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Getting ready for vacation is exhausting


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I am mostly done now.


We are only going away for 4 nights and staying in a hotel but it is a lot of work getting ready.


I have 3 special needs kids---all with medication and 2 with LOTS of medication along with a 11 year old foster boy with some meds. Dh is diabetic so he has meds too and insulin, and a cpap, etc. So besides clothes for everyone I have to make sure to have meds for everyone.


Then we have our own little funny farm here with a bearded dragon, hamster, inside cat, dog, barn cat, 8 chickens and 3 horses, including one with special feed needs as she has no teeth left. That means setting out food and lists of chores for all of the critters.


Then we have to remember all of the cell phones and chargers and ipads and kindles, and more chargers, etc.


Going on vacation is a lot of work.


I love my kids and love having the critters but I am envious of those people who open a duffle bag, put in some clothes and walk out the door to go on vacation.

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I completely relate. We took a 3 week trip last year and it took me months of obsessive list making to feel like we had everything covered. Even then, I kept waiting for that moment when I would realize I had forgotten something vital (it never came, thankfully!).

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Oh boy, I totally relate. We have a houseful of pets too, plus the chickens.

DD 17 is on the Condensed Cowden protocol for Lyme so she has meds 4 times a day.

Our only vacation every year is a camping trip for two weeks only accessible by boat with no running water and a composting toilet so one has to remember EVERYTHING!

Hope you have a fantastic time!

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Just a thought that you might already do:


Can you keep a document for animal care and update it as needed? So you are not starting from scratch every time?


Also, I keep a packing list/document that I print out as needed.



That's what I do, too. I have documents on my computer for airplane packing list, toiletries packing list, car packing list, beach packing list, etc. I also have one for the dogs' directions :-) . It makes life so much easier when I don't have to think of everything!


Hope you have a wonderful time!



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We are back. Got back at 2:15 and within the hour we were in the barn doing hay....only got 100 bales right now but we had to get it from the farmer, unload it and bring back his wagon so he could keep baling.


The kids had a great time. Our foster boy had never been on vacation so he loved every minute of it-----including several hours a day in the pool. Dh and I enjoyed it but have decided that we need to go to Mackinaw Island ALONE some time so we can really enjoy it.


I do have master lists but I can generally print out and just modify as needed.


Did find out though that while 11 year old foster son SAID that he packed everything on his list---it was crossed off--that in reality he brought alone 2 church shirts, 1 jeans, 3 swimsuits, 1 pj pants and some undies and 1-2 pairs of sock. No extra shorts, no t-shirts, no extra jeans, etc. Thankfully the hotel had a washer and dryer. Next time I inspect each bag :-)

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