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Grey hair, dh, dd, and me


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My DH doesn't care, and I tried going gray a few years ago to see what it was like. I *hated* it, even after I gave it a good year or so. My gray is wirey and difficult to manage. My hairdresser and I tried all kinds of things, but just couldn't get it to calm down. And I felt old. When I looked in the mirror, I saw my mother (not a happy relationship there, so it depressed me). I went back to coloring it myself. I have several friends who have gone gray and are lovely, but mine was awful.


And frankly I'm going to color it for a long time. It is so much easier to manage, and I'm frequently accused of being a decade younger than I am. I attribute most of that to the color, and my skin that has aged well too. My late-70's aunt has always colored her hair and is still active in local politics and sits on the board of a foundation. And people never believe her when she tells them how old she is. She says that coloring her hair is part of her "young" attitude.

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Wow! The pinterest women certainly are inspiring! I've been embracing my greys (I'm 49).....knowing that they've come honestly and I appreciate that my guys don't really express preferences to me on my appearance very often. I find that very freeing. I suppose I'm in a more "authentic" space with my appearance. What you see is where I am right now! So beauty *can* be in the eyes of both the Beholder and the Beheld. That said, I do hope that I might age as beautifully as the lovely "Grey with Grace" women. Thanks for sharing that!

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I don't think my hair would be a nice gray. But anyway, it would be all mixed up and look bad. Furthermore, my dh will never really get gray hair- he has a hair color that just fades slowly into I guess white??? (Strawberry blond). Anyway, he has no grey at all and I am not about to look 20 years older than him. We were born in the same year although I am a bit older. Coloring hair is just part of looking presentable. Certainly women can look good with grey hair. But I look better with colored hair and so I will keep going and getting it colored.


Oh and Negin, I have thinning hair due to medications and a separate medical condition and color is recommended as a way to help it look fuller.



This is something that endlessly confuses me. I have strawberry blonde hair with every shade of red and blonde in it. So how am I supposed to know if I'm getting grey hairs? :confused1: I have picked out a couple of stragglers in my eyebrows though.

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Loreal has a new to me box dye in three levels of platinum I have the "extreme" platinum I'm going to put in my hair later this week. This is a white blond I haven't had in a while (absolutely NO yellow in it) - but I wanted to mention that caring for platinum and gray are about the same deal.


You can buy very simple silvering shampoos to make your grey a really beautiful color, does the same exact thing for platinum blonds. Our grandmas used to call them blue shampoos.

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Well, I haven't dyed yet :lol: . I have, what I perceive to be, a noticeable grey stripe at my side part. I was drying my hair and dd came into the bathroom. I showed dd, who shrugged, and then I told her, "that's grey, you know". Her eyes got big, "I thought it was blonde!" So, I guess it's hiding better than I thought.

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My inspiration is Jamie Lee Curtis.


My hair is a similar color and style. Mine is more silver at the temples.

I love Jamie Lee Curtis's hair. :)

Unfortunately, my hair would not look as nice as hers. Frizzy and grey is just not the most ideal mix. Grey and straight is absolutely gorgeous, I think.



Oh and Negin, I have thinning hair due to medications and a separate medical condition and color is recommended as a way to help it look fuller.

Good to know. I hadn't thought of that.


A few weeks ago, dd and I saw a lady by the grocery store and her grey hair was absolutely beautiful - long, straight, gorgeous. Dd said that she looked as if she was about to do some heavy-duty moves with swords and daggers. She looked like this picture.



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This is something that endlessly confuses me. I have strawberry blonde hair with every shade of red and blonde in it. So how am I supposed to know if I'm getting grey hairs? :confused1: I have picked out a couple of stragglers in my eyebrows though.




You'll know. :D Enjoy the not knowing. It is easier to hide with the multi hair colors.

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I am 42 and have no greys at all. I have very dark brown hair. People ask me all the time if I dye my hair. Ummm ... no! :D My 65 year old mom is just starting to get grey, so maybe I won't for a while.


