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I'm so frustrated with my weight!! :(


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I'm about to go insane. Seriously. I'm so frustrated. I was overweight as a teen. I lost it all and kept it off until I got pregnant when I gained a ton. I got pregnant again fairly quickly so I didn't lose the weight between #1 and #2 but I was able to get all the weight off after #2 and #3. I don't lose weight while nursing for some reason but it usually drops right off after I wean. I lost 60 lbs in 6 months after #2 and 30 in 3 lbs in 3 months after #3. Then I got pregnant with #4. Right after she was born I was able to get down to about 15 lbs over my pregnancy weight where I stalled out for a long time. I was nursing so I thought it was no big deal. Then my weight slowly started to creep up where I'm now within 15 lbs of where I was when I was full term with #4. So that's super fun.


I weaned in December but the weight didn't drop off this time much to my dismay. I usually have good results with low carb so I started that in January. I felt horrible and lost 2 lbs in 2 months.I switched to Body for Life at the start of March and I initially lost 6 lbs with that but now I've gained that back so I'm right back where I started in January. I feel much better on Body for Life than low carb but the weight WILL NOT COME OFF. Yes, I'm gaining muscle but am I seriously doomed to weigh this amount for the rest of my life? I don't live and die by the scale and I know I'm gaining muscle but I'm not losing fat. I'm SO discouraged. I just don't even know what to do. Body for Life is six small meals a day, 3 days of heavy lifting and 3 days of interval training with a "cheat/rest" day once a week. I've always gotten amazing results with this. I do have a thyroid issue and my dr actually upped my medicine in February but it doesn't seem to be doing anything. I do have a call in to my dr and I asked to be referred to an endocrinologist. Maybe I have a hormonal issue? Blah, I don't know what to do.

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I wouldn't get too discouraged. Building that muscle does put a damper on weighloss and it seems like it gets harder as we get older. I stayed at a high weight for a very long time but started looking fit with consistency and eventually the pounds started falling off. The good thing is it stays off with the muscle I've built up--even when I'm not trying to diet. I did up my cardio workouts which also helped push it over the edge.

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Thanks for the encouragement. I'm hoping my general dr will refer me to an endocrinologist. I had one years ago who dx me with hypoglecmia and PCOS but they are too far away to use now. If my general dr won't refer I'm going to talk to my gyn about it since I'm sure this has something to do with PCOS, hormones, etc. I see him next month for my annual anyway. I am going to try to up my cardio but I'll admit that I'm having trouble getting in the exercise I'm doing now. I do get it done but it's hard fitting it in with 4 kid and a hubby who works all the time. I've got to find a way to make this happen though. It's so frustrating. :(

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Yeah, you need an endo consult. I have PCOS, but no weight issues with it. But if you already have a thyroid issue and PCOS, that certainly makes weight loss more challenging.


When you LCd, were you following a plan or winging it? I know some people really don't lose well on LC until they follow an actual plan (Atkins with the various rungs, etc.).


If you were diagnosed with hypoglycemia and PCOS, it sounds like there's a good chance you are insulin resistant. Have you ever been tested? I would have my endo have me tested (typically 2 or 3 hour GTT with insulin levels at each draw). A regular glucose tolerance test won't tell you everything you need to know; you have to see how the insulin responds at each step too (many GPs would not know this).


Given your history, your doc should not give you any grief about a referral. If he or she does, I'd find a new doctor. PCOS really is an endocrine disease and is far more complex than just the "women's health" issues people think of. Add in the possibility of insulin resistance, a diagnosed thryoid issue, etc. then IMO you *need* to see an endocrinologist!


IME, many GPs and OB/GYNs are woefully inadequate at treating PCOS, let alone the thyroid stuff you have. I would push hard to find an endo in your area. Have you been to soulcysters? They have a list of PCOS-knowledgeable docs there that might be helpful if you can't get into an endo and must work with an OB/GYN. I have not had good experiences with typical OB/GYNs for PCOS at all. Inadequate or incomplete testing, not up to date on research or recommendations, blatantly being told I couldn't have pcos since I'm not overweight, etc.

