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My neighbors are MOVING!!!!

Guest inoubliable

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Guest inoubliable

*happy dance*


The next door neighbors are moving out!! No more 3 am fist fights! No more ambulances taking the mom to the hospital in the dead of night! No more kids peeping through my windows, tromping through my flowers, rippling plants out of my yard, throwing trash in the grass, or stealing things from all up and down the street! No more rocks and sticks thrown at our house and car! No more screaming and shouting! No more scary dudes coming and going at all hours and leaving their cars parked right in front of our house!


I want to offer my assistance in packing up the Uhaul. I want to offer gas money, or help load boxes, or wrap some knicknacks in bubble wrap. Something.


I'ts only 10:22 am and today was a good day.

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Ours bailed in December. It was glorious, glorious day. These people actually shot an arrow at my dh while "practicing" archery in the front yard! And their kids damaged his work truck. They put their dog poop in our trash cans (and they lived across the street!). Yours are still far worse though!


The house has been empty since then and just this week I saw the poor property management guy starting to clean it out. De.sgust.ing.


We had a twofer. The renters next door to us with the big obnoxious dog moved out the same week.


I was dancing around my silent house in utter bliss.


Enjoy your day!

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Guest inoubliable

Congratulations! Did anything ever happen after social services visited them?



You know what? I have no idea! I called a few more times after I last posted here. My neighbor on the other side said she'd been calling, too. We never saw anyone who looked "official" over there except the one time after I called. I'm almost thinking that they may be moving to avoid CPS.

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Guest inoubliable

Yay!!! :hurray: Is the house they're moving out of a rental? Maybe we'll come live next to you guys. :p



It IS a rental! Come on down - the weather is gorgeous. :p

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Guest inoubliable

I would grab a lawn chair and watch them load.


Bwaha! Now I want to do this!!! I think I may send DH out for some drinks and we'll have to get started on rearranging our deck furniture. Testing it out and all.

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What wonderful news! The day our loutish neighbors (awful, but not nearly as bad as yours) moved was truly one of the happiest days of my life. May your new neighbors be quiet and pleasant.


Can you get a photo of the moving van pulling away, just for posterity?

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Guest inoubliable


Can you get a photo of the moving van pulling away, just for posterity?



I am absolutely going to try. They pulled out with the Uhaul already but there's a bunch of people hanging out getting more stuff to go. I might even stand out in the yard and wave as they take off for the final time.


I wonder what will be left behind this time. The people who were there before them weren't real fantastic, either. When they left (in the dead of night) a TON of stuff was left in the house and there were trashbags of stuff left in the yard. The rental company had to bring over a dump truck to get everything. Truly disgusting. We almost scored a basketball hoop that they left behind but I think the tenants must have come back and grabbed it one night.

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