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Back Just Went Out

Jean in Newcastle

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Ouch! Gentle hug to you. I remember when something similar happened to me and it was awful to not be able to move. Fortunately a trip to the Chiro got things headed in the right direction. I hope you have as much success. :grouphug:

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Back from the chiro. I'm still in pain but things are getting better. It wasn't my spine but my back muscles. I have problems with my muscles contracting and not releasing again. This was a case in point. After an adjustment, heat therapy and a massage, I am home. I am now periodically trying to stretch out backwards over an exercise ball to get everything to release. I may do the hot tub while dd is in swim lessons later too.

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I did this last week in the garden. It took me two hours to make it back into the house. I crawled. I could not stand without pain. Now 9 days later I can walk and drive the car. My back is still sore but much better. A physical therapist neighbor gave me some pointers.


What I did that worked:

  • Ice the first 24 hrs, then heat for the next 48-72 hrs. I used a water bottle.
  • Advil every 4-6 hours not just for pain but inflammation.
  • STRETCH!!! Getting onto hands and knees and do the camel-cat stretch.
  • While on hands and knees lift one arm out straight in front of you. Do the other arm.
  • While on hands and knees, extend one leg back then the other
  • If you can get onto your back, put a pillow under the small of your back for support, and pull your knees to your chest one leg at a time.
  • With all of this stretching, pay attention to your level of pain. You don't want to begin a cycle of spasms.
  • Sleeping-place a pillow beneath the small of your back for support. Sleep on your side with a pillow between your legs to take the pressure off your back muscles.
  • When you drive bring pillows and rolled up towel for back support.
  • Do not stop moving.


I spent two day standing up because I could not sit without pain. Stretching is really the key. You will feel better soon

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Wow. I'm yet another who did this last week. It's getting better, but I still feel it in one hip (mine is running related). I think the pain I felt Saturday night was what you describe--muscles that stay contracted. I was able to sleep and the spasms were over when I awoke Easter morning. Hope you feel a lot better tomorrow.

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You poor thing! Thank heavens no one is forcing you to go to Zumba tonight.



Dearheart, I am not a martyr. Now that I know that what happened today is a variation on a theme, I do know the drill. Part of that drill includes exercise because without it I clench up and become an immovable rock. I do lots of modifications during Zumba. In fact, I'm the basic model for modifications for all the old ladies in my class. I also need to be there for assistant reasons. The class won't fall apart without me but my presence helps right now because of the on-going problems we're having with gangs of boys.


The class went well. My back is sore but is ok. It was good that I was there. I got to meet with one of the directors on the gang issue and that was a meeting that really really needed to happen. I'm going to go lie on my exercise ball now and take my max. dose of Aleve.

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