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Exercise Thread ~ 2/17-2/23


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Hoping for a walk this afternoon as it is supposed to clear off and warm a bit, we will see.

Goal for this week:

3-5 days of yoga

2-3 days bodyweight circuit/s

2-3 days walking or biking


Accomplished last week:

5 days of yoga

2 days bodyweight circuit

2 days walking/hiking

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I managed to get in two miles yesterday. Ran out of daylight.

I'm going to try to get in the eight mile run today before it rains. Maybe.

I'm fighting off a sore calf that is really bugging me. So it's likely that my eight miles are going to be four repeats of two mile intervals with plenty of rubbing and stretching in between.

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A thank you to the person who posted this link http://www.youtube.com/user/BeFitin90 . I looked at a couple of these exercise threads last night, so I'm not sure which of the week where it was posted. I just finished (most) of the day 1, I only made it about halfway through the cardio portion - as soon as I start having to do some kind of plank/push-up type thing I start hating whatever it is.


So my goal this week is to do this workout every weekday.


Now I need to go do my Algebra (so I can stay ahead of my boys).

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Starting P90X Lean this week. I did YogaX a few times a couple of weeks ago and it reminded me of how great P90X is for overall fitness. It gets EVERYTHING. My dh is going to do Combat with my dd. He could really use it. I am sticking with Lean schedule so that I have enough energy to do my other training.


So, Core Syngergistics is done. Some good and bad. The bow to boat was really terrible for me. OTH, I did pretty well on the pushup/plank stuff.

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I did 3.5 miles with the running club yesterday. I backed off my usual 6, because Saturday night dd and I went to Rebounderz and found out how hard it is to jump for an hour.


I did Hip hop abs 2 total body burn and HHA 2 cardio.


My plan is to do HHA 4 more days. Hopefully, 2 workouts. If I can get in touch with my brother we might start walking together.

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Well, I ran my eight miles--no stops, no breaks. Stretched like a slinky afterwards--that is it felt good while it lasted. Now I'm sore, limping around and I will be taking tomorrow off. Maybe a bike ride with the boys if the weather is OK. At the park. Looking at bees and sailboats.

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Much to my astonishment, I can walk this morning.


Query: I need something low impact to strengthen muscles in my calves and feet.

Can't involve a video of any kind.

Swimming makes me panic and the facilites are limited.

I don't do gyms.

It does need to be fairly low impact.


I thought about bouncing around on the trampoline, but I don't know if that is enough.

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The best way to strengthen your calves are ecelectic heal drops. Bascially stand on a step and with one foot slightly raised let your other heal slowly descend, very slowly. Then go slowly back up. Aim for 10 each foot, 2 to 3 sets. It can be hard to picture. I believe Runner's World online has a video of it somewhere. It strenghtens your calves and Achilles. For your feet, pick up stuff with your toes. Spend some time picking up small items with your toes. It really helps! I know those aren't quite what you are looking for, but I found them the best way to work on those areas.

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I need some accountability and a group of others who excercise so finding this thread is perfect. I'm a beginner though as far as difficulty :) Today I did T-Tap and then walked for 30 minutes.



Everyone starts as a beginner.



The best way to strengthen your calves are ecelectic heal drops. Bascially stand on a step and with one foot slightly raised let your other heal slowly descend, very slowly. Then go slowly back up. Aim for 10 each foot, 2 to 3 sets. It can be hard to picture. I believe Runner's World online has a video of it somewhere. It strenghtens your calves and Achilles. For your feet, pick up stuff with your toes. Spend some time picking up small items with your toes. It really helps! I know those aren't quite what you are looking for, but I found them the best way to work on those areas.



I was going to suggest the leg raises on stairs. In the mag I read about them said you could do legs separately or together. When you raise onto your leg you can go all the way up on to your toes to get the feet too.

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A thank you to the person who posted this link http://www.youtube.com/user/BeFitin90 . I looked at a couple of these exercise threads last night, so I'm not sure which of the week where it was posted. I just finished (most) of the day 1, I only made it about halfway through the cardio portion - as soon as I start having to do some kind of plank/push-up type thing I start hating whatever it is.


So my goal this week is to do this workout every weekday.


Now I need to go do my Algebra (so I can stay ahead of my boys).


Today I did something from the Jessica Smith youtube channel that someone posted somewhere here in Chatland. So, 2 days out of 5 so far this week.

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I am doing the heel drops already. Maybe I just want them to get strong too fast, eh?

I've also been doing this toe walking thing (sort of a ridiculous ballet pose with me totering around the house). Don't know if that helps or not, but I sure do feel it in the calves.

I'd do more stuff with my toes, but I'm in shoes 90% of the time now due to the plantar fasciitis and needing to support my arch. But I think I'll just go ahead and make part of my evening routine picking up pencils from the foot of the bed with my toes and putting them in the basket and build up until I can do a whole basket of colored pencils.

I suspect I'm just guilty of wanting too much, too fast.

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Yesterday was 1 hour of karate. We finally did board breaking. My boys were thrilled. Dd and I got our testing for yellow papers. The twins will probably be ready in a couple if weeks when they do the make up testing. I've already told the youngest he cannot test until he is 7. This is only part true, but it is the soonest I think he will really be ready and it will keep his feelings from being hurt when he doesn't get a test sheet this cycle.

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Last week I did nothing. We were on a college visit trip Wednesday - Saturday, and I was too busy getting ready Monday and Tuesday. :D I have a review of the colleges we visited on the college board if anyone is interested.


So, this week it's been:


Monday: Half of JM No More Trouble Zones - just did each circuit one time through, except the last one where it's just one long circuit.


Tuesday: BBL - High & Tight and Bob Harper Yoga Abs


I can't believe how sore my legs are. I was only "off" nine days, and we walked a ton on our visit!!


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I'm waiting on an ice storm to get here. If I can beat the weather I'll be running 3-4 miles.

I borrowed a book from my mum with a large number of exercises for strength as well as multiple cardio routines. I'll likely read over that by firelight tomorrow when the powerlines snap. :glare:

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Yesterday was 45 minutes of karate. Today is 1 hour of karate. Maybe tomorrow I will dig out the yoga video I checked out of the library. I am horrible at watching videos for exercise. Correction, I am great at watching videos for exercise, but forget actually doing it along.

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I think I've posted this week, but in case not, I've done yoga three days this week. even yesterday when it was a 'travel' day. I plan on doing it today sometime . . . . it's great. my clothes are fitting better and my posture has really improved.

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Ok I worked 60 plus minutes Sunday through Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. I couldn't do it Wednesday. I got Rockin Body and did 3 routines this mornings. I'm going to add in either 200 squats or 200 situps program next week. I already did the squats pretest and I will be on week three with that to start.


I'm hypothyroid. I had a doctor appointment this week. The doctor didn't ask me how much I exercise. He just said I wasn't exercising enough. Tht was annoying. Well, I know I am exercising, I'm sweating, I have good endurance and I am strong. I am no longer obese. I am at the high end of overweight, but I'm working on that.

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Thur-ran 4 miles

Today- I've been talked into Zumba with a friend tonight. I don't much like group exercise or dancing but I figure this is better than grabbing our usual snack and coffee. Is it bad I'm dreading it?



I would be right there with you dreading it. I don't do classes. As for dance cardio I do that where only my kids can see me and confirm my weirdness.

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rested yesterday, I was soooo sore from my circuit on Tuesday. I worked through it Wednesday but had to modify some as my arms would not cooperate. However, I enjoyed the day off yesterday. Today is up in the air as we may have a field trip, depending on the roads, in which case I have to try and exercise at a different time than usual.

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