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Sil told kids that Harry Potter was bad...


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I also think I should share this:


Popsicle is a trademark:





The article ends with:


"So now that you know the cold facts, do the cool thing and stay on the right side of the law. Use Popsicle®, Creamsicle®, Fudgsicle® and Yosicle® only to identify our products, use these trademarks correctly, and don’t use them for any other purpose without our permission. We appreciate your cooperation."


I won't bow to Unilever!! I make my own popsicles with apple juice. And I call them... popsicles.

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I won't bow to Unilever!! I make my own popsicles with apple juice. And I call them... popsicles.


I hope that's not your real name. Otherwise the Feds might just come a-knockin'. They take counterfeit trade very seriously. :D

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Aha! A whole new level of controversy! So, OP, were the items in question actually Popsicles, or have we all been unwittingly violating trademark law? (I was wondering why autocorrect kept capitalizing the word "Popsicle."


That's what made me look...the autocorrect capitalized Popsicle.



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I won't bow to Unilever!! I make my own popsicles with apple juice. And I call them... popsicles.


Please refer to them as "frozen juice-like confections" from now on.



But seriously, does that page make anyone else never want to buy the brand again? I mean, you think Google is peeved because they are now a verb? Or Kleenex products take a hit because people refer to all tissues as Kleenex? Yeah right.

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I also think I should share this:


Popsicle is a trademark:





The article ends with:


"So now that you know the cold facts, do the cool thing and stay on the right side of the law. Use Popsicle®, Creamsicle®, Fudgsicle® and Yosicle® only to identify our products, use these trademarks correctly, and don’t use them for any other purpose without our permission. We appreciate your cooperation."


Why must you incite my inner anarchist?


Now I feel the strong urge to call all frozen treats Popsicles. Little p, no trademark symbol, even Blue Bell products. And autocorrect can suck it; from now on I will un-capitalize popsicle no matter it's location in the sentence.


Next you will be telling me that Coca-cola doesn't like it when all of the southeast calls every carbonated beverage a coke.

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Please refer to them as "frozen juice-like confections" from now on.



But seriously, does that page make anyone else never want to buy the brand again? I mean, you think Google is peeved because they are now a verb? Or Kleenex products take a hit because people refer to all tissues as Kleenex? Yeah right.


They are acting like douchesicles.

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Why must you incite my inner anarchist?


Now I feel the strong urge to call all frozen treats Popsicles. Little p, no trademark symbol, even Blue Bell products. And autocorrect can suck it; from now on I will un-capitalize popsicle no matter it's location in the sentence.


Next you will be telling me that Coca-cola doesn't like it when all of the southeast calls every carbonated beverage a coke.


I think I need to hear you say it, so I can hear what a lowercase p SOUNDS like.

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Oh dear.


I'm in a quandary.


I thought this was a Harry Potter thread and now I see y'all are talking about Popsicles.


I don't know if I should back up and read the whole thing or just back out slowly...





If you can't conflate Harry Potter angst w/ Popsicle@ angst, we can never be friends.

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Next you will be telling me that Coca-cola doesn't like it when all of the southeast calls every carbonated beverage a coke.



Actually, they don't. It's very important that the brands not become generalized terms.


When you ask for a coke you are asking for a specific product. You should not refer to Kleenex, but to tissue. And you put a bandage on a cut not a Band Aid.


Can you tell I was an Intellectual Property attorney in a former life.

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Why must you incite my inner anarchist?


Now I feel the strong urge to call all frozen treats Popsicles. Little p, no trademark symbol, even Blue Bell products. And autocorrect can suck it; from now on I will un-capitalize popsicle no matter it's location in the sentence.


Next you will be telling me that Coca-cola doesn't like it when all of the southeast calls every carbonated beverage a coke.




My mom once told me of a very confusing encounter with a young man who ordered a coke, and then yelled at the cashier for getting him a Coke. After some back and forth, they figured out he actually wanted an orange soda. Now that I'm married to a Southerner and live in the South I can understand him. ;)

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Please refer to them as "frozen juice-like confections" from now on.



But seriously, does that page make anyone else never want to buy the brand again? I mean, you think Google is peeved because they are now a verb? Or Kleenex products take a hit because people refer to all tissues as Kleenex? Yeah right.



Don't leave out Band-Aids. They even changed the song to say: You are stuck on Band-Aid brand cause Band-Aid's stuck on you.

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Why must you incite my inner anarchist?


Now I feel the strong urge to call all frozen treats Popsicles. Little p, no trademark symbol, even Blue Bell products. And autocorrect can suck it; from now on I will un-capitalize popsicle no matter it's location in the sentence.


