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To host or not to host...A Question


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Ok. Can we have a discussion? I would like some feedback from the Hive. I have my own opinion, I'm just having a hard time putting my thoughts into words. I'd love to hear what everyone thinks so I can think through this.


Should a church host a gun expo?


I want to hear your thoughts on why or why not.


Note: The question is not asking if you are ok with a gun expo. Only if you have an opinion on whether or not a church should host this type of event.


I'm not asking for opinions on guns, gun ownership, gun laws etc. I just want to know what you feel the church's role is in hosting events, etc. What is the role of the church in a community?


For the record, a church in my area is hosting one as a "family friendly" event with classes on safety and gun care.

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Unless it is your church, I don't see why it would be any of your business.  It doesn't sound like you aren't part of that church family.


As far as our church family, my opinion is that we should only host things having to do with the teaching and disseminating of the gospel and Bible teaching.  So Tupperware parties would be just as far from the mission of the church as a gun safety class.  

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Tupperware parties would be just as far from the mission of the church as a gun safety class.

Yep. But if the church feels that it is also a community center, I see nothing wrong with it hosting Tupperware parties, gun safety classes, homeschool co-ops, exercise classes, cooking classes, babysitter training, whatever it feels it wants to offer.

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Unless it is your church, I don't see why it would be any of your business. It doesn't sound like you aren't part of that church family.


As far as our church family, my opinion is that we should only host things having to do with the teaching and disseminating of the gospel and Bible teaching. So Tupperware parties would be just as far from the mission of the church as a gun safety class.

We have been visiting churches and have been very involved with ministries in a couple churches as we try to determine where we want to become members (or if we want to change our membership status). This church was one of them. So it does concern me as we pray about which church to join. Our thoughts on this matter (along with many other things) will help us determine what to do about our involvement and our membership.

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Yep. But if the church feels that it is also a community center, I see nothing wrong with it hosting Tupperware parties, gun safety classes, homeschool co-ops, exercise classes, cooking classes, babysitter training, whatever it feels it wants to offer.

Thanks for the perspective. :)

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Yep. But if the church feels that it is also a community center, I see nothing wrong with it hosting Tupperware parties, gun safety classes, homeschool co-ops, exercise classes, cooking classes, babysitter training, whatever it feels it wants to offer.

Thanks for the perspective. :)

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Hosting as in organizing or hosting as in renting the space to a group that is doing it? Running a firearm expo would not be something I'd find appropriate for a house of worship. But I'd be comfortable with the latter. Churches need income, it could be a member doing the expo, there is nothing illegal or untoward about the activity, etc.


I will say I'd never object to a firearms safety class. But an expo is primarily a sales and promotion event.

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I can see both sides, and found myself agreeing with both Jean and happymama.  I think it really depends on the view that the church has of itself. 


I know that way back in the day, when the fight for breastfeeding access was fairly big local news, we were very grateful for a church that was willing to host our LLL group when the one that had been hosting us informed us that we were no longer welcome.  Go figure.


The new church had an open door policy on making their campus available to community groups (they did charge a small fee to cover expenses), and they sponsored a Scout Troop as well.

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It depends on what's going on there financially.  Churches get tax exempt status, so making a profit/selling stuff shouldn't be going on there (except maybe something like a bake sale type fundraiser for a specific purpose, like sending kids from that congregation to camp.)


If the expo is about promoting gun safety, I wouldn't have a problem with that.  Our local church sponsored an emergency preparedness event, which was mostly classes.  There were a few sponsoring vendors there, but they weren't allowed to sell on the premise.  (I think they had stacks of business cards you could take if you wanted.)  That seemed appropriate.

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I wouldn't presume to say whether it's right or wrong on the whole.  For me and my beliefs it would be horribly wrong, and if I were a member of a church that hosted a gun expo I would very soon be a former member.


FWIW, I would have no problem with a church hosting a Tupperware party.  As far as I'm aware Tupperware has never killed or injured anyone.  Doing harm to others is certainly far from it's intended use.

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Churches around here rent to Alcoholics Anonymous, Wiccan groups, yoga classes, literacy classes, knitting guilds, theater groups, music recitals. As long as a church is within its IRS parameters (no politics), a gun expo is fine. Some people have problems with churches renting to AA or Wiccan groups, but I take the view the renting is the business of the church, its pastor, and its members, no one else's. So for the gun expo, it's fine and legal. Gun ownership is still legal in this country after all. I don't find it any different from breastfeeding groups or craft shows because you can make the argument breastfeeding is no more related than guns when renting a church. You didn't state if the expo is a church event or a rental. 


ETA: I just read your last line. If it is about gun safety and hosted by the church, it's fine as a church event as it doesn't sound political. It is legal to own guns. As I stated above, it's really the business of the church as there is still freedom for the church to decide this on its own. 

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I realized that I came across as a bit cranky in my post above.  I didn't mean to.  Our church just recently went through a discussion on this and decided that despite needing the money, we weren't comfortable renting out the building because then you would have to pick and choose what you were willing to host and that got into a whole slew of sticky issues.  So we went back to what we really felt like was solid ground - what we were there for in God's sight.  I don't have a problem with other churches coming up with another conclusions on that but that is what we decided.  We felt like that was a good enough role for us in our community.  

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I realized that I came across as a bit cranky in my post above.  I didn't mean to.  Our church just recently went through a discussion on this and decided that despite needing the money, we weren't comfortable renting out the building because then you would have to pick and choose what you were willing to host and that got into a whole slew of sticky issues.  So we went back to what we really felt like was solid ground - what we were there for in God's sight.  I don't have a problem with other churches coming up with another conclusions on that but that is what we decided.  We felt like that was a good enough role for us in our community.  


This. Exactly.     

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I realized that I came across as a bit cranky in my post above.  I didn't mean to.  Our church just recently went through a discussion on this and decided that despite needing the money, we weren't comfortable renting out the building because then you would have to pick and choose what you were willing to host and that got into a whole slew of sticky issues.  So we went back to what we really felt like was solid ground - what we were there for in God's sight.  I don't have a problem with other churches coming up with another conclusions on that but that is what we decided.  We felt like that was a good enough role for us in our community.  


Totally agree. A church should just decide for itself the programs it wants to host. 

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Guns=no problem.  Sales for a profit=problem.


In our little area of the country,we have lots of hunters.  A hunter's safety class would be a welcomed activity at a church in our area(and probably well attended). 

Just curious, are you just referring to sales of guns as a problem or sales of anything, such as crafts?

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"[Jesus] said to them, “But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one.â€

—Luke 22:36, NIV



A sword was the equivalent of a gun in those times...

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Just curious, are you just referring to sales of guns as a problem or sales of anything, such as crafts?

  Our family believes that sales of any sort- including crafts :) -unless for the purpose of furthuring the church(i.e. missionary donations, covering costs of an event, etc) should happen elsewhere.  If there is a "profit" it should be reinvested in the church in some way.


I believe the op wanted opinions.  And this is just mine.  I appreciate that others may think differently. 

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"[Jesus] said to them, “But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one.â€

—Luke 22:36, NIV



A sword was the equivalent of a gun in those times...

That certainly puts an interesting spin on 'For all who draw the sword shall die by the sword'...

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  Our family believes that sales of any sort- including crafts :) -unless for the purpose of furthuring the church(i.e. missionary donations, covering costs of an event, etc) should happen elsewhere.  If there is a "profit" it should be reinvested in the church in some way.


I believe the op wanted opinions.  And this is just mine.  I appreciate that others may think differently. 


Thanks. That's all I wanted to know. I appreciate your opinion and I am actually neutral about the issue of sales in a church. 

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