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I am determined that I will carry on regardless of my weight but it sure is discouraging when I'm working this hard and nothing is happening. I just don't understand WHY and it's so frustrating.


I haven't had the IR tests. I did a 6 hour glucose test 10 years ago when I was dx with hypglycemia but nothing since then.

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Some docs won't even test for IR in those with PCOS because they now just assume most women with PCOS are IR. Especially if overweight, it is highly likely.


If you do want to be tested for IR, make sure they do the GTT with insulin draws at each draw. Ask me how I know. My reproductive endo once wrote a script for that bloodwork and they only drew the glucose levels like they do with a regular GTT. So I had to do it over (fasting again and all :cursing: ) which is why I always make a big note of it to people who are considering getting it done. Make sure they pull both insulin and glucose levels at each draw, or you'll get an incomplete picture of what is happening. And "normal" results won't tell you much; IMO, you need someone who knows how to read the test, because what you are looking for is more subtle. An endo is going to look at how your body responds and how much insulin it dumps out in response to a glucose load.

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Low carb is hard, but it really does work. I just hate the Atkins version of it. Join this FACEBOOK group: https://www.facebook...rimhealthymamas and really consider getting their book. I did and I have been on their plan for two weeks now. I LOVE it. It is low carb, but NOT Atkins low carb. It includes all your food groups and allows you to feel really satisfied. Plus it was written by two homeschool moms. I have never liked a diet before so for me to say I LOVE it is really big. I have lost about 3.5 lbs in the two weeks I have been on the plan. Many MANY have lost much more.


As far as your medical issues go, I think this diet could really help with that. A friend of mine who has similar issues as you found success with weight loss by limiting sugar spikes and that is exactly what this diet does.


I also recommend looking into C25K for cardio. It is wonderful as well. I love Body for Life for toning and have had success with that as well.


Finally, for keeping track of things (although you don't have to) I like Fitness Pal.

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I have tried Atkins and South Beach. They have worked for me in the past but the last two times I've tried it they have done nothing for me. They actually make me feel nauseated and incredibly tired. Body for Life does help control blood sugar spikes since you never eat a carb alone but always with a protein. I'll look into the group above though.

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:grouphug: Girl, I have the same struggles...in fact, I could have written that post. I also have thyroid issues and no amount of medication seems to help me lose weight on standard "diets". Whole 30 (no grains, no dairy, no sugar, no legumes, etc) and adding in intermittent fasting is the only thing that has ever worked for me. I tried Weight watchers, low carbing, etc to no avail. Most people go on Whole 30 for 30 days, I went on it last June and I have had to view it as a lifestyle. I do feel so much better, my tastes have changed, and eventually you find it worth the sacrifices.

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I finally lost all the baby weight after 4 kids. I have blood sugar issues (used to be hypoglycemic, but after 4 kids went to pre-diabetic) and a low thyroid (kept in check with medication.) Over a period of 2-3 years I went from eliminating all refined sugar, to eliminating all refined flour, potatoes and rice, now I'm down to no grains at all or starchy foods. This final step got the last 10 pounds off. If I was to do it all over again I would have gone hard core off everything that has sugar, starch, or grains and got it over with much more quickly. However, I didn't know until now that it was the grains/starches that was keeping my tummy pudgy and my digestion was messed up from it too (whoda thunk?) So, if I was to do it all over again I'd just go hard core GAPS Intro (take a month on this - or more) and then start adding in some natural sugars, like fruit and transition into the SCD lifestyle - avoiding sugars and starches 99% of the time.




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I agree with Michelle! I am doing trim healthy mama too and have lost 7 pounds so far and have only been on the plan for 4 weeks. I have never been able to lose more than 3 pounds in my own. I tried to do hflc on my own and I couldn't figure it out until I started trim healthy mama. I love their plan and the foods I get to eat!

