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Would you take an 8yo to see Les Mis?


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The musical, not the movie. Someone gave me tickets and the friend who was going to go with me can't go. It's a matinee show on a weekday so DH can't . I was thinking about taking My almost 9yo DD but wonder if the content is too mature if she'll get bored. I saw the musical on Broadway when I was 11. She does loves music though.

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It depends on the 8 yo. I would take mine, but she's grown up listening to the music (it's my favorite musical), she knows the story, and we started taking the kids to the theater at an early age so they know how to behave in that type of venue. They usually behave better than some of the obnoxious adults in the audience :bored: Only you know your kid well enough to make that decision. The musical is less graphic than the movie version, so some of the more adult themes may go over her head.

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The staged musical? I might... My 8 year old is excellent at theater events. Both my kids have grown up going to the ballet, theater and music performances and they have always been very well behaved. He sits through two Shakespeare plays, at least two full length ballets and maybe 3 musicals every year for the past 3 years.


If she knows it might get 'boring' and knows your expectation about her behaviour then I really might consider it.


I took my musical theater loving 12 year old son to the movie, I didn't take the 8 year old to that.

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The Lovely Ladies songs has some lyrics you may not want them to hear.

But it might go over their heads so you might be all right.

The Master of the House can have pretty bad gestures and innuendos.

It also depends how close your seats are.


Also, it's quite sad when Gavroche gets killed but that might be ok for your kids.

And when Javert commits suicide it's very sad.


But it's very cool.

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I took my ds and his friend to see it when they were about 11 (or maybe younger). The inappropriate stuff went over their heads. They completely loved the music (didn't catch most of the words), loved the drama, didn't figure out the story, and they loved the action - little boys find the action in everything. I won't take my younger kids to pg-13 movies (or many pg movies), but I take them to all sorts of live plays and musicals. I think I've warped my ds. He sings opera in the shower - he's a great tenor.

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We've seen several stage productions of Les Mis and they all had a good many young kids in attendance. They just seemed to enjoy the show and didn't really 'get' what was going on in Lovely Ladies or Master of the House. It's not as easy for kids to pick up on that kind of thing with a stage production as it is during a movie with a huge screen and high def picture.

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