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DD hurt her knee badly, prayers please


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I can't believe how many medical issues we have. Yesterday, this dd (youngest) had a reaction to her allergy shot and needed to sit in allergists office for an hour and a half after the shot after taking a big dose of Benadryl, to make sure it didn't get worse. Well last night, in the middle of the night, she got up, slipped but didn't fall and heard a loud pop or crack in her knee, after which her knee hurt but she went back to bed. This morning, she can't straighten her knee, and it is becoming increasingly difficult for her to bear weight on it. Unfortunately, based on where the pain is and her description of what happened, I think she may have torn her ACL. We see her orthopedist (yes, she has an orthopedist in each area which we move to because she has very loose joints and breaks bones, previously due to ideopathic juvenile osteoporosis and the last one was a stress fracture from jumping) today at 12:50. Prayers are welcomed.

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I can't believe how many medical issues we have. Yesterday, this dd (youngest) had a reaction to her allergy shot and needed to sit in allergists office for an hour and a half after the shot after taking a big dose of Benadryl, to make sure it didn't get worse. Well last night, in the middle of the night, she got up, slipped but didn't fall and heard a loud pop or crack in her knee, after which her knee hurt but she went back to bed. This morning, she can't straighten her knee, and it is becoming increasingly difficult for her to bear weight on it. Unfortunately, based on where the pain is and her description of what happened, I think she may have torn her ACL. We see her orthopedist (yes, she has an orthopedist in each area which we move to because she has very loose joints and breaks bones, previously due to ideopathic juvenile osteoporosis and the last one was a stress fracture from jumping) today at 12:50. Prayers are welcomed.



Praying she is fine.

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UPDATE- the xray was fine as we expected. She was out into a very long knee brace and has to wear it for three weeks. The orthopedist said he can't tell what is damaged until the swelling and the pain level goes down. I know they don't do any reparative surgery until inflammation has gone down so we are in a waiting period. SInce she now can't bend her knee, it is hard for her to do a number of things. We have to transport her in the back seat of the car with her leg going up to the from seat to fit,


She says she can feel her knee is not attached the right way since her upper leg can move one way and the lower leg doesn't follow. This didn't just happen because she slipped a bit. (She never fell down). It happened because her knee which can and often does subluxate did it way too far and probably tore something.


That now leaves all three of us females with unresolved medical issues- I have an enlarged thyroid for unknown reasons which I am getting another CAT scan in early MArch, older dd has seizures which are undiagnosed and untreated as of now, and now youngest dd has something wrong with her knee but who knows what at this point. Oh and to top it off, I think my poodle is suffering from canine dementia but need to find out if it is that or something more curable.

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I am sure that they will do an MRI in late February, unless this is completely resolved. This doctor already sent dd for an MRI when she had a suspected stress fracture in her fibula, which is a rare place to get a stress fracture. He wanted to make sure it was a stress fracture and not anything else. I don't think there is any rush to figure it out since from what I read, they don't do ligament repairs or anything like that until some time after the injury to let the swelling go down.

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