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Frustrated beyond belief ...


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I cut gluten out of my diet over a year and a half ago. I cut dairy out of my diet a couple of weeks ago. I'm still getting an upset stomach and spending way too much time in the bathroom (if you know what I mean). I don't know what else could be causing this. I hadn't had any problems since cutting gluten until a few weeks ago and now it seems like every other day (at least) I go through this again.


I cannot afford to go to the doctor and have no insurance.


If anyone has any suggestions as to what I should do next, I would be most grateful for your help.


I feel like not eating ever again, but I know I can't do that.


I am at my wits end with this thing.

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My issues that sound similar (esp. the bathroom) were related to soy, not gluten or dairy. Just might want to check your current diet, do you eat a lot of meat "substitutes" or nutrition bars(can't remember the brands)?



I don't eat any of either of these.

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actually you dont need to ask at the counter - they are with the supplements most places. digestive enzyme helps me sometimes, but its even more expensive than probiotics.


sometimes i go through bouts like that - i usually assume that something i buy regularly, like a box of cereal or corn starch or something, was cross-contaminated with wheat. it usually goes away eventually. but it couldnt hurt to try the probiotics/acidopholous and keep a food journal to see if anything in particular is causing problems. and it couldnt hurt to eat extra plain for a bit, only the foods that you feel the most confident about.


you gotta keep eating!

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It's a real pain, but perhaps cut your diet down to bare basics - chicken breast, rice, raw/steamed veggies (no major allergens like corn). Add in beef. Add in seafood. Add in potatoes. Basically an elimination diet. Try several days at each step and see when the problems creep back in. Good luck. :)

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Another vote for digestive enzymes. While it's understandable that you thought the problem was caused by dairy, it may be that you are having problems with fruits and veggies, fats, or meat. Health food stores will probably be your best bet on finding both digestive enzymes and probiotics.

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I know you cut out dairy, but I find kefir very helpful. You can buy it at the grocery store. I make my own, but I have no idea where you would get the kefir "sponge", my neighbor gave me mine. At the store, I would get the kind without any sugar. It tastes a bit like really smelly cheese. My intestines and I rarely agree on proper behavior, but these has been a real fix for me. Sorry for what you are going through.

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It's a real pain, but perhaps cut your diet down to bare basics - chicken breast, rice, raw/steamed veggies (no major allergens like corn). Add in beef. Add in seafood. Add in potatoes. Basically an elimination diet. Try several days at each step and see when the problems creep back in. Good luck. :)



I second the elimination diet. When all is said and done, it's much more painful to randomly cut stuff out than to start from scratch with confidence.


It sucks for a while, but then it gets better. Especially when you start to FEEL better.


I hope your able to figure our what's wrong!

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Where would I get these? Would I need a prescription?



They are also found in a lot of foods - sauerkraut, yogurt, some pickles.


Have you tried ginger root or papaya root supplements? Both of those aid in digestion. I can't eat certain foods without waking up with nausea in the middle of the night, and ginger root taken before such foods allows me to be able to eat them.

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I have buffered vitamin C with my meals, that helps the stomach. I have 1 tsp in a glass of water with each meal, having a bit before I eat, most with the meal, and 1/4 to 1/3 after I am finished eating.


Also, if you really want to figure out what it is, you have to eat your food on a rotation diet and be very strict about it and eat very simply. That way, when you have a reaction you only have a few foods that it might be.


Here is my current rotation diet, I posted it on another thread. You can google allergy rotation diet to get more ideas:



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Do you use artificial sweeteners? I had the same issue that went on for years. I saw many doctors, did many tests and had conflicting diagnoses. Finally I stopped drinking diet soda and viola! it was like magic. I realized that I am so sensitive to sweeteners that I can't even chew one piece of sugarless gum without problems. I can though use Splenda with no issues.

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