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molon labe

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  1. Have you gotten her zinc levels checked? Zinc plays an important part in our ability to taste and smell. Those with low zinc are often "picky eaters" because food just has no taste and is not appetizing. One other poster noticed that your daughter seems to prefer foods that are salty-this can be one of the signs of a zinc deficiency. Salt and/or highly sweetened foods are the only ones that register taste and thus are the foods of choice. Also, the "water tasting like pennies" is a big clue as zinc levels and copper levels are intertwined. I have a heredity predisposition to low zinc levels. As a result, I have experienced periods where I can not taste or smell food and thus have very little appetite though I physically feel hungry (it usually happens to me after an illness). Even foods that I normally love don't taste right. Not only do the foods not taste right, they taste bad! It also makes cooking very difficult because I tend to drown the food with seasoning because I can't taste it but it turns out to be way too much for everyone else. Now that I know the connection between proper zinc levels and the ability to normally taste and smell, I can supplement zinc when I start to notice a difference in the foods I eat. You might try supplementing with a good zinc supplement and see if that makes a difference. I usually notice a difference in just a couple of days. But beware-zinc taken on an empty stomach can cause nausea and vomiting so if you decide to supplement it is best when there is food in the tummy.
  2. molon labe


    I am also familiar with Weston Price and Nourishing Traditions. I recall reading that the body places the spine as the first priority in allotting vitamins and minerals and the bones of the face last. The theory is that a lack of bone building nutrients, particularly at times of rapid growth like puberty, can result in the narrow, pinched face (which has all sorts of implications including affected breathing). I think the reasoning behind the bump on the nose was the soft inner tissues of the nose continue to grow but not the hard, bony structure which can result in a bump. http://nourishedkitchen.com/the-teeth-tell-the-tale/?utm_source=Newsletter+List&utm_campaign=c8a3f24ed2-NOC+8&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_3d91fcefcb-c8a3f24ed2-269706145
  3. My suggestion would be to take quercetin and take daily Epsom salt baths. Quercetin is a natural anti-histamine and has worked wonders for our nasal allergies. You may have to play around with the dosage to find what works for you. Everyone I know who takes it for allergies has found that a dosage much higher than the recommended daily amount is necessary to find relief. Epsom salt contains magnesium which speeds up the natural process by which the body breaks down and eliminates histamine. Magnesium taken orally isn't absorbed very well, but it is absorbed easily (and without the stomach discomfort) through the skin. Start with one cup of espom salt to every 6 inches of hot bath water. The body absorbs only what it needs and any deficiency will be remedied in a week's time. Both of these remedies work wonders for our seasonal allergies and allow us to take a minimum of OTC drugs (like you I do not like the idea of constantly being on medication though we've been told by numerous allergists that daily intake of Claritin, Zyrtec, Benedryl, etc. is okay). Edited to add that the baths work best when the water is hot and you soak for 20-30 minutes at a time.
  4. I've never joined and I don't see the appeal either. Glad to know I'm not the only one.
  5. This was my experience as well. I was in a sorority at a large southern university in the 90s and it was a totally positive experience for me. Girls got reprimanded and/or booted all the time for trashy behavior...there were standards of behavior that were just common sense. I also had friends in other sororities and can honestly say that I never experienced a sorority girl like this chick.
  6. What happens when we know what radicalized someone, but we choose to ignore it?
  7. http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/04/19/us-usa-explosions-boston-shooting-idUSBRE93I0GQ20130419
  8. You have every right to feel how you do. However, the only opinion that counts is that of my Lord and Savior. If on my day of judgement He deems me to be a bigot, then I will have to answer for that but for now I'm completely comfortable with my views just the way they are. Homosexuals are people, as such they should be loved as any other child of God is. As a Christian I am able to love the sinner but hate the sin.
  9. No, you don't get your way because the right to bear arms is constitutionally protected.
  10. Yes, really. I will pray for you as you really seem to need it. You see, as a Christian I believe that ALL people are created in the image and likeness and God. As such you deserve to be loved and treated with dignity and respect, even though you don't extend the same consideration to others. I can tell you are passionate about your beliefs, as I am about mine. The difference is I can express my opinion without cursing and name calling or losing my temper. You can use all the foul language and nastiness you can possibly muster to denigrate others, but realize that it says more about you and your character than it says about the targets of your vitriol. I enjoy my time spent in prayer. Prayer it is never a waste of time.
  11. Don't homosexuals have those types of relationships already? Are you implying that someone who is homosexual and in a relationship can't get a hug without first getting a marriage certificate? How does having, or not having, a marriage certificate affect any of the above?
  12. No, you really don't get it. So I'll pray for your soul tonight so that someday you might.
  13. But to believers God is not invisible. He is very real and his presence and love for us, his greatest creation, is very much felt and seen. The fact that you are not a believer does not make Him any less real to me. You don't believe that God exists. I don't believe that there exists a right for homosexuals to marry. If you do not believe in God and have no understanding of why I believe, how are you qualified to make such statements as the one above?
  14. Scripture records God's statement that "it is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him" (Gen. 2:18). As a result, "a man leaves his father and his mother and cleaves to his wife, and they become one flesh" (Gen. 2:24). Man and woman become one flesh through marital sex.
  15. The Catholic Church believes that homosexual acts are disordered in that they are contrary to natural law (the sex act is closed to the gift of life). The Catholic Church views sex as being both procreative (bringing forth new life) and unitative (strengthening the union of the spouses). Sex is said to be disordered when the two purposes are separated from each other, as it would be in the case of homosexuals who cannot procreate (or in the case of the use of contraception to prevent new life). The procreative aspect of sex implies that it be between a man and a woman.
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