric that you have around. Make a bunting out of fun colors or use strips of fabric for bunting. I have also seen fabric just put in embroidery hoops. Pinterest has great ideas for these.

- Add candles

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Your space looks so bright! What a wonderful husband you have!


Here are some ideas that I have found to help me in our home:


- Use baskets to hold things instead of tubs (they look so pretty!). I find mine at thrift stores.

- Maybe make an art center/shelf/spot? Organize your art supplies on a self so that they are pretty and accessible. I put mine (colored pencils, markers, etc) in glass mason jars and a little caddy and they look so nice! My kids love that they are right there when they want them.

- Make a nature center/shelf/spot? My MIL has a science cabinet where she keeps all of their nature treasures that they find. It is pretty cool to look at all the stuff they have in there.

- Put some color on the walls. Perhaps frame some of your kids artwork, or put up a pretty poster, etc. I found a book of beautiful flower photographs at the thrift store for $1.50 and cut out the pictures and framed them with cheap Walmart frames. It looks so good! A lot of older famous artwork is public domain as well and can be found on the internet and printed where ever you print photos. This is how I decorated my boys room. You just have to make sure that the art is public domain so that it is legal.

- Add some throw pillows and perhaps a basket for blankets- does it get cold in there in the winter?

- Could you make a place for your work too? Perhaps you could start out in that room doing something and then move to do dishes or whatever.


I am not Catholic but someone here linked to this blog a while back and it really inspired me to make my learning spaces more pretty and inviting. Perhaps you might like it too:




I hope this helps some!


ETA: I thought of some other ideas:


- Add some plants? They really seem to warm up our home.

- Do you sew? You could use some fabric that you have around. Make a bunting out of fun colors or use strips of fabric for bunting. I have also seen fabric just put in embroidery hoops. Pinterest has great ideas for these.

- Add candles



Thank you so much!!! these are great ideas! We had plants in there but I kept forgetting to water them LOL. I will try again. And I like the idea of "faux candles". I use them in my office and love them. I am going to get blankets and definiely baskets--we have a Home Goods store near us that always has a nice selection. 


Do you think brown curtains would work, given that we have a brown rug and I will be adding chocolate brown baskets? The rug is going to be the blue one I linked above. Brown and blue is a nice combo...but we have those red chairs (which I thought would add a nice pop...)



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Oooh, pretty! I think the blue rug and brown curtains will go well but might it make the room too dark? That first blue is pretty too.

I second a PP's idea about baskets and throws.


ETA: I use red for pop too (our dog bed and 2 strategically placed cushions are solid chili red)...this goes well with our black and beige scheme...I'm not sure how it will look with brown and blue but if you have predominantly brown and blue, a little red should be fine I think.

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Aw, thanks, Living Hope!!!


What do you think of these curtains--it gets REALLY bright and hot in there because of the windows--do you think these would "go" with the rug?

I like the first blue curtains.

Do you ever open the garage door. I would think that it would be nice to open the door for fresh air sometimes. Maybe inexpensive window blinds that attach to the top and bottom of the blinds at each window would allow you to freely open up the garage door.

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I like the first blue curtains.

Do you ever open the garage door. I would think that it would be nice to open the door for fresh air sometimes. Maybe inexpensive window blinds that attach to the top and bottom of the blinds at each window would allow you to freely open up the garage door.


We can if we want, we just haven't. We have a side door that lets in plenty of air, Even with the curtains, I could open the door fine. 

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Thanks guys--DH doesn't like any of them, but what do men know about curtains?? He said "You're the one in there all day, so you decide." Anyway, I can always return them. Okay, so brown wicker-y type basics-check, curtains-check, rug--check, plants-check. Flameless candles-check. 


Oh, I'm excited!!

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I like the brown curtains with the trim. However, unless you have more blue than the rug itself, it won't tie together. You want the curtains for the garage door windows? You could do every other, brown, blue, brown blue. Love the rug...Saw it yesterday at Target.

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I like the brown curtains with the trim. However, unless you have more blue than the rug itself, it won't tie together. You want the curtains for the garage door windows? You could do every other, brown, blue, brown blue. Love the rug...Saw it yesterday at Target.



How bout if I add in blue throw pillows for the couch? I also have blue seat cushions on the chairs, but they're a richer blue.



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This is a fun thread!  I also love the brown curtains w/ the trim.  The first pillows would really help tie everything together, especially if you can place a few other blue things around.  Maybe a vase, candle, pot for the plant, frames for any photos/art you might hang up.  Oh or a fabric memo board w/ some blue and brown?  That'd be fun too! 


I do think that it sounds more like the real problem is that they want to be near you.  Maybe there's a part of the school day that they can do in the living room while you take care of those chores, and then you all head back into the school room?  Could you bring laundry in there to fold?  Pay bills?  Read a book/magazine?  Do some work on the computer?


do post pictures once you are done, it'll be fun to see!