Next you will be telling me that Coca-cola doesn't like it when all of the southeast calls every carbonated beverage a coke.


I'm starting to wonder if it isn't a ploy. They know telling us not to say popsicle will make us want to say popsicle. Yet they must also know that reverse psychology is a well-known concept and many people will figure it out eventually. So they think we won't say popsicle. But then that means they don't want us to say it, so of course we must. But, if we do, are we just playing right into their hands?

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Please refer to them as "frozen juice-like confections" from now on.



But seriously, does that page make anyone else never want to buy the brand again? I mean, you think Google is peeved because they are now a verb? Or Kleenex products take a hit because people refer to all tissues as Kleenex? Yeah right.

maybe someone should remind them of what happened to Betamax when sony demanded total and complete control. no one wanted them anymore. I refuse to use a trademark - but I'm not writing advertising either.
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Quick, winesicles and chocolate, stat!



Oh yeah: vodkasicles.. ..actually you could go with creamsicles if you used vanilla vodka....they called the martini version that so why not a frozen? Would they go after us for that? I guess you could say vodkillasicles....


Would you like a Mike's Hard Lemonade, Winesicle or Vodkillasicle to go with that cupcake?


There is always the alliteration combination: vodkillasicles, cupcakes and kilts...


See, we homeschoolers do know stuff..... :D


I think we could rap somehow rap alliteration combination vodkillasicles, cupcakes and kilts


Back to our regularly scheduled program:


To popsicle or not to popsicle...that is the question....(At least one of them anyway :rolleyes: )

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Sorry that took so long; I became confused about how to work my fancy wine bottle opener. (That I used without incident just last week. *sigh* )


I contemplated another drink, but there really is no substitute for Wine.

(Capital w, nice and red with an pairing of dark chocolate.)

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Sorry that took so long; I became confused about how to work my fancy wine bottle opener. (That I used without incident just last week. *sigh* )


I contemplated another drink, but there really is no substitute for Wine.

(Capital w, nice and red with an pairing of dark chocolate.)




Whew! I'm glad you made it!



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I used to make and sell onesies for babies that I embroidered "Got Breast Milk?" (one word on each line) on. I got a cease and desist letter because, apparently, Onesie is a registered trademark of Gerber. If I was using official Gerber brand Onesies I could call them Onesies, but if not, they had a whole list of names I could use instead (which totally killed my business because Onesie is a term everyone knows and uses, but infant bodysuit... not so much). It was kind of funny, really, though, that I got the letter. I only sold a grand total of about 8 of them in the month or two I was selling them before I got the cease and desist letter. They are definitely serious about their brand name!

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The way I read the popsicle incident is ice cream was purchased as the treat for the event. No other treats were planned to be served. In my house this happens sometimes. I have had to tell person A or B not get X or Y out because that wasn't what was planned. Enough ice cream was available for everyone. I missing something for ya'll who wanted niece to have the popsicle. Why can't someone say to a child "we are having ice cream right now, no popsicles. " I assume that is what the OP did, that is something that might happen in my house or my mom's and it's no big deal. There's no reason why the child couldn't adhere sticking with the planned treat. I don't see that as highly invasive parenting of someone else's child.


The fact that she couldn't adhere to the planned treat suggests she's rather spoiled.

Yes, exactly that. I don't generally say anything to what the kids get or don't get when I'm there. I said something to her because I was the only one inside at the moment and it was a special event. Mom had told me she bought icecream for all the kids, I knew there wasn't enough popsicles for all. I would expect that they would do the same and I would be embarrassed if they had let my child get a popsicle to eat in front of all the other kids when they weren't sharing it with everyone else.


SIL doesn't have an issue w/ HP due to the reading level but because he is evil. No, they haven't read them and I'm pretty sure they haven't watched the movies either.

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They are definitely serious about their brand name!


Copyright stuff generates HUGE debates among knitters and crocheters. What I've gathered from reading some of those is that if a company doesn't actively defend their trademarks in this way, they're at risk for losing them. It's silly in practice, but basically if they know someone is using their name for something and they don't try to stop it, they have a much harder time defending it if there is ever a court case.


Your onesies sound cute!


EDIT: I guess I'm way off topic here - sorry about that!

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OH, and my dd(6) brought this up again, funny that this made more of an impression on her and she is not even the one reading it but she is more sensitive whereas ds is very laid back. She said sil, said HP is bad and inappropriate. I asked her what she thought, she said yes she agrees that it is inappropriate. I asked her why she thought it was inappropriate. She said if a boy was flying he might fall and get hurt. OH, and my dd(3) said she wanted to be a witch yesterday, so obviously the evil HP is working it's magic. Of course when I asked my 3yo more about it she says she wants to give candy to everyone. Not sure where she got that witches give out candy, perhaps some Halloween display.

