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Thank goodness. It's a small baby...


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girl, not a big red dog!


I had my 20 week ultrasound today which confirmed that we're having a girl! I'm so thrilled! DS has been insisting that it's a girl, but we tried to prepare him for the possibility of a boy. Last night he begged to buy her a "dancing dress," but we insisted that he wait until we had ultrasound confirmation of his proclamation. Afterward we let him pick one. Then he said, "Now let's look at baby toys. She needs toys." He's definitely my little shopper! When I said something to him about his balloon later he chided me, "No Mommy, it's the baby's balloon. I'm just holding it for her." It's fun to see him so excited.



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Oh my, he is adorable! I love his expression. And now you don't have to name the baby "Clifford". :-) Congrats to your whole family!



We're definitely not taking his input on names! Until he became obsessed with Clifford this fall, he named everything some form of his made-up word "Bepobebcue." Then he wanted to name everything Clifford, including our friend's cat Poppy who he insisted didn't have a name yet. His latest suggestion is Donna, but he was just trying out random syllables when he came up with that.

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We're definitely not taking his input on names! Until he became obsessed with Clifford this fall, he named everything some form of his made-up word "Bepobebcue." Then he wanted to name everything Clifford, including our friend's cat Poppy who he insisted didn't have a name yet. His latest suggestion is Donna, but he was just trying out random syllables when he came up with that.



My older two called their baby brother Steve from Blue's Clues for a couple weeks. granted, the poor bunny didn't have a NAME because it was up to DH and he couldn't think of one for 2 weeks!

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It looks like you have our set up with older brother, younger sister! My two dc are best of friends.


That's good to hear! It looks like the age gap is similar, too. DS will be about 2 months shy of 4 when she is born. I've been joking to my homeschool friends that I should definitely use a curriculum with a 4-year history cycle like TOG so my OCD tendencies can be satisfied and they can study the same periods of history in the same grades!

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That's good to hear! It looks like the age gap is similar, too. DS will be about 2 months shy of 4 when she is born. I've been joking to my homeschool friends that I should definitely use a curriculum with a 4-year history cycle like TOG so my OCD tendencies can be satisfied and they can study the same periods of history in the same grades!


Mine are 4 years, 3 months apart, four school years. I didn't know about WTM until dd was in 10th grade. But, we did things together, and it was great. They studied Egypt together, with ds doing more difficult work. When ds went through World Geography, dd studied the same countries he did with library books and travel videos. When ds did Beautiful Feet US and World History for high school, dd sneaked his books and read them! And they really enjoyed doing art projects together.

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That's good to hear! It looks like the age gap is similar, too. DS will be about 2 months shy of 4 when she is born. I've been joking to my homeschool friends that I should definitely use a curriculum with a 4-year history cycle like TOG so my OCD tendencies can be satisfied and they can study the same periods of history in the same grades!

That's the age difference between my two. I love it. And I love how well the 4-year cycle will work!

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