That said, I have an 8 year old daughter and her attitude would not affect what I would chose to do. She is a pretty emotional and dramatic character, and if I bent every time she showed emotion over something, it would be kind of nutty. I'm wondering if you had said nothing to her and allowed your hair to go back to it's natural color over time, if it would be a big deal to her at all? I might weigh my husband's opinion more than a child's. Although, my husband isn't the type to even express an opinion about that. I have had very short hair and he does not prefer that, but meh, I've done it a couple times anyway.


If YOU want to color your hair, I think that's a whole other thing. And in that case, carry on!

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This thread has terribly saddened me. For as long as I can remember, I've wanted a stripe of white hair, like the What Not to Wear hostess--Stacy London. Recently, my side part has started turning grey/white in the front, and I thought that all my wishing was working--I finally have my stripe!


But according to this thread, it's just a quick precursor of grey at the temples and then all over. Sigh. I'll enjoy my stripe for the few months it will last.


Wait...I suppose I could dye all the rest of my hair and leave my stripe alone, once it all starts turning? There's still hope!

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Wait...I suppose I could dye all the rest of my hair and leave my stripe alone, once it all starts turning? There's still hope!




My cousin did this! She went all gray early, embracing it the whole way, and looking fabulous.


When she went through her third round of chemotherapy, the gray just made her look more sick and old.


She begrudgingly took her mom's advice to just dye it already. "Look sick, look old, not both" was my auntie's frame of mind, I guess.


Must be hard watching your daughter die.


So my cousin dyed her hair up until she passed, but she always left a stripe "for me!" she claimed :)


My cousin actually used indigo, and not traditional dye. I loved the look, and I'll probably follow in her footsteps when/if I decide to dye.

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  • 2 weeks later...

About a year or so ago, there was a great thread here on henna. Based on what someone posted, I think it was Mrs. Mungo, I first heard about Lush Henna and I really would like to finally give it a try. I'm reading all the reviews on their site and doing as much research as I can. I'm hoping to try it out as soon as I can find a way to order it and have a friend/family member ship it down for me/bring it for me when visiting.

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  • 1 month later...

About a year or so ago, there was a great thread here on henna. Based on what someone posted, I think it was Mrs. Mungo, I first heard about Lush Henna and I really would like to finally give it a try. I'm reading all the reviews on their site and doing as much research as I can. I'm hoping to try it out as soon as I can find a way to order it and have a friend/family member ship it down for me/bring it for me when visiting.



Dude, I mean, *Negin* :) , (I say 'dude' when I'm excited ;) ) I am *totally* going to henna my hair! I just ran a search on 'henna' and my own thread came up, with you having the last word....about HENNA!


I have given my current growing-out, tri-colored hair a chance and, yuck. I'm not feeling it. I used Light Mountain Red henna years ago. I can't remember the results, but I remember it smelled like hay. I like the smell of hay over chemicals.


I will let you know how it goes!

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Keep us posted on how the henna goes, sparrow! I am very curious about it.


At 41, I have never colored my hair but have an appointment for highlights (or possibly lowlights) in two weeks. My reddish brown hair is long, thick, and crazy wavy. The salt-and-pepper plus the messiness is just not a good look. I really have to do something -- either color, or straighten, or cut it all off. I am going to try coloring first.


I am heartened by the fact that my mother has the exact same head of hair, which she also colored until about age 60, at which point she grew it out, cut off all the dye and was left with a head of gorgeous white hair. She's 70 now and she and my dad recently moved to a retirement community in Florida. Unbelievably, she is practically the ONLY woman there with gray hair! She says that everyone, even the 90yos, dye their hair. But she looks super cute with hers, and I hope that mine will eventually look the same. It's only fair, really, considering that I also got her spider veins....

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dude, I mean, *Negin* :) , (I say 'dude' when I'm excited ;) ) I am *totally* going to henna my hair! I just ran a search on 'henna' and my own thread came up, with you having the last word....about HENNA!


