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Desiring a change in life (CC)

Guest Tim

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I am new to the board, (only posted once here) though my wife has been using them for years as we homeschool and really appreciate WTM. I have probably kind of an unusual question.


If you were to choose another place in the world to live, realistically speaking, where would you live? I am in ministry (a pastor/church planter) and have become increasingly frustrated/disappointed with living in America. Don't get me wrong, I love my country, but.... the lack of openness to the gospel, the materialism, the rat race gets to me. I have read about numerous people who have left America and the rat race and love it. Not the 60s drop out mentality, but shredding the box and enjoying life in new ways. I want to work, be used for Christ, and still enjoy life (something I do not see enough of).


My question is where are good places throughout the world that are safe, warm and by the ocean.... a necessity for a surfer, and where there is a need for the gospel that would be a good place to leave it all behind and start over while having a family? I am open to ministry or non ministry jobs just for clarification, but will always have this as a part of my life even if it is not my vocation. Any insight, people who have done this, websites, or books to start the thought process would be helpful.



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Oh Friend, come to life in Nova Scotia, Canada!


Surfin' and preachin' by the ocean . . . not nearly as expensive as the West Coast, safe, great quality of life! Editted to say that it's not always warm here . . .


Good luck with your life change!


Warmly, Tricia

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:001_smile: (I really look forward to visiting Nova Scotia one day!)


Seriously though, I live in a remote area that is in need of the gospel. We home church for this reason.


Cost of living is cheaper in my rural area but warm . . . well "moderate coastal climate" would describe our area.

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It's a different kind of "closed" to the gospel. Not closed to gospel ethics, which is what, I think, you're talking about. But closed to anything remotely spiritual. They're also very suspicious of religious fundamentalism, which they define as any religious practice that makes you look different.


We had friends that were missionary pastors there. They left after 25 years, having seen almost no conversions, and only a little spiritual growth in their congregation in those 25 years. And I would say that they had been good, patient, insightful, and challenging pastors.


There is some resurgence in French Catholicism. Some French Catholics are becoming "croyant" in a real and living way. But most of French Catholicism is just . . . I don't know, French secular thought with a veneer of spirituality. French protestantism is dreary as can be. The Pentecostal Africans are breathing some life into the country, but, as I said, mainline Frenchies are pretty suspicious of that sort of thing.


All of that means that if you do mentor an actual conversion to Christ over there, you've got a serious Christian. Every person I met who was converted to Christ as an adult (and I only met a handful) were on fire. It takes a serious act of God to get people to accept Christ over there, and once they do, they go full throttle.


I love France. I'd go back in a heartbeat. But if I were going as a pastor, I would go with my eyes wide open.

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I can't give you any advice on where to go but I do like the above suggestions.


I just wanted to let you know we would be praying for you.


We live in Northern VA and it is difficult. This area is one to avoid. Life here is very transient and one spends so much time sitting on the highway, people are too tired or too busy to do anything else but go to work, go home, to bed and then all over again.


It makes it challenging to create well meaning friendships in this area. We also deal with the wide range of family economies and the military. As much as I love our home church.....it is filled with cliques... When you are different, you really stand out.


I wish you the best on your search.......

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I have to smile and the Canadian coast suggestions; much as I love Canada, those places don't bring to mind either "warm" or "surfing".;) One of my Swiss brothers-in-law is moving soon to southwest Australia (south of Perth) so I've been poking around online, looking into that area. It's luvverly. I doubt the folks there are any more or less open to the Gospel than are the folks here, but it'd meet all your other qualifications. Check it out!:)

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I have to smile and the Canadian coast suggestions; much as I love Canada, those places don't bring to mind either "warm" or "surfing".;) One of my Swiss brothers-in-law is moving soon to southwest Australia (south of Perth) so I've been poking around online, looking into that area. It's luvverly. I doubt the folks there are any more or less open to the Gospel than are the folks here, but it'd meet all your other qualifications. Check it out!:)


I'm with Colleen, because I've always had a hankering to go to Australia. While my completely unbiased;);) opinion is that the Canadian south west coast is the most beautiful place in the world (having grown up there), it rains, rains, rains.


