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am I being too paranoid - flu related


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Everyone we know has gotten hit with the flu, except for us. We're normally lucky in that we don't get sick and I'd like to keep it that way. A friend of ours just came down with the flu and his son's birthday party is this Saturday. So far he hasn't canceled it and knowing this friend, he won't.


I really don't want to go to this party with this guy having been sick so close to the party, but my DH says we can't not go because of that reason. Truth be told, I don't care for our friend's little boy because at every party he purposely physically hurts at least one kid. At my DD's party he hit my nephew in his um, "private area." :glare: So I don't know if I'm being paranoid or just trying to find an excuse not to go so that neither one of my children run the risk of being hurt.


Thoughts? Would you go with this friend having been sick so close to the party?

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ftr I'm not generally a germphobe at all. However, I've got a small baby and have been in the hospital w/ a 6 wk old who developed pneumonia(baby #3). We've spent a lot of time at home this year and I'm avoiding even people I like seeing if I think they are contagious. Of course we still ended up with the flu here from dh bringing it home from work though. It is very, very nasty and my case was mild compared to dh's I know. Wouldn't risk it for the world.

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fwiw from the CDC:


The Flu Is Contagious

Most healthy adults may be able to infect others beginning 1 day before symptoms develop and up to 5 to 7 days after becoming sick. Children may pass the virus for longer than 7 days. Symptoms start 1 to 4 days after the virus enters the body.

I had just looked this up, trying to decide when we can be leaving the house again safely.

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Nope. Totally wouldn't be going.


I'm not a germaphobe, but I can't think of a good reason to hang out with people who have a fresh round of the flu going through their house. If you really *want* flu, go lick a shopping cart handle and call it done. No one gets kicked in the doodads at the grocery store.

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Don't go and you don't need to give an excuse: "I'm sorry, we are unable to attend the party."


I would previously have been unable to turn down an invitation without giving a big explanation and feeling totally guilty. But thanks to past advice on this forum we declined a relative's birthday party last weekend using the line above. Turned out the birthday boy had the flu and all the kids got sick.

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Is it at their house? Definitely not. Definitely not, anyway. We had the flu this year and we have never been this sick. I had symptoms for three weeks, including an 8 day fever. My kids had fevers over a week and two ended up with ear infections. I am thankful that was all, I was afraid Piper might have to be hospitalized. Moral of this cautionary tale, stay far, far away from known carriers, it is not worth it!

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Don't risk it! I wouldn't even let my kids out of the house or around others for well over a week .. and that was if they were the last person in our house to get it (it went one by one each 1-2 days a part until we all had it). It was the worst flu/sickness we have ever had and the fever was very high, too. Some people have gotten even worse secondary infections (like pneumonia)... I wouldn't knowingly expose myself or my family to it.

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First....do they know it's for sure the flu? My kids and husband have each come down with a fever and chills within the past month and it hasn't been the flu. It only lasted about 12-24 hours for each person....no body aches or headache. Around this time of year a lot of people call every illness the flu.


If it really *is* the flu, someone else in their family is bound to catch it. So even if you decided to go, someone else would probably be sick already. I'd skip it if it's really the flu. If not, it's still nearly a whole week away.

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