I have given my current growing-out, tri-colored hair a chance and, yuck. I'm not feeling it. I used Light Mountain Red henna years ago. I can't remember the results, but I remember it smelled like hay. I like the smell of hay over chemicals.


I will let you know how it goes!

Sparrow, feel free to call me "dude" anytime. :D

Yes, do please let us know how the henna goes. 

We were just in the U.S. and I got some Lush Henna. Excited to try it soon. I just need to find the time, since it will be messy and will likely take several hours. 

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I'll be 45 in October and I've just started to notice a grey here and there.  I'm not opposed to dying per se, but I don't want to get stuck in a cycle of dying because I think it makes the transition more difficult when you do decide to let it go.  I think I'd rather let it happen gradually--but I don't know.  My hair is waist length so growing in grey naturally could be.... interesting.  I foresee a lot of updo's during the process!  My ultimate goal is long silver hair, so I guess I will just have to grin and bear it.


I'm interested to know how the henna comes out, too.  If I did decide to dye it, that would be the way I'd want to go.

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I'll be 45 in October and I've just started to notice a grey here and there.  I'm not opposed to dying per se, but I don't want to get stuck in a cycle of dying because I think it makes the transition more difficult when you do decide to let it go.  I think I'd rather let it happen gradually--but I don't know.  My hair is waist length so growing in grey naturally could be.... interesting.  I foresee a lot of updo's during the process!  My ultimate goal is long silver hair, so I guess I will just have to grin and bear it.


I'm interested to know how the henna comes out, too.  If I did decide to dye it, that would be the way I'd want to go.


See, I wouldn't want to be in that cycle of dying, either.


My longer-than-waist hair only has a few strands of gray. I think it looks dashing or something. :laugh: I have had some hair loss, which is more frustrating to me than the gray. :cursing:

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I've been greying since my early 20s.  Almost 40 now & close to 50% grey.  I don't have any desire to be mistaken for my young children's grandmother.  Plus, it makes me look like my mother & that doesn't give me the warm-fuzzies.


I color, doing something different nearly every time.  My paternal grandmother had the most beautiful long silver hair.  If I live to be old enough to want to go grey, I think I'll just dye it grey instead of growing-out the color.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dude, I mean, *Negin* :) , (I say 'dude' when I'm excited ;) ) I am *totally* going to henna my hair! I just ran a search on 'henna' and my own thread came up, with you having the last word....about HENNA!


I have given my current growing-out, tri-colored hair a chance and, yuck. I'm not feeling it. I used Light Mountain Red henna years ago. I can't remember the results, but I remember it smelled like hay. I like the smell of hay over chemicals.


I will let you know how it goes!

Sparrow and others, I did the Lush Henna for the first time last week and love it.

I used the Caca Noir (black - indigo black).

If anyone needs very detailed and lengthy tips, let me know and I'll post them here. I didn't do anything incredible. All I did was read pretty much every review and took notes from there.:)

The henna has not covered every single gray, but I don't mind. The texture and volume are amazing. 

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If I live to be old enough to want to go grey, I think I'll just dye it grey instead of growing-out the color.

Good luck with that. I could did no truly effective way to do that, and I was willing to pay a lot to have it done. You can strip color from hair, but there are not effective products to lay down a nice silver. If you find one, let me know please!


I had the worst hair year ever two years ago while I let my grey grow out. Having endured it, I will never ever do it again for any reason. I am 50/50 grey. I am happy with it, apart from looking older than I am!

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Good luck with that. I could did no truly effective way to do that, and I was willing to pay a lot to have it done. You can strip color from hair, but there are not effective products to lay down a nice silver. If you find one, let me know please!


I had the worst hair year ever two years ago while I let my grey grow out. Having endured it, I will never ever do it again for any reason. I am 50/50 grey. I am happy with it, apart from looking older than I am!


OK.  So maybe not such a good plan.   :tongue_smilie:


Well, in any case, I'm not willing to look several decades older than I am right now so I guess I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

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Sparrow and others, I did the Lush Henna for the first time last week and love it.