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MrsH. You're right, there isn't enough for me to do in the schoolroom when they are occupied. Let's see....the laundry room is basically IN the school room, so folding laundry is easy. I have a computer in there, and that white desk you see is my desk. Am going to find a recliner on craigslist because i like to read and knit in the recliner when the boys don't need me. I also like to do read alouds with me in the recliner, and the two boys on the couch.....I need to put stuff on the walls for sure. I need a blanket in there, not because it gets cold, but because it's cozier....


I need to think on this, what exactly i DO when the boys don't need me during school......I do school prep stuff, like finding stuff on the computer, videos for them to watch....I surf here, I clean the kitchen, so perhaps i can learn to do that earlier.....I clean the house...again, would need to do that another time....


What do you all do when your kids are working independently?

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I agree the first set of pillows would tie it together. You always need something to tie the colors together, otherwise everything is too separate. I love the last two pillows, but it would still keep it all separate without flow.

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Haven't read the other replies because it's almost midnight, so sorry if I repeat. 


1. A paint color on the walls.  Maybe a warm yellow with gold or orange undertones.  Something sunny looking.


2.  Rearrange the furniture.  Really.  It's out of balance.  I think rearranging things will make a big difference.  Use extension cords taped to where the floor meets the wall if you don't have sockets where you need them after you rearrange.  Here's how I'd arrange it:


On the wall that currently has the desk and bookshelves: 

a.  Remove the desk.

b.  Push the bookshelves closer to the door.

3.  Put the shelves that are currently by the couch next to the bookshelves (so they're now closer to the window.)


On the wall that currently has the couch:

a.  Slide the couch closer to the back wall of the garage.

b.  Take the desk and place it in the corner at an angle FACING THE ROOM.  The chair will be in the corner where the couch wall and the garage door meet.  (Important--the chair is in the corner.)  When you are sitting at the desk, your back will be to the corner and you'll be facing into the room. Yes, you'll have to walk around the desk to sit in the chair.  So worth it.  We did that with our desk and it felt soooo good to face into the room and not have your back to everyone.  


Not sure what's on the back wall of the garage, but perhaps you could add some sort of storage for all the stuff that's cluttering the table by the window.  The table by the window is in a good spot.


3.  A carpet to fill the center.  Preferably a big carpet--from Ollies perhaps, to extend from the bookcases all the way to the couch.


4.  Big pictures on the wall behind the couch, and maybe on the back wall (no pic of it, so not sure.)  BIG ones.  Those are big walls.  If you put dinky little pictures on them, it'll look bad.  Try Big Lots or Ollies for generic pictures that are big and will fill the space and add color.  Maybe a mirror on the back wall.  What might be nice would be a bunch of laminated maps.  Or maybe, behind the couch, you could hang a curtain rod with long solid curtains.  There isn't a window there, but the fabric will warm up the room and cut down on any echoes.  That's probably what I would do--the fake window with long drapes.

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What do you all do when your kids are working independently?

I cook lunch; my boys have a full view of the kitchen from the dining room or living room.

I read my books for leisure and I catch forty winks. My boys are used to being independent in their work as long as I am in sight.

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I cook lunch; my boys have a full view of the kitchen from the dining room or living room.

I read my books for leisure and I catch forty winks. My boys are used to being independent in their work as long as I am in sight.


This is us too some of the time. Kiddo can now work alone and independently even when I'm not in sight but I prefer to be in the kitchen or surfing here/ researching resources and next to him as much as possible. If I have to, I am drying laundry outside on sunny days or folding it in the main hall. Sometimes I'm in the yard with the dog, or weeding or checking up on our many water features or playing with the dog inside. Or looking out the window furtively and often if I'm expecting a UPS/USPS delivery. :D

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How bout if I add in blue throw pillows for the couch? I also have blue seat cushions on the chairs, but they're a richer blue.



I love the first set of pillows and agree that you need to get some color on the walls with your kids' artwork or something else. I think you are on the right track.

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Thanks for all these awesome suggestions! I am going to rearrange the room today. 


The reason the bookshelves aren't side by side is because they have a different depth :( Two are Expedit and two are Billy, and when I put them side by side they look weird because of their differing depths...I will keep trying though.



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Thanks guys--DH doesn't like any of them, but what do men know about curtains?? He said "You're the one in there all day, so you decide."


:lol: My DH didn't like the paint color in my school room and said exactly the same thing, but I LOVE IT. It's very inviting and happy. (and he liked it better once the second coat was on and it had dried)


I based my paint color off this blog post:




And here's my actual room:




Hard to get a good picture of the green walls with the lighting in there, but they are cheery and make me happy. :) White would bore me to death.

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I struggle with keeping my kids in the schoolroom too. It has a comfy couch, it looks nice. The dog bed is out there since they seem to like to have one of the dogs around, but still they wouldn't stay.

This year I have picked up a second hand small beverage fridge to keep snacks and drinks in, and I put the papasan chair and a couple bean bag chairs in. Now the kids are in there when they don't have to be just cause it's a comfy place to curl up with a book. I'm hoping it lasts through the school year.

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