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Cloth Diaperers (or anyone really)


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Just thought of something else....since I already have (and have used) the Alva's, could I use them as covers instead of pockets if I got some prefolds?? Just so they aren't a total waste.....


Yes, but they will get smelly faster because of the fleece on the inside.


You could get those flour sack cloths at Walmart, 5 for about $5, and put the oldest child in charge of folding them. Show her a few tutorials on youtube, and you are set. Or just fold them into the middle, then fold up the bottom to whatever length you need, and you have an instant prefold to lay in a cover.

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My favorite cloth diapering system was Mother Ease one sized diapers in various colors (new around $14.00 each, used $7-10 each) and Thirsties Duo Covers ($12.50 new, $6 used) . The diapers will last through to potty training, The covers will need to be re-purchased in a larger size once. The Mother Ease are cotton, so you never have the stink/leak issue you have with microfiber. If you wash every night like I did, you can get away with 10-12 diapers and 3-4 covers.

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My favorite cloth diapering system was Mother Ease one sized diapersin various colors (new around $14.00 each, used $7-10 each) and Thirsties Duo Covers ($12.50 new, $6 used) . The diapers will last through to potty training, The covers will need to be re-purchased in a larger size once. The Mother Ease are cotton, so you never have the stink/leak issue you have with microfiber. If you wash every night like I did, you can get away with 10-12 diapers and 3-4 covers.



I love the ME Sandys, but didn't like the One size..go figure. And I am starting to think the size smalls will fit until potty training, I'm pretty sure I could get my 3 year old into a small if I had to. LOVE the Sandys. But honestly, I diaperd my oldest in nothing but prefolds and it was fine. Never even used a snappi! (I don't think they existed back then...he's 13 years old now. I just laid them in covers).


Cotton diapers, like prefolds or flats or ME fitteds won't be finicky. No "stripping" (something I'd never heard of when cloth diapering my oldest in prefolds), you can bleach if you need to now and then, dry on hot, soak them, even fabric softener won't really hurt them. I know people that use it on their prefolds every time! You can't kill a prefold.

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Just thought of something else....since I already have (and have used) the Alva's, could I use them as covers instead of pockets if I got some prefolds?? Just so they aren't a total waste.....


Yes, I've done this with FuzziBunz. After awhile, I cut the fleece out.

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Just thought of something else....since I already have (and have used) the Alva's, could I use them as covers instead of pockets if I got some prefolds?? Just so they aren't a total waste.....


You can tri-fold a prefold and use it to stuff a pocket. If the PUL (or whatever) waterproofing has failed, it won't work any better as a cover than it does as a pocket. Flats work for stuffing too, and you can customize where you want layers of absorbency. You can also wrap a flat (or flour sack towel/flannel piece/whatever) around a microfiber insert to get more oomph.


Leaking between the hip (waist of diaper on side?) and leg is odd. Is the hose so to speak pointing up and to that side when that happens (versus pointing down into the absorbent area of the dipe)? There's nothing there to absorb pee if that happens, just the microfleecy lining and the backing.


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I've had the leaking issues you described ever since I moved to a place with really hard water. I just keep trying to treat it in the ways recommended for that. It could also be a problem with the detergent you are using as I've had that as well, it tends to create a surface that the liquid glides over rather than absorbs and it comes out the side.


For the prefolds, have you tried looking at the DiaperSwappers FSOT? They sometimes have good deals on there and you pay with paypal. I have CD'ed two children myself. For prefolds specifically, the GMD ones are the best IMO. I really like pockets for outside and fitteds if I'm feeling extra extra lazy but am out of pockets but I often find myself going to the prefolds at home.

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You can tri-fold a prefold and use it to stuff a pocket. If the PUL (or whatever) waterproofing has failed, it won't work any better as a cover than it does as a pocket. Flats work for stuffing too, and you can customize where you want layers of absorbency. You can also wrap a flat (or flour sack towel/flannel piece/whatever) around a microfiber insert to get more oomph.


Leaking between the hip (waist of diaper on side?) and leg is odd. Is the hose so to speak pointing up and to that side when that happens (versus pointing down into the absorbent area of the dipe)? There's nothing there to absorb pee if that happens, just the microfleecy lining and the backing.


Here.....(not my baby, just a pic I got off google) - it's leaking between the lines. And um....that COULD be the issue? I'm really not sure to be honest. I'm also wondering if maybe they're compression leaks (now that I know what those are)??



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I've typed out an answer twice already only to be timed out. So this time I'll just give you a link to my blog with what I did ... flannel-fitteds and flats.


(This third time worked, so I'm editing for a few more details. Sewing prefolds-into-fitteds was really, really hard. The idea I linked to is so much easier.


My absolute favorite diaper system is flats plus Flips covers. Good luck!)


I love your adaptation of the RRPs! What a great idea! It almost makes me wish I had another baby to CD. Almost. ;)

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So I can use the Gerber cloth diapers from Walmart and crochet some covers????


You can, but I would strongly recommend getting better prefolds. The gerber ones used to be ok, but they're not absorbent at all anymore.

