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How bad an idea is this?


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Sounds like a bad idea to me, although I'm not sure how to get around it.


Tomorrow afternoon I have to be at the co-op site to register for dd's classes and go through the interview process (as a new member). They prefer parents not bring their children (because between the wait, the interview, and the registration, it takes a couple hours).


Our sitter recently obtained an out of the home job, so that's a no-go.


One of my awesome neighbors can stay until 3:30. I *should* be home by then, but she absolutely has to leave at that point to pick up her niece and nephew from school. If I'm NOT home by then, it would only be by about 10 minutes (it's a bit of a drive and I'm not sure how school traffic affects that part of town, that time of day.


My almost 12 year old daughter insists she can watch the boys if I'm running behind by 10 minutes. Yes, I know it'll only be 10 minutes, but she's only ever watched the boys while I'm in the house, or out in the yard (and even when I'm in the yard, she hasn't really watched the 10 month old, just the 3 year old for a few minutes).


She is very responsible and watches them while I'm showering or doing dishes... but again, I'm home and generally in sight or just a yell away.


It is a close knit neighborhood and the houses are fairly on top of each other. She has a cell phone.


Part of me feels silly for worrying about it - it would only be for 10 minutes. The other part of me worries - what if I get stuck in more traffic than I think, what if it runs more than 10 minutes, what if Medical Marvel Marco gets himself in a pickle again (the 10 month old who finds a way to injure himself almost daily - climbing, letting go because he THINKS he can walk on his own, finding things on the freshly swept floor to put in his mouth)....


I just don't know.

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It's only 10 minutes and only maybe. I'd have no problem letting her watch them. I was baby-sitting at 11. My daughter started watching her brothers for short periods of time at 11 and now watches them for a couple hours at a time. Starting with 10 minutes it's perfect IMO. I'd be willing to bet she'll do an extra good job to prior she can.

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You'll be fine. Breathe.

Worst case, you have to excuse yourself a few minutes earlier than you'd like in order to be home at the time you're comfortable with.

And tell your daughter to not hesitate to call 911 if she thinks she needs help.

She won't. Don't focus on worst case scenarios. This is one of the GOOD things about having an older kid who wants to help!

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Can you take the baby with you but leave the 12 and 3 year old with the neighbor?

I could, but the baby coming is the larger issue (moreso than the almost 4 year old) - if the baby has to stay standing in line for over an hour, then sit quietly for another hour while I interview and register, he will do nothing but scream, want to get down, play, etc. <----- this would cause a distraction to the others registering and interviewing since it's an open area.

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She's almost 12? I think it's fine. Do you have another neighbor you could ask to be "on standby" in the unlikely event she needs something and you're stuck in traffic?


I do actually (have on that can be on standby). She works from her home office, so she can't leave her home to sit with the children, but she could certainly be here in two seconds flat if an emergency came up.

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I think it sounds fine. Just let the registration people know that you have a hard stop at X time (make it 5 minutes earlier than when you need to leave), and then remind them again 5 min. before you need to leave. They're probably all moms themselves, so they should understand the need to leave on time due to child care. Even if your DD ends up being by herself with the boys for a few minutes, she sounds perfectly capable.

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Another thought is to get there a few minutes early (or contact them today) explain the situation ans ask if it is possible for you to go through the process more quickly or be one of the first ones processed. If this is a homeschool friendly co-op asking you not to bring your dc, to me, that is sort of crazy. I wouldn't be able to do it.

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Guest submarines

The only problem that I see here is that you might end up driving more anxiously than normal. I wouldn't focus on the "10 minutes" part. Give yourself a good half an hour to an hour to get home. Your daughter is capable of watching the younger two for an hour.


I think your DD would also feel more confident if she has the time to settle into watching them, and she wouldn't be expecting you to come home any minute. When someone is expecting "help" to arrive any minute, it is more difficult to "turn on" one's own independent thinking.


But of course you'd be home in 10 minutes. It will be fine. :-)

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Another thought is to get there a few minutes early (or contact them today) explain the situation ans ask if it is possible for you to go through the process more quickly or be one of the first ones processed. If this is a homeschool friendly co-op asking you not to bring your dc, to me, that is sort of crazy. I wouldn't be able to do it.

They didn't ask us not to bring them - more suggested it wouldn't be preferable. It is a homeschool co-op, but it's the largest here and open registration for new members can, from what I understand, take hours. We are given timeslots for our interview, so I can't ask to be processed first. We CAN bring our children, but if it takes as long as I hear, I agree with their advice that it's preferable to have a sitter, lol. I can't imagine occupying the younger children for that long in an open registration area quietly enough that they wouldn't cause a disturbance, kwim?

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You have an adult who could be there in two seconds flat..I would feel fine with this, and I'm pretty conservative when it comes to leaving children with a young babysitter.


I do actually (have on that can be on standby). She works from her home office, so she can't leave her home to sit with the children, but she could certainly be here in two seconds flat if an emergency came up.

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The fact that it will be a very short time, along with having another neighbor who can be there very quickly in case of an emergency... I think it would be fine. One thing that paranoid me would wonder... What is your state law regarding children home alone? I know in some states it can be strict.


Also... I don't know what the usual schedule is, but could Marco the Marvel go down for a nap shortly before your neighbor leaves? DD would have to keep an eye out to make sure he didn't get up or out, but wouldnt have to entertain him the whole time. Just a thought....

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I normally err of the side of caution, but I have to say at age 12 I babysat my siblings ages 8,7,6 and baby under the age of one for a LOT longer than 10 minutes. In the pre-cellphone era of course. I'd say as long as you trust your 12 year old to stay on top of things, it'll be fine.

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Um. I would probably skip the neighbor babysitting all together and leave them with the 12 year old. (Although not as the first time being left in charge) The ten month old is the one that is worrisome but my rule with my teen babysitters and that age is that they must be able to touch them at all times. Their job is to stay with them and entertain them. No computer etc. teach her what to do if he does find something to choke on and then let her prove herself. She is plenty old enough for this responsibility.

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