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OH, and one more thing as I'm catching up after a day out. Yes, plenty disagree w/ our parenting, usually most all of it. I could go into details a mile long. It just gets tiresome and sometimes I just don't want to hear about it. I thought perhaps we had made it past some of that as we just don't discuss a lot of details, but no there will just be new stuff we don't agree about. I thought as well we could keep our mouths shuts irt those disagreements and I was disappointed to hear that a comment was made to the kids.

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I was thinking more about this situation. I would not discipline neice at all when her parents or your mom is around (your mom because it sounds like she watches her regularly). I would tell niece, I don't know if you can do, have whatever, but go ask grandma or mom or dad and see what they say. If you get confronted, I would shrug shoulders and say, I didn't care one way or the other, but I wasn't sure what you would want to have happen. If niece's behavior is inappropriate, I would tell your mom or her parents, when they are present, what is going on. Again, let them handle it. If they seem upset, tell them you weren't sure if they thought it was a problem but thought they would like to know.


If your kids are getting in trouble by her actions, I would tell my kids to go and play somewhere else. If someone asks why your kids aren't playing with niece, I would let them know what niece was doing. On the flip side, if they are disciplining your children and you are present, I would tell them, in the future, you want them to come and tell you what is going on and you will handle it. Also, the other adults can tell your kids whatever, but if your kids are concerned, let them know they can come and let you know what is going on. Again, you can go get the scoop from whomever is telling them things. It may be you will stick with what they said your children should do, but you can still let them know in the future, you would apprecicate if they came to you and let you know what was going on so you could handle it. Another thing you could do, if the kids are saying things to each other, is get the kids together, with the adults, and talk it through. You never know when your child or their child is being dramatic or leaving out details or misinterpreted what was happening.


It is such a balancing act because I want my children to respect adults, authority, but I don't want them to just blindly do whatever adults tell them, especially if something doesn't seem right.

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Could be wrong, of course, but I'm thinking that OP is bothered by the popsicles/discipline topic, and HP does not factor in much.


I like QuirkyKapers' post.


In my dynamics, niece's parents are in charge of her, with grandparents next (if it is their house). Grandparents call the shots for their own food supplies (which trumps niece's parents). Aunts/uncles step in only with prior permission unless parents are absent, there is imminent danger to life/limb (including one kid offering food/drink to another kid with allergies), something is going to be damaged/broken, or niece/nephew is heard/caught urging a clearly wrong action (stealing, lying, etc.).


We had people jeering at us because we did not go for HP (or Twilight, Goosebumps, whatever else). Good experiences for both us (parents) and our children to roll with the reality that different families make different decisions, and that such is their prerogative just the same as decisions are our prerogative.

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Could be wrong, of course, but I'm thinking that OP is bothered by the popsicles/discipline topic, and HP does not factor in much.


I like QuirkyKapers' post.


In my dynamics, niece's parents are in charge of her, with grandparents next (if it is their house). Grandparents call the shots for their own food supplies (which trumps niece's parents). Aunts/uncles step in only with prior permission unless parents are absent, there is imminent danger to life/limb (including one kid offering food/drink to another kid with allergies), something is going to be damaged/broken, or niece/nephew is heard/caught urging a clearly wrong action (stealing, lying, etc.).


We had people jeering at us because we did not go for HP (or Twilight, Goosebumps, whatever else). Good experiences for both us (parents) and our children to roll with the reality that different families make different decisions, and that such is their prerogative just the same as decisions are our prerogative.


The dynamic is different here. My mom and sil discipline my kids as needed if they are the ones closer to the situation/kids and something arises. It is the same w/ my friends. I was just together yesterday with a friend and we both went back and forth disciplining each others kids when needed depending on the situation, although anything big is left to the parent. Generally speaking that has been the way it has been in our families. Now, I'm speaking of basic correction and instruction. Both grandparents know they are not allowed to spank my kids whether or not I'm there. I expect that they use respectful language.


HP was more insult on injury. OH, you can discipline my kids and that is fine and btw let me tell your kids that what you are allowing for them is wrong as well. I do think it is good for the kids to know that different people have different rules and generally we go along w/ whatever the rules of the house are but I don't want others telling my kids that our own family rules are bad and wrong. I try not to use such language when explaining to them when our own rules are different and keep that to times when we are not around others.

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