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You know you just purchased too much curriculum when

Excelsior! Academy

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Amazon often does that to me, where there are a ton of books, all from different sellers, that come through as a ton of charges. And, for some reason, every single time DH recharges his MARTA card for his Atlanta trips, Citibank locks the credit cad because of fear of fraud. I have this feeling that people using a credit card for fraudulent purchases aren't buying used copies of SL reading books or subway passes, but whatever....

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Yeah, you might have gone a bit overboard. What would be REALLY bad though, is that you do it so often that they DON'T flag it!



Good point!


Amazon often does that to me, where there are a ton of books, all from different sellers, that come through as a ton of charges. And, for some reason, every single time DH recharges his MARTA card for his Atlanta trips, Citibank locks the credit cad because of fear of fraud. I have this feeling that people using a credit card for fraudulent purchases aren't buying used copies of SL reading books or subway passes, but whatever....



Agreed...do thieves really need Life of Fred or Analytical Grammar?

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My local Borders (RIP) is the only store that ever requested ID when I used my debit card and noticed that the last names on my debit card and driver's license do not match. This struck me as odd because I wondered what kind of criminal buys BOOKS with a stolen credit card? I called them on it occasionally and was assured that oh, yes, happens all of the time. I don't believe them.

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I have this feeling that people using a credit card for fraudulent purchases aren't buying used copies of SL reading books or subway passes, but whatever....



We were out to lunch recently when dh checked our home messages and his card was flagged. They used it to make a prison phone call - to the tune of $50, but still. Then there was another under $10 charge as well. I have to say I like the fraud detection people. The fact that they caught it with only 2 charges is amazing!

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My local Borders (RIP) is the only store that ever requested ID when I used my debit card and noticed that the last names on my debit card and driver's license do not match. This struck me as odd because I wondered what kind of criminal buys BOOKS with a stolen credit card? I called them on it occasionally and was assured that oh, yes, happens all of the time. I don't believe them.



They do it to buy new/expensive books they can then sell on Amazon.


It's not the easiest or quickest way to steal money and launder it, but it does work.

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I got flagged buying a couple of books from Amazon once. When I called the cc company, the nice man checked my buying history and said, "You buy A LOT from Amazon." :leaving:



Don't feel bad, I had to pull up last years purchase history and I had exactly 100 orders :o I knew I ordered a lot but wow... Its cheaper to order with Prime then it is to drive the 45 miles into town for the big box stores:)

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Amazon often does that to me, where there are a ton of books, all from different sellers, that come through as a ton of charges. And, for some reason, every single time DH recharges his MARTA card for his Atlanta trips, Citibank locks the credit cad because of fear of fraud. I have this feeling that people using a credit card for fraudulent purchases aren't buying used copies of SL reading books or subway passes, but whatever....


My dad lives in SC and travels for his business. Three times now, when here in TX and he made a purchase in Wal-mart, they have denied the charge and claimed they "thought it was fraud" After the third he cancelled the card. He doesn't need that.

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The bank calls to tell you your account has been flagged for fraud and your bank card has been disabled.


This happened to our account last week! The bank called and dh talked to them- we probably would have been disabled too if dh hadn't taken the call.


I love shopping!!

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I wish they would call when something suspect happens. Twice we've been in Canada and been denied. Once we were getting gas to come home. We don't leave the US without a full tank anymore.


Luckily, it always seems to be dh's card and mine will go through. I'm sure it is just a matter of time before both of them don't work.

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Our bank is pretty good with regular charges, even when traveling (to places we often travel to), but I always make a point to call the bank/credit card companies before going anywhere new/out of the ordinary, so the cards don't get flagged for fraud. It's annoying, but less annoying that dealing with disabled cards while away.


Our bank is so used to amazon charges in particular, that I've bought things before updating my debit card info (so essentially buying with an inactive card) and whenever possible, they still allow the charges to go through.

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I wish they would call when something suspect happens. Twice we've been in Canada and been denied. Once we were getting gas to come home. We don't leave the US without a full tank anymore.


Luckily, it always seems to be dh's card and mine will go through. I'm sure it is just a matter of time before both of them don't work.



We had this happen with a credit card traveling on our first big family trip cross country. We paid for gas at the pump with our gas card, then went inside for snacks. The clerk told us our card was cancelled. It was over Thanksgiving so we couldn't talk to a person at the credit card company, only the automated system. The system confirmed that our card was not maxed out, just cancelled. One plus side, we committed right then to get out debt and never use a credit card again. We did and we haven't!

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