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Why is this forum SO much better than FB?


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Weirder stuff happens here than on my FB (I was just reading about the thread about the neighbor chopping wood sans any clothing, but I know we've had some other doozies in the past few weeks). That may be because I don't have that many people on my FB, though. I suppose if I friended a few thousand I'd have more interesting stuff pop up there.

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OP, I think you are right.


Also, many of my fb friends are people who all think alike about the same things. This place is so diverse. We may not all think alike, but I tremendously appreciate the way the views from other windows challenge and teach me.

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Because I actually know the people I'm friends with on FB. Heck, most of my FB "friends" are related to me.


Here, if someone is a nutter or abrasive I can walk away, (or engage ignore), knowing that they will not be showing up for Sunday dinner.

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Anonymity is definitely a factor. Also, it seems like people just post about massively mundane, boring stuff on FB. I rarely see a topic worth discussing there. This board has mundane topics too, but there's more of a balance here. It's just much more interesting here, with a much greater diversity of views. I've basically been inactive on FB for about 4 years now (I only keep my FB account because I'm a moderator for a FB group).

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I don't think this forum is better than FB. *gasp!* This forum is interesting to me at times, but I regularly go weeks without checking in at all. I check FB daily, typically multiple times and I don't have anyone that has ever been openly antagonistic about my homeschooling. If I did and they were overly rude, they wouldn't be my friend there.

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I have learned alot on this forum. We are a smart bunch, well read with alot of ideas and experiences to share. Coming here is a positive experience. I leave feeling good.


I can't say the same is true of FB. I enjoy many of the photos that people share (kids, sunsets, etc.), but alot of times people are trying to show off the supposed wonderful life they have. Pics of trips and drinks-with-friends often feel like a 'look at me' brag. I usually leave FB feeling inadquate and unhappy with my life. I doubt I am the only one who feels this.

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I hardly post on facebook. I have friends who post a lot and one child who does too. They just post cartoons, slogans, links to articles, etc. A few people post important things in their life- and I like knowing about those. But there really is very little discussion, just likes normally.

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