As for being open to the gospel, I just heard an amazing account of a huge revival going on in India. However, in India the word "Christian" is considered negative, and this huge revival, with lots of major healings, etc, is happening amongst "biblical unitarians" who believe the Bible & tell people they worship the one, true God but aren't "Christians" (the word was coined by those against Christianity, fyi)--people who believe Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life, the only begotten son of God, but not the trinity. I mean, this is HUGE--thousands of people converting as those won speak out.

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Our pastors are there right now. They are totally in love with the country. The people are wild with hunger for the Gospel. I really had no idea that there were so many Hindu Indians there, but there are quite a few. Loads of fresh fruit, palm trees and beaches. But land is very expensive, due to it becoming a more popular resort area.


I hope we get a chance to go in the near future!



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I'm going to dissent here. I think you should stay where you are. I think satan can use discouragement and frustration to make you think you're failing or at least, not succeeding. Thing is, you can't see the big picture. You may not see things happening, but that doesn't mean they aren't. In situations like this, I always think of this song:


I dreamed I went to Heaven, you were there with me.

We walked upon the streets of gold beside the Crystal Sea.

We heard the angels singing, then someone called your name.

You turned and saw this young man, and he was smiling as he came.


He said, "Friend you may not know me now," and then he said, "But wait -

You used to teach my Sunday School, when I was only eight.

And every week you would say a prayer before the class would start.

And one day when you said that prayer,

I asked Jesus in my heart."



Thank you for giving to the Lord,

I am a life that was changed.

Thank you for giving to the Lord,

I am so glad you gave.


Then another man stood before you, he said "Remember the time,

A missionary came to your church, His pictures made you cry.

You didn't have much money but you gave it anyway.

Jesus took that gift you gave

And that's why I'm in Heaven today"



Thank you for giving to the Lord,

I am a life that was changed.

Thank you for giving to the Lord,

I am so glad you gave.


One by one they came, far as your eyes could see.

Each life somehow touched by your generosity.

Little things that you had done, sacrifices that you made,

They were unnoticed on this earth

In Heaven now proclaimed.



Thank you for giving to the Lord,

I am a life that was changed.

Thank you for giving to the Lord,

I am so glad you gave.


And I know up in Heaven you're not supposed to cry

But I am almost sure there were tears in your eyes

As Jesus took your hand and you stood before the Lord

He said "My child look around you,

Great is your reward."



Thank you for giving to the Lord,

I am a life that was changed.

Thank you for giving to the Lord,

I am so glad you gave,

I am so glad you gave.



I encourage you to press on. If you leave the US, let it be without negative feelings and discouragement. :)

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I have to smile and the Canadian coast suggestions; much as I love Canada, those places don't bring to mind either "warm" or "surfing".;) One of my Swiss brothers-in-law is moving soon to southwest Australia (south of Perth) so I've been poking around online, looking into that area. It's luvverly. I doubt the folks there are any more or less open to the Gospel than are the folks here, but it'd meet all your other qualifications. Check it out!:)


Surfing in Nova Scotia means a full wet suit . . . and only for 4 months of the year.


Oh, but winter life is wonderful here -- sledding, skating, winter hiking . . .


East Coast National Parks are beyond wonderful . . . lobster, smoked salmon, mussells . . .


Be blessed!




ps: Come visit, Colleen -- you'll love East Coast life!

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We are in the ministry, too, in an area that is definitely rat race country. One of the things my dh tries to teach is that we are to be salt and light in our primary mission field--family and work. Some people come to church and think they have to find time to be involved in things that happen at church, forgetting that the bulk of their time is spent at work and at home. They try to volunteer for too much, not seeing what is right in front of them everyday. So, we try to help them not think of church/ministry/Christianity/working for God (whatever you call it) as a Sunday/Church thing. It's hard, esp, for the guys who work in offices or the gov't, to see how to be a Christian there, how to bring the Gospel there, when you can't necessarily start a Bible study or something similar.

I work with the women who want a deeper relationship with Christ--there is such a hunger that isn't filled by "loving the questions," as is popular in my denomination. They get burned out so easily, juggling home, work, family, school. Dh gets to work as a clergyman, so he has the luxury of always being at church (or with family)--his work IS ministry--but what we want others to see is that THEIRS is, too.