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I love the ME Sandys, but didn't like the One size..go figure. And I am starting to think the size smalls will fit until potty training, I'm pretty sure I could get my 3 year old into a small if I had to. LOVE the Sandys. But honestly, I diaperd my oldest in nothing but prefolds and it was fine. Never even used a snappi! (I don't think they existed back then...he's 13 years old now. I just laid them in covers).


Cotton diapers, like prefolds or flats or ME fitteds won't be finicky. No "stripping" (something I'd never heard of when cloth diapering my oldest in prefolds), you can bleach if you need to now and then, dry on hot, soak them, even fabric softener won't really hurt them. I know people that use it on their prefolds every time! You can't kill a prefold.

I'm on my 4th now that I've Cd'd in prefolds and some flats. My oldest is nearly 9 and I've been diapering since then for the most part. I have money now and could buy any diaper system I wanted to be honest, I don't see the point however. Prefolds take maybe 20 sec more to put on, if that. They are easier to wash, as you said without build-up issues. They absorb awesomely well. As long as the cover works they work. Nothing complex about it. On the covers I've had luck w/ cheap ones myself, for awhile I really liked fleece for nighttime but I kept getting build-up so I gave them up. My favorites right now are the bummis whisper wraps, which hold up really well and fit my baby's legs well. I also use dappis though and the bummis pull-on pants, which are both cheap but work.

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I haven't read all the replies so this may be a duplicate, but one very inexpensive thing that gets mentioned on the Diaperswapper forums is using the flour sack towels from Wal Mart as flat diapers, which can be folded in tons of different folds and either pinned or snappied on, OR be pad folded and put into a cover much like you'd tri-fold a prefold to put in a cover.


I think they cost a buck a piece, or maybe $4 for a pack of 3. Econobum covers are a good, inexpensive one-size cover, and I actually have a couple I could send you if you pm me with your address.


I highly suggest joining the diaperswappers forum for info on flat folds and also budget diapering.

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If he's already having absorbancy issues at 6wk old, I'm in serious trouble, lol!! We seriously had leakage after wearing it for about an hour (maybe less) yesterday.


The GMD workhorse fitted is EXACTLY what I'm trying to create by converting a prefold.

We had issues with the alva (and bumgenius) fitting without leaking around the leg until LO was about 15 pounds. Even though it seemed to fit well, it would leak without fail several times a day (and the insert wasn't saturated). The good news is that it gets better and we have been CDing for 18 months now- hope you find some cheap prefolds soon.

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The only solution I found to the around the leg leaks was to switch to wool covers. Once we did that, we never had anymore issues. IMO, the PUL just doesn't hold up as well there for some reason, stress on the fabric, maybe? Anyway, I'd try wool before different diapers. I was scared to use it at first, but for us, it was the only way to prevent leaks consistently. It's easy, much easier than you think, and if you sew, you can upcycle old sweaters, etc very readily. I gave all my cd'ing stuff to my sis, or I'd offer it to you. :(

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So I can use the Gerber cloth diapers from Walmart and crochet some covers????



I think you'd find that really a frustrating and leaky mess because those prefolds are usually filled with poofy polyfill, which does not absorb much of anything. You can get Gerber diaper service quality prefolds at Babies R Us (and maybe Walmart or Target), but those still will not be as absorbent and high quality as a prefold that is truly made for diapering (not just for embellishing as a cute burpcloth or something), like Osocozy, Imagine, GMD, or one of the other quality brands.


For my DS, I stuff pockets with prefolds and we very rarely have leaks---but with my DD, I had a lot of leaks with pockets and I entirely gave up on them. I diapered her in fitteds and wool. Different babies seem to have done better with different systems.

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So I can use the Gerber cloth diapers from Walmart and crochet some covers????



As PP have mentioned, this can be done, but check out which prefolds you are getting. Some are stuffed with nonabsorbable material, for who knows what reason! IIRC, Gerber does make some flats too.

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After reading as much as I can.....I'm now wondering if part of the problem is just simply that I'm leaving them on him too long? I'm (obviously) very used to disposables, and being able to go 3-4hr between changes.

This is probably it. My kids needed changing in CD's every 2 hours. I'd use disposables at night or when we went out for this reason.


Gerber must have changed their pre-fold diapers. The ones that I bought 11 years ago when my dd was a baby worked great. They were lined with a heavy flannel-ish padding. Not polyfill.

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Now this has me thinking (ouch my head hurts), if I can get the decent prefolds (what store can I physically buy this from?) and crochet or hand sew some covers, I might be able to make this work.



You can get flats pretty easily...as people have said, the flour sack towels work well. Or Ikea has burp cloths that work. But if you can find a diaper service near you they will probably be able to sell you some used prefolds cheaply. I know ours doesn't advertise that they do, but I've spoken with the owner and they definitely will do it, I think 50 cents or a dollar a prefold if I remember correctly. And prefolds just get better the more they are used, so used is perfect.

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I've been cloth diapering for 5 yrs now and my favorite thing by far on infants has been flats. They wash easily, dry quickly, are trim, cheap, & absorbent. I love the origami fold for good containment and trimness on itty babies. Snappis are handy, but pins are also really easy if you slide them through your hair before you try to push them through the fabric. They'll slide through really easily like that.


