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If you've tested at home w/ ITBS...

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and mailed the test back to the provider, did you insure the package? Last year the Post Office wouldn't insure my package, saying that they could not insure tests. I get my tests from BJU, and right on the front of the return envelope it says, "insure your packages." The postal worker said, "No. They mean ensure that you've got everything in there and sealed up." I tried to explain the difference between insure and ensure, but she wouldn't insure them. I ended up going to UPS and had no problem. Anyone had a similar experience? We're testing this week and I'd like to use the Post Office b/c it's cheaper, but wondering if I'm wasting my time with them.


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I tried to explain the difference between insure and ensure, but she wouldn't insure them.

You've got to be kidding me!


My testing packet just asked for a tracked method of shipping. Doesn't say anything about insuring the package. But that seems like a really good idea. I went through Seton.

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That's bizarre! I've always insured mine, except for one year. That year, there was an accident with the mail truck, and the mail ended up flying out and landing in a big puddle of mud. All of our tests (five) fell out of the packet, and were destroyed. I had to pay for a replacement for every test (about $40 or so each, I think). After that one time, I insured it every year.


On a different note, once our postal clerk told me I couldn't send a book media mail because it had a receipt in it. She said the only thing allowed in media mail was the book itself, but no receipt. She was adamant about it. I went home and looked up the postal regulations online, printed it off, and brought it back to her. She was wrong.

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Just don't tell the post office they are tests. (We have Postal Employees that think they work on commission, I swear! If I don't look up the price at home, they always try to sell me the highest price shipping there is. I have to adamantly insist on whatever method is cheapest that I'd already looked up. If I'm not quick enough, they tell me it is 'too late' to choose another method because they already selected it. It is crazy!)


(We're ITBSing next week!)

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and mailed the test back to the provider, did you insure the package? Last year the Post Office wouldn't insure my package, saying that they could not insure tests. I get my tests from BJU, and right on the front of the return envelope it says, "insure your packages." The postal worker said, "No. They mean ensure that you've got everything in there and sealed up." I tried to explain the difference between insure and ensure, but she wouldn't insure them. I ended up going to UPS and had no problem. Anyone had a similar experience? We're testing this week and I'd like to use the Post Office b/c it's cheaper, but wondering if I'm wasting my time with them.




I've had the same problem. I just go to the UPS store.

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From BJU Testing's FAQ:


What if USPS doesn’t want to insure the materials?


In rare cases, USPS may claim that they “do not insure paper.†However, USPS does insure stocks, bonds, event tickets and other valuable documents. Testing materials are nationally standardized tests and therefore are valuable documents. If you have run into this problem, please feel free to present this letter to your shipping provider.



(I haven't tested yet... just came across this while looking up other information :D )

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I've never insured them either but I do track them. Last year I had to replace a test because my cat vomited on it. The lady I talked to at BJU Press said she had never heard that one before :)




I could picture that exact thing happening here with our cat, and have always been a bit tense about leaving them on a bookcase or any other open space.

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I've never insured them either but I do track them. Last year I had to replace a test because my cat vomited on it. The lady I talked to at BJU Press said she had never heard that one before


That would be a likely hazard here at my house with one renal failure cat already on antacids. Mine tests currently live in their foam-lined envelope on top of the top shelf where no cat (all very old critters) can jump anymore.

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Twice I've had a similar experience with a postal employee insisting they couldn't insure my test envelope...


The first time, I listened and went over to UPS but, the next time...I grabbed an if it fits it ships Priority mailer, popped my BJU envelope inside and insured away.

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