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Fish Oil


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I will not buy fish oil from costco. (I think it still buy vitamin d3 there, and that is about it for supplements) quality varies according to type of fish, where it comes from, and how it is processed.

I use nordic natural ultimate omega/pro omega (they're the same, just different names) on recommendation from my son's naturopath.

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I take (and give to my kids) Carlson liquid fish oil that comes in a bottle (not cod liver oil, the regular fish oil). I take 2 tsp per day, and give my 10 and 2 year old 1/2 tsp per day. I just bought the largest bottle on sale at a local store for $34. I like the lemon flavor, but it also comes in orange flavor. It has a slight lemon flavor, and I don't have a problem burping it. I have also taken New Chapter Wholemega (which is huge capsules), which I think is good, but I have terrible burping problems with it. If you can take the oil, it is cheaper than buying capsules. At first I didn't like taking it, but now I'm used to it. My kids actually like it. I would also say don't buy it from Costco.


Here it is at Vitamin Shoppe (I order a lot online from them, and have had good service)


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One advantage to a liquid, if you can take it, is that you can taste for quality. You wouldn't know if stuff in a capsule is rancid. If you stick with the good companies, though, I think you're fine no matter what. We do Carlson's liquid in lemon flavor. I want ones that are tested for heavy metals and both Carlson's and Nordic Naturals test.

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One advantage to a liquid, if you can take it, is that you can taste for quality. You wouldn't know if stuff in a capsule is rancid. If you stick with the good companies, though, I think you're fine no matter what. We do Carlson's liquid in lemon flavor. I want ones that are tested for heavy metals and both Carlson's and Nordic Naturals test.

I had one that the membranes of the gel-caps were distintigrating so they were thin and the oil was coming through. the oil wasn't rancid though. I returned them.

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We take Blue Ice Fermented Cod Liver Oil from Green Pastures. Supposedly the fermented version is healthier for you, although it's been so long I don't remember what DH's reasoning for that was. He did a TON of research before he settled on that brand though, and he is meticulous when it comes to that kind of stuff. So if he feels justified in saying it's healthier, I am not going to even think about debating it with him.


We take the butter oil blend capsules, but the regular cod liver oil comes in lots of flavors. I keep saying I'm going to try the cinnamon and licorice flavor one of these days, but I haven't gotten up the nerve to order them yet.

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These brands.


Just be careful about dosage because the oil has a side effect of being a blood thinner. Watch for bloody noses as a tip-off, as well as for blood in the urine.




We use krill oil now. It's supposed to be highly absorbable. And no more fish burps! :)


It is a little stinky, though.

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I did not at all mean to suggest that it is unsafe to take fish oil -- only to note potential side effects to keep in mind. Both the symptoms that I mentioned occurred in me and the ds who was taking fish oil. The blood thinner element is not always mentioned in articles recommending this supplement.





We use krill oil now. It's supposed to be highly absorbable. And no more fish burps! :)


It is a little stinky, though.


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Wow! Almost in total agreement. Is that a first?


I hadn't thought about the liquid. I remember my mom giving me cod liver oil (I think) when I was young; the memory makes me gag. Maybe lemon flavor wouldn't be so bad.


Thanks. I will check out those brands.

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I like Nordic Naturals--but they gave me fishy burps!!!

hmm. ;p. we have five people taking it, and only one has that complaint. his stomach just isn't up for it. =D.

I've two who take one pro-omega 2X per day - I have them do one am and one pm. I'm sure that helps reduce burps.

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We take Carlson's. Originally we were putting it in the kids' OJ to mask the taste, but my ds threw up a couple of times from it. I can't take it because it makes me gag, so I bought Barlean's Omega Swirl for me. I let the kids try it and they loved it. So since I have both I add a drop of Barlean's to 1/2 t. of Carlson's and it totally masks the fishy oil taste. No gagging and no throw up. And no fishy burps either.

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We take it for cardiovascular health: lower triglycerides, cholesterol, raise good cholesterol. Also, I've it's good for joint pain (me), PMS, and whole bunch of other things. I usually try to fit salmon or some kind of oily fish in 2-3 times a week but don't always get it done.


I opted to try the liquid this time. Dh didn't look to excited about it, but it looked like a better deal than the gelcaps. Those that take the liquid, do you ever put it on veggies or something or would it ruin the taste. I'm thinking a teaspoon isn't that much.

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Those that take the liquid, do you ever put it on veggies or something or would it ruin the taste. I'm thinking a teaspoon isn't that much.


I've never tried that. I have tried mixing it with OJ, but both of my kids can still taste it. So we just take it straight off the spoon with a glass of water in hand to immediately wash it down. Personally, I think it tastes fine (we use the lemon-flavored Carlson's). DS used to run away screaming whenever he saw me get out the cod liver oil, but now he takes it like a trooper. He's a tad dramatic. ;)

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Make sure to get a good, high-quality fish oil – such as Carlsons’s. You want to avoid fish oil that may come from polluted sources or that may be high in mercury. Other good brands are Nordic Naturals, Enzymatic Therapy, and Metagenics.

Fish Oil is good for your heart partially because it decreases blood clotting and reduces blood pressure. If you have high blood pressure, high triglycerides, or other signs of heart disease, 3-5 grams may be helpful. Talk with your doctor or pharmacist if you’re taking medications to make sure there are no negative interactions. Fish oils thin the blood just like aspirin, gingko biloba, and garlic. You don’t want to thin your blood so much that it causes bleeding.

For all others, 1 gram (1,000 mg) is fine.

Stop taking fish oil and any EPA supplements 2 weeks before surgery – as well as possibly avoiding a fish dinner the night before any surgery.

Do not take fish oils if you are on any blood thinner.

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fireproof - at what dose wrt the recommended dose, did you see improvement in adhd? Based on a clinical study, I started ds on a dose triple the bottle doseage. The study said it takes 12 weeks to start seeing improvement. It has been 6 weeks. Not much yet. (He is also gfdf...) Thanks for any tips!

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fireproof - at what dose wrt the recommended dose, did you see improvement in adhd? Based on a clinical study, I started ds on a dose triple the bottle doseage. The study said it takes 12 weeks to start seeing improvement. It has been 6 weeks. Not much yet. (He is also gfdf...) Thanks for any tips!

I'm sure I'm not the best source to ask because I just give him the recommended dosage. Carlson's dosage is 1/2 t. and that has EPA 400, DHA 250, other omega-3 150 (totaling 800). The recommended dosage of Barlean's is 2 t. and I give him just a smidgen of that. I have read other threads where people are giving 2 or 3 times the recommended, but I haven't tried that out yet. I would go search ADHD and fish oil to see if you can pull up some of those threads. As for improvement, it doesn't make his hyperactivity or distractibility or even his weird quirky things go away, but it seems to make those things more tolerable. I notice more of a difference when I've forgotten to give it to him for a few days. Whether that difference is all in my head, I dunno. I would still give him fish oil just for the other benefits. The only other supplement I use sometimes is Hyland's Calm for Kids, and I don't even give him close to the recommended dose. I'm a bare minimum kind of gal when it comes to meds, even 'natural' ones.

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