I used the Caca Noir (black - indigo black).

If anyone needs very detailed and lengthy tips, let me know and I'll post them here. I didn't do anything incredible. All I did was read pretty much every review and took notes from there. :)

The henna has not covered every single gray, but I don't mind. The texture and volume are amazing. 


Yes! Post your notes and details, and, of course, a photo of the results :) .


I haven't done anything yet because henna does intimidate me a little bit. I've seen SO many different instructions.  I'm also feeling a little more satisfied with the way my hair is looking since I found Noodle Head Curling Creme.  I'm not quite as desperate for an immediate change. And someone mentioned that my, ahem, "highlights" looked good--I think the sun is lightening my hair and the grey is mingling with it :) .

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Yes! Post your notes and details, and, of course, a photo of the results :) .


I haven't done anything yet because henna does intimidate me a little bit. I've seen SO many different instructions.  I'm also feeling a little more satisfied with the way my hair is looking since I found Noodle Head Curling Creme.  I'm not quite as desperate for an immediate change. And someone mentioned that my, ahem, "highlights" looked good--I think the sun is lightening my hair and the grey is mingling with it :) .

No photo at the moment. 

You should stick with what you're doing now since you're happy with it. :)


These are my notes and what I did with the Lush Caca Noir. I wanted blue-black/indigo and I'm very happy with the results. It's covered most of my greys. I plan on doing this again in 4 weeks, then 6, then 8, and see how it goes from there. Most say that they then do it every 8-12 weeks. These tips would be different for someone who doesn't want the blue-black color. The reviews on their site are super-helpful. 


As with all hennas, the more frequently you use Caca Noir, the more the color will intensify. 

After the first use, expect your hair to turn several shades darker. However, to truly release your darker side, keep applying every 4-6 weeks.


1 full block of henna should last 2-3 months, unless if you have long hair, in which case, you may need to use a full block each time you apply henna.

The color is much more intense if you do it again the next day or, better yet, for 3 days in a row. It lasts more than 8 weeks if you use this method. Do not expect to get jet black hair with just one use.

Break up the block so you can use it 2-3 separate times.  


I didn't bother with the strand test.   


For best results, leave your hair unwashed – hair should be clean and dry.


Put newspapers and plastic bags over the floor and sink.


Use face cream, Vaseline, or Lush's Ultra Balm around your hairline and ears to protect skin. 


Cut about 3 or 4 squares into small pieces for very thick, shoulder-length hair – for long hair, may need to use an entire block.

Use a cheese grater to grate up the henna. This seems to work best on indigo. 


Use water at 50 degrees Celsius (122 Fahrenheit). Do not use boiling water because the indigo activates within 15-30 minutes so you don't to waste extra time for the dye to cool down before you can get it on your hair.

Put the chunks in a bowl, put the bowl in a pan of water on the stove, pour some boiling water over it and just let it melt that way. It's much easier, and the results are the same!

When pouring the water just remember: you can easily add some more water, but it's much harder to take it out again! Also make sure you make enough henna - you should prefer too much over too little.


Make sure the squares are completely melted to avoid grittiness. Get rid of all the lumps.

Mix to a yogurt-like/brownie batter consistency.

Put on gloves and apply from back to front, coating hair thoroughly. 

The most effective method is to apply it by working around the scalp, adding each finished section into a muddy looking ponytail.

Pile it onto your head

Really slather it on, working it into the hair and make sure you coat every inch.

While applying, if the henna starts to dry add a little more hot water

Wipe up the mess with a damp rag as you go to avoid stains.

Leave it on for 3 hours. Indigo needs anywhere from 1-3 hours. I did it for 3 hours.  

Use uncovered (air dry) for a bluer finish and for darker results.

For the first 1 1/2 - 2 hours, it’s rather drippy. You’ll be dabbing your neck and face with an old rag. After that though, it’s properly thickened and you could move about the house without worries of flicking henna sludge everywhere. 

If you would like the blueish tint, you should go with colder water

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