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If you have bunk beds, what do you do for comforters?


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I'm thinking I need something that isn't very puffy for the top bunk. Any ideas? I'm looking for girly.



We have quilts, thinner than a comforter but quite warm. ETA: both are cotton filled, one from PBK and one from Land of Nod (gifts). They have held up very well- they are 5-7 years old and both look all but new.

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Fitted comforters. They aren't as long on the sides and one end is fitted like bottom sheets. I think we got them at JC Pennies years ago.


Or we just fold a regulate twin comforter long ways and it just lays on the top rather than be tucked in. If the sheets match, no one ever notices.

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After another thread, we stopped using top sheets (well, sometimes, at least; old habits and all that jazz).

We'll probably go back to top sheets (with blankets being decoration only, not used at night) in May.

My mom made fleece blankets for my three (and most of our other foster kids though we made the last three).

This seems to work for us fine. Of course, we're in Texas so don't need much warmth out of our bedding.

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Where can I get a cute girly one?



Years ago I got a darling one with butterfies from JC Penney, but I just looked and they don't have anything similar (online).


Bed Bath & Beyond has some cute ones:




They have a lot to choose from and in other colors, too, in case the pinks aren't your thing.

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