We all need rest, and maybe that's where you are. We are getting ready to take our 3 weeks off--when is the last time you took some vacation?

Or, there's this--


The rat race can be a pretty exciting place to those who wake up each day, surrendered to whatever ministry God will place in their hands (to be given back, of course!), wherever they are. When you take away the line between Sunday and Monday, all spaces become sacred; all times, whether of work or play, of contemplation or action, become times of worship.


I encourage you to a shift in perspective. Seek out the desire of your heart. It isn't warmth, peace or time to surf. It's Jesus, dear Bro. Yep, it's tempting to say it's easier to find him when you aren't in the middle of the muck, but he's there, too. Wanting something better in life is good--keep searching, but know your treasure when you find Him.

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Are you in an area where you can focus on outreach to international students?? My husband and I have this kind of Christian ministry and it's *awesome*! With international students you have some HUGE things going for you: people from other nations who WANT to be befriended and who are usually open to discussion of new ideas/beliefs; no new language to learn -- they want YOUR help to learn YOUR language; no need to uproot your family to be an effective witness to the nations of the world.


We live three blocks from a state university, but that's because we've chosen to -- you don't have to live this close to a college to be effective in this type of outreach. Some specific ideas: You can run a weekly English conversation club where students practice their English skills (not promoted as a Christian event, but the conversation topic of the week can touch on spiritual issues); you can befriend certain students (2-3) and commit to them while they are in America, having them over every few weeks, checking on the via email, taking them on outings with your family, etc. (church can be included in this if they are interested); you can have a weekly Friday night free dinner and then worship time, Bible study and fellowship -- we call this "International Christian Fellowship"; you can have fun weekend retreats with some spiritual content ...


These are just some ideas that we are familiar with!


Here are some links for you:




And here are some books:

The World At Your Door by Tom Phillips

Who Is My Neighbor by Phillip and Kandace Connor (available at lulu.com)


Please let me know if this interests you and/or you'd like more information.

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Costa Rica! Dh and I visited in 2005. We stayed on the Pacific side in a little town outside of Tamarindo. We went out to eat and on the way home we spotted an outside worship service, it was pretty cool. The people are humble and friendly. I move there in an instant if that was an option.


Seriously, we can't tell you where to go. Dh and I both grew up in the midwest and love the beach. We don't surf, but did I mention we love the beach? We waited for God' word to move to Florida, timing was never right. He moved us to Louisiana instead. Not my first choice, but we are near the beach, well closer than Missouri anyway. This is a temporary spot for us and we are already feeling God's urging to a different place. We would have never been open to that had we not first come here.


So God may take you through a series of places before you get to the "right" spot. Be open, he's got something great in store for you. May HE speak boldy to you and through you.

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Hi Tim,


I can certainly understand the desire to leave and start over somewhere fresh and leave the "rat race." But, is this your desire or a leading of the Holy Spirit that you're experiencing? It's really important to know the answer to that before doing anything else. Just because we desire or want something, doesn't mean that it's God leading us. And I know you probably know this already but it's good for us to be reminded sometimes.


An area that is dark and cold and not opened to the gospel still needs Christian witnesses...probably more so then the areas that are open to it.


"And let us not grow weary while doing good for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart." Gal 6:9


Some are called to plant, some to water, some to harvest. You may just be a planter or waterer right now. How can we harvest if no one has planted or watered? Planting and watering are of the utmost importance. People may seem closed and unresponsive but you never know how what you've planted will blossom and take root. You may never know this side of heaven. It think this is why God encourages us to "not lose heart."


It sounds as if you are discouraged but take heart. It's God's job to save - not ours. We just have to remain faithful to what God has called us to...that's it. Just remain faithful.


I pray that God will encourage you and give you a fresh vision for what he has for you and your family. :001_smile:

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Oh Friend, come to life in Nova Scotia, Canada!


That's funny!! I was thinking the same thing as I read the OP!!


