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A Sunday Chat

Jean in Newcastle

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It's a positively brilliantly sunny day with Carolina blue skies, even if it's cooler than usual for this time of year. I am about halfway through organizing and purging the master closet, which is a Herculean task. Dh and our sons were finally able to ready the raised beds and plant more hydrangeas. Older dd was well enough today to participate in a cancer walk for her school. All in all, it's been a lovely weekend.


Asparagus is the first spring food that pops into my mind too, but I don't want to be redundant, so how about the earliest baby sweet peas?


Oh, and I love to sing, but I never sing in the shower. It's one of the only times I can be alone with my thoughts in blissful silence.

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Hmm...Strawberries make me think of Spring :) We had some lovely sweet ones at the expo we went to yesterday that were nearly as big as my fist! I'll bring those.


It's a humid sunny day with a high of 80.


When I sing in the shower, I sing songs by Native Deen.

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It's only cloudy here, no rain.


I can't think of any one food that makes me think of spring, at the moment.


I don't sing in the shower.


My weekend was pretty good. DH and I were somewhat more productive around the house than our normal sit and vegetate state. We got the garage straightened up a bit, plus did a little rearranging in the living room. He's heading in to work in a little bit (night shift), and a I think I will do some work in the bedroom, getting my scrapbooking stuff moved out of there for my evening productivity.

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It's not spring until I see daffodils :) I also love that smell of fresh turned dirt (yay! garden!).


Food wise - fresh greens. Baby lettuces and spinach that are picked before they're technically ready because you are too impatient.


Today is (was) a gorgeous 75 with a nice breeze - sun shining, birds singing. I was hoping to get out and work in the garden plot I'm trying to carve out of the solid clay behind our house, but DS2 has been throwing up all afternoon so I've just had to watch the pretty day from inside and enjoy the fresh air through the windows.


Any singing done in the shower is usually done inside my head and usually just happens to be whatever song is stuck in my brain. Lately it has been Maroon 5's "One More Night". Not sure why... maybe because DH has been on a Voice kick lately?

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I don't sing in the shower if anyone is home. When I do it's the national anthem lol.


Pot luck... I'm in the mood for Asian salad with crispy won ton strips, sugar snap peas, dried cranberries, and seasme dressing.

(Ironically I bought all this today for lunch tomorrow but I'm thinking it will be dinner tonight lol)


Yesterday was great hubby was off, 7 of 11 children where not home they where on visitations. It was super nice to just be our family of 6 for a day. Today hubs and I had sometime out alone that almost never happens!

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Nice day here. Church, nice lunch at Texas Roadhouse, and then picked up older boys from camp.


Thankful all my babies are home safe and sound now.


Potluck? Well, last night we went to one and I brought spaghetti bake. It was the easiest thing I could think of!


Sing in the shower? I used to, not usually now. Although now I am sining "California Girls" by Katy Perry in my head.

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Spring makes me hungry for mango. I'll bring a nice mango and pineapple salsa.


My weekend was productive, so very good. Lots done, lots more yet to do!


I put on the radio when I shower, so I can be found singing to just about anything - just depends what station the last person left it on :) I sing all genres equally awful.

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I cleaned house Saturday and then went to see the nonexistent cherry blossoms... But we still had fun.

I also got some shopping done and either did really well, budget-wise' or totally overspent, depending who you ask...lol


I'm not sure what foods say SPRING to me... Maybe asparagus, like you mentioned, Jean. I just learned a nice way to cook it--roasted with salt and olive oil.


I love to sing in the shower! Best if no one else is home, tho. For their sake's mostly.

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I think of strawberries when I think of spring, so I'll bring a Strawberry Pie.


Weekend was okay. Magpie woke up on Saturday with a fever of 102. It's made it down to 101 today, so we'll see how tomorrow goes.


My usual go-to in the shower song is Blackbird by The Beatles. It resonates really well off of tile. :laugh:

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I can't think of a food, but flowers remind me of spring. The Bradford pears are blooming.


I will bring the centerpieces. Fresh bouquets in mason jars.

Like this http://the-wander-woman.com/spring-bouquet-mason-jars-jade-roses/

Or this http://www.iheartnaptime.net/spring-mason-jars/

Or this http://www.yelp.com/biz_photos/margaret-rose-floral-design-long-beach?select=bJ3Z9tAA83XAQ6UTpXjXtQ


I prefer a bath with a book to a shower and a song. :)



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This weekend was gorgeous. Nice and sunny, in the mid-60's.


Salad greens make me think of spring, but those have already been mentioned. I'll bring some scrumptious tea sandwiches.


DH had Army Reserve duty all weekend so it was just the kids and me. Yesterday we went to the Cool Science Festival at a local college, which had a lot of neat, hands-on science stuff for the kids to enjoy. Today, we went to Manitou Springs (a fun, eclectic little town near us) and spent a few hours at their indoor/outdoor penny arcade. It's one of the only remaining classic penny arcades in the nation. We played skeeball, pinball machines, lots of other old school arcade games, and the kids enjoyed riding on various arcade horses, elephants, space ships, planes, race cars, and carousels. After that, we went for a quick hike in Garden of the Gods park. It was a fun day!


Like Koeramoca, I've sung the National Anthem loud and proud in the shower. :D But I'll actually sing anything. We have a fully enclosed shower with a glass door so the acoustics are incredible. My go to songs are usually 70's disco classics. :p

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What food makes you think of spring? The really thin asparagus is what I think of. Bring something to our virtual potluck.

The asparagus I've been seeing in the stores lately has been huge. Strawberries have to be my answer. They are back in stores, priced reasonably, and look yummy.


How was your weekend?

Crazy long, busy Saturday with DS's Korean School, grocery shopping, cleaning, and getting ready for today. I had to prepare communion, it was our week to bring snacks, and we had a potluck after church. To go with your spring theme, the snack I brought for church was a fruit tray with cantaloupe, strawberries, bananas, and cuties. Today was good; my eldest two were baptized today and after church we all celebrated at the potluck. (The potluck was planned as a celebration as quite a few in our small group were baptized.)


Today's totally random question: What song do you sing in the shower?

I don't sing in the shower.

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