Now about the Alvas: I've never used that brand but if they fit snug, but they're leaking & the insert isn't totally saturated then something's not right. Either the diaper's repelling or the insert is. I'd try pouring some water on each of them and seeing what happens. If the water beads up and rolls around then you'll have found your problem. I know you said the diapers are new, but I've had this issue with new diapers that just needed to be washed more initially to get the manufacturing "stuff" off them. I know a lot of people don't seem to have this problem, but for some reason I personally have. Maybe a water issue in my area, idk. It was a pitb to deal with but the diapers did come around eventually. And yes you can totally use them as covers. You might do that in the meantime & them check them in a couple weeks to see if the leaking problem hasn't resolved.


You can also use old tshirts as diapers, you don't even need to sew them.

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One more thing: I haven't tried flour sack towels as diapers yet, but if you're interested in that you might want to check walmart. The last time I was there they had 3 packs of colored floured flour sack towels for $2. They're red, blue & green. I couldn't resist getting a pack just in case we ever need them for diapers. Or if not I know they'll still be handy in the kitchen or more likely in my house used as super-hero capes :)

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My favorite for little ones was always Indian Prefolds (slightly smaller than CPFs, but more absorbent) with a snappi and Bummis SWW. When they were super young I probably only had 2 or 3 covers. I always used a snappi and then I used the twist variation when putting it on. A quick Google search should find a few pages on the different way to fold prefolds. tbh, prefolds are relatively inexpensive so it was always worth it for me to just buy them. When they were older we used the MEOS, but I had an ever lasting battle with stink. By the time my third child came around I gave up and went to disposables by that point.


I don't have any left or I'd sell them to you. Have you tried the Diaper Swappers forum or Mothering's for sale forum? Oh, and don't forget Craig's List. I sold many a diaper there back in the day.

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I haven't read all the replies so this may be a duplicate, but one very inexpensive thing that gets mentioned on the Diaperswapper forums is using the flour sack towels from Wal Mart as flat diapers, which can be folded in tons of different folds and either pinned or snappied on, OR be pad folded and put into a cover much like you'd tri-fold a prefold to put in a cover.


I think they cost a buck a piece, or maybe $4 for a pack of 3. Econobum covers are a good, inexpensive one-size cover, and I actually have a couple I could send you if you pm me with your address.


I highly suggest joining the diaperswappers forum for info on flat folds and also budget diapering.



I've been reading a lot on diaperswappers the last few days!! It's all still overwhelming, lol.


We had issues with the alva (and bumgenius) fitting without leaking around the leg until LO was about 15 pounds. Even though it seemed to fit well, it would leak without fail several times a day (and the insert wasn't saturated). The good news is that it gets better and we have been CDing for 18 months now- hope you find some cheap prefolds soon.



Hmm....maybe it's a combination of factors then. I can't wait to just find our groove and get going with this!


I've been cloth diapering for 5 yrs now and my favorite thing by far on infants has been flats. They wash easily, dry quickly, are trim, cheap, & absorbent. I love the origami fold for good containment and trimness on itty babies. Snappis are handy, but pins are also really easy if you slide them through your hair before you try to push them through the fabric. They'll slide through really easily like that.


Now about the Alvas: I've never used that brand but if they fit snug, but they're leaking & the insert isn't totally saturated then something's not right. Either the diaper's repelling or the insert is. I'd try pouring some water on each of them and seeing what happens. If the water beads up and rolls around then you'll have found your problem. I know you said the diapers are new, but I've had this issue with new diapers that just needed to be washed more initially to get the manufacturing "stuff" off them. I know a lot of people don't seem to have this problem, but for some reason I personally have. Maybe a water issue in my area, idk. It was a pitb to deal with but the diapers did come around eventually. And yes you can totally use them as covers. You might do that in the meantime & them check them in a couple weeks to see if the leaking problem hasn't resolved.


You can also use old tshirts as diapers, you don't even need to sew them.



Okay....I will try that and see what happens!


Here is a pattern for sewing your own prefolds.



Here is a link to many other diaper style patterns.



Thank you!!


Do you care if the colors are girly? I have bumgenius pockets I'm done with I could send you for shipping. Some are yellow or green, but many are pink. Many would benefit from new velcro; bumgenis sells new velcro tab kits for I think $1 per diaper. PM me if you're interested. I also have a number of fitteds made from prefolds I could send. They are largely girly colors as well.





I have some small FuzziBunz pockets with inserts and cloth wipes I would be willing to sell for cheap! I think I have a little over a dozen in boy colors- royal blue, orange and light blue! PM for more information!



I will PM you both :) Thanks!

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I have some small FuzziBunz pockets with inserts and cloth wipes I would be willing to sell for cheap! I think I have a little over a dozen in boy colors- royal blue, orange and light blue! PM for more information!



I tried to PM you, but it wouldn't let me?!? It kept saying that I hadn't entered your name appropriately even though I went to the message screen straight from your profile. Anyway....can you PM me please?

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