We've got surfing (google Lawrencetown Beach Nova Scotia), gorgeous uncrowded beaches, diversity of cultures in this province, new immigrants arriving all the time from around the world, and a laid back way of life. As restless as dh and I get (former missionaries here), I have come to appreciate this area of the world. It's absolutely gorgeous here in the summer and fall (May to November), and it's not as freezing cold as what you hear about in Alberta or Ontario. The northern coast is on the Northumberland Strait, which has warmer water, warmer beaches, and a ferry to beautiful, red-sand Prince Edward Island. And we just visited Cape Breton a few weeks ago for the first time in 14 years, and parts of it are just breathtaking.


EDIT: We also have free health care, and one of the best women's and children's hospitals east of Ontario! Homeschooling is easy in this province, too. Register in Sept., report what you did in June. No required amount of hours or days, no particular reporting format.

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Sounds like you should stay in the rat race that needs the gospel or move to the Middle East...lots of beach I understand.

When you say people are not open to the gospel where you are, is it THE gospel (ICor 15:3,4 and Gal.1:8) or the modern gospel that says "just accept Jesus and your life will have purpose and be hunky dory"? I am not trying to be snarky, brother, but I see people all around me right here who are very open to the Gospel when they understand that we are all sinners in need of a Savior. Most people don't "need" life enhancement or whatever the modern gospel promises but when they actually examine their lives looking at God's standard of the ten commandments and see that no one could ever possibly keep them then they are ready to hear the good news that God provided a Savior for them. That they need, we need, Jesus' righteousness. Nothing else has eternal significance, not health, not wealth, not happiness, not "purpose", etc.

You may very well be preaching THE Gospel and if you are I say press on with it and pray that God shows you where to be. Read 1Peter4:14 and be encouraged. But if your gospel is a feel-good squishy one then I can see why there is a problem.

I will be praying for you.


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I don't think Australia is the answer. We had a neighbour who felt just the same as you do and moved to Scotland. Do you work with the Christian Unions at universities? They tend to be a lot more encouraging than the average population. There's lots of kids there trying to be grown up who are there looking for direction and someone to be their new mum and dad until they find their feet.


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I can't tell you what *you* should do.


If *I* were in this situation I think I would go about it differently. I would start looking for jobs or at organizations I wanted to work for and go from there. I wouldn't start with the place to live. Where you should live will fall into place as it should.


Have you considered joining the military as a chaplain? Have you considered joining the Peace Corps? Or some other NGO? I would sit down and really pray about what kind of work God is leading you to do and start from there.

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I agree w/ those who say you can't choose; you have to follow the Lord. At the same time, though, how do you do that, esp if the whole world is open to you?


I think as you pray for direction, among other things, he's likely to put a place on your heart. As you suspect a destination, pray for the people there. I think God gives us a special burden or love or something for the people to whom he's called us, & as we pray for them, that compassion grows.


GL to you & your family. I hope you find peace where you are or direction to where you are called. :001_smile:

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I am new to the board, (only posted once here) though my wife has been using them for years as we homeschool and really appreciate WTM. I have probably kind of an unusual question.


If you were to choose another place in the world to live, realistically speaking, where would you live? I am in ministry (a pastor/church planter) and have become increasingly frustrated/disappointed with living in America. Don't get me wrong, I love my country, but.... the lack of openness to the gospel, the materialism, the rat race gets to me. I have read about numerous people who have left America and the rat race and love it. Not the 60s drop out mentality, but shredding the box and enjoying life in new ways. I want to work, be used for Christ, and still enjoy life (something I do not see enough of).


My question is where are good places throughout the world that are safe, warm and by the ocean.... a necessity for a surfer, and where there is a need for the gospel that would be a good place to leave it all behind and start over while having a family? I am open to ministry or non ministry jobs just for clarification, but will always have this as a part of my life even if it is not my vocation. Any insight, people who have done this, websites, or books to start the thought process would be helpful.




I was in Israel a few years ago at the Feast of Tabernacles. Many different countries had come together in Jerusalem to worship and pray. I was astonished at how many different people from all over the world came up to me to pray for me because I was from the United States. They were burdened for our Nation for exactly the reasons you stated. They had a heart for us because of all the missionaries that came out of our country and brought the gospel to them, but now they realized we were really the ones in need of a spiritual awakening. This nation needs Godly men and women as much if not more than other nations of the world. It isn't going to get easier, kwim?


Sounds like you are exhausted and weary, Tim. I will pray you hear from the Lord.

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