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Thanks for the encouragement. I'm hoping my general dr will refer me to an endocrinologist. I had one years ago who dx me with hypoglecmia and PCOS but they are too far away to use now. If my general dr won't refer I'm going to talk to my gyn about it since I'm sure this has something to do with PCOS, hormones, etc. I see him next month for my annual anyway. I am going to try to up my cardio but I'll admit that I'm having trouble getting in the exercise I'm doing now. I do get it done but it's hard fitting it in with 4 kid and a hubby who works all the time. I've got to find a way to make this happen though. It's so frustrating. :(



Most insurances do not require a referral to a specialist. You can ask them for a name or do your own research and make an appointment. :grouphug:

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I feel your pain. I BLOW UP with my pregnancies... I lost about 50 pounds before I got pregnant with ds and gained all of that back and then some despite exercise every single day and watching what I ate. (I was active, okay.. I went to Disney in JUNE at 8 months pregnant and walked for about 12 hours a day.)


I gained about 85 pounds.




Im starting something new today.. so Im right there with you in hoping something WORKS. No advice really, I just know how bad it stinks :(

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I'm so sorry. Can you try totally paleo? I love marksdailyapple and I let myself have a treat on one weekend day, although it makes the next day much harder. I had to give up all diet sodas. Also, read about consuming a good amount of coconut oil in your diet. Many people find that the more of it they eat, the more they lose. No grains, no peanuts, honey not sugar, no dairy. The 7 day email lessons from marksdailyapple helped me too.

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I finally lost all the baby weight after 4 kids. I have blood sugar issues (used to be hypoglycemic, but after 4 kids went to pre-diabetic) and a low thyroid (kept in check with medication.) Over a period of 2-3 years I went from eliminating all refined sugar, to eliminating all refined flour, potatoes and rice, now I'm down to no grains at all or starchy foods. This final step got the last 10 pounds off. If I was to do it all over again I would have gone hard core off everything that has sugar, starch, or grains and got it over with much more quickly. However, I didn't know until now that it was the grains/starches that was keeping my tummy pudgy and my digestion was messed up from it too (whoda thunk?) So, if I was to do it all over again I'd just go hard core GAPS Intro (take a month on this - or more) and then start adding in some natural sugars, like fruit and transition into the SCD lifestyle - avoiding sugars and starches 99% of the time.







I was very hypoglycemic and pre-diabetic and this is what I did. BUTBUTBUT, my thyroid levels came back ok. I lost a lot of weight, but I quit everything sugar/grain/starch all in one day. Since then I developed a dairy allergy and quit all of that, too.


To combat all of that loss of sugar calories, I eat an obscene amount of fat. And, if I don't eat enough, I am hungry all the time and start having wretched cravings. But my cholesterol levels came back fantastic, so I'm much more at ease with it now.


Hopefully you'll figure it out!

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Oh yeah I blow up with my pregnancies! I've never gained less than 50 lbs no matter HOW hard I try. Add in bedrest the last two pregnancies and I was quite out of shape when my youngest was born even though I tried really hard the whole time! That is frustrating! Lifting makes me feel much better and I feel like I'm getting strong again but I can't get the FAT off. Grrrr.


I think I'm going to go grain free for awhile and skip the cheat day on Body for Life for a few weeks and see what happens. I enjoy my cheat days but maybe it's keeping me from losing.

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It's 20 minutes of hiit on the elliptical or stair climber. 4 cycles. Typically I don't do anything else on those days.




I would try plyometrics if your knees can take it. Dr. Oz has a 15-20 minute workout by Shaun T on his website. I don't think 20 minutes of HIIT alone is enough for that day.

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My dr said my labs for the thyroid were fine so I didn't need to go to an endocrinologist. Blah. I'm going to try my gyn when I go for my annual in a few weeks. Most any kind of specialist around here requires a referral. I downloaded that book Trim Healthy Mama. I'm pretty much already eating that way although I do mix some healthy fats with carbs sometimes. I'll read up on it more!

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