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iPhone or IPad?


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I have a regular no-frills cell phone, which has been fine. I also have a basic kindle for reading e-books.


If you were going to get an iPad or iPhone, which would you choose and why? I'm not 100% sure what I'd use the iPad for except to read the boards and check e-mail and I don't need to be doing that 24/7. If I did get the iPad, it would be with 3G. What do you use your iPad for?


Thanks so much!

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I use my iPad for everything and LOVE it! I do use it for general e-mail and web surfing, but I love that it's portable (although that probably means I'm on it too much, LOL). I use the Kindle app for downloading library books, and it's a lot easier for me to hold while nursing the baby than a paper book (I do see that you have a Kindle, though). We have some educational and entertainment apps for the kids. I bring it into the kitchen to use as a cookbook. I watch TV on it from my bed when DH is away. The Notability app has changed my life -- that sounds silly, but it's true. No more paper lists and notebooks; everything's in Notability. I have PDFs of schoolwork on the iPad; DD loves doing math and logic problems on the iPad (and anything that gets her to think math is fun is great). We do have some styluses (er, styli?) for it, and they're a good combination, as is a case with a keyboard.


I personally like the larger screen for writing notes and such, so that's why I voted for that instead of the iPhone. But ymmv. I really wanted the iPad to be a portable notepad, so I use it mostly for that, but the other benefits are great too.

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iPhone. For sure. It's portable, goes with me everywhere, I use it for everything and I'm never without it.


I got a Kindle Fire HD for Christmas and it pretty much just sits on my bedside table. I don't really get the whole tablet craze. It's easier for me to type on a regular keyboard on my laptop or with my thumbs on my phone, and there's nothing I can do on a tablet that I can't do on my phone. Today there was a tornado warning and there was a tornado headed straight for...well...my house, so for the first time ever I actually took cover. I grabbed my purse, my car keys, my dog....and my phone.

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I love both. If I could only have one, I'd choose the iphone. I use the iphone for, well, everything. Internet, books, text, facetime, you name it. I prefer the kindle for reading, but with the phone - can pick up wherever I left off on a book, when/wherever I happen to find time to read. I love the budgeting apps, exercise apps (C25K), Cozi, and motivated moms. I use those on my phone, but not the iPad for some reason.


The ipad is good for most of the above - although not texting, phoning - but it's not as portable. We use it differently. More like a mini-laptop.

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I opted for the ipad over the iphone simply because so many people say they use the iphone mostly for other things than talking on the phone. I have the ipad mini and find the size very portable. If you get the 3 g you can make calls with your ipad and use it like an iphone....the best of both worlds?

We use the ipad a lot for skyping and face time with my in laws. My mom i law got herself one so she can face time with the grandkids


I use it in the kitchen when cooking. I use pandora in both the kitchen and bedroom. We watch netflix movies on it. I love not having to boot up the computer to check email.


They do the same things...I wanted a bigger screen so I went with ipad. When I asked on here before Christmas about which to get....

people with both said they would not want to have to choose only one! LOL

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I have both but will be getting rid of my Iphone in the next few months.

I use under 200 cell minutes each month-- and I'm home 99% of the time!


Other than calling I do nothing on my Iphone that I do not/could not do on my Ipad. DH has an Iphone through work and he can text my IPad using my Apple ID...


I'm getting a TracFone and will save $40+ per month (my Ipad is 4g with Verizon so $20 per month)... still over $400 per year savings!

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It depends on what you are planning on using it for. We have an iPad and I have a Galaxy s3. I use my smartphone much more than the iPad. The phone comes with me wherever I go. I own a Kindle e reader as well, and I do tend to throw that in my purse for reading, but I also have a few books on my phone, and I have used it to read while out.


If you are always home and like or want the bigger screen than the iPad may be good for you. It is nice to use for Facetime or Skype.

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I have iPhone & iPad.. If I could only have one, I'd choose the iPad. I can browse and see whole web pages with the print at a reasonable size; I can use Notability and write on pdfs easily; I can watch movies without squinting. Plus, there are a number of higher end apps that are iPad look and perform much better on a bigger screen.


I use my iPad for games, educational and news apps, productivity (like Notability), watching movies, internet browsing. I do not use it for email (dc share it) or photos. Neverthelss, the iPad is used for hours and hours each day; for me, the iPhone is handy, but not essential.

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From what I'm reading in this thread, it seems like the choice is really more of a personality thing, and I'm still not sure which I'd prefer. I can see benefits to both.


I like the price of the iPhone over the iPad. I like the portability and size of the iPhone as well. I can't really text on my current phone and more and more, it seems like people want to text rather than e-mail. On the other hand, I'm in my 40s and it's nice to have a big screen. I've tried typing on my dd's iPod and that was kind of difficult for me, but I'm thinking it would be easier on an iPad. Or not?


I guess I envisioned using it while waiting for my kids during their activities and outsourced classes. My dd's piano teacher was raving about her iPad the other day. She's a special ed teacher and uses it a lot for work. That's what got me interested to begin with. The main feature that was mentioned that sounds interesting to me is the note-taking and list-making ability. I love to make lists but they often get lost before I'm done with them.


Whatever I get, I want it to be a useful tool for me but I am a little nervous I'll get addicted to being on here all the time. When I had a laptop, I spent every evening on it. Now that I have to sit at a desk, I just jump on for shorter periods of time when I'm home.

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I would vote iPad but I think you're right about the personality thing. For example, others mention choosing the iPhone because it's more portable. I take my iPad everywhere so to me it is portable. I like the big screen and have the full size. I like to write notes and dd uses some PDF curriculum. If you get th 3G it basically doesn everything the iPhone does on a bigger screen.


I don't have an iPhone because I'm waiting for my free upgrade before switching to one. I have a few friends who changed to regular cellphones after getting their 3G iPads.


I would highly recommend buying refurbished from the apple website. They come with the same warranty as new ones and depending on which version you buy the savings are pretty good. we've purchased all of ours this way. The primary difference between the iPad 2 and 3 is the screen resolution. We have both and unless you're watching high def movies side by side it is hard to notice. The camera is slightly better on the iPad 3.

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I would vote iPad but I think you're right about the personality thing. For example, others mention choosing the iPhone because it's more portable. I take my iPad everywhere so to me it is portable. I like the big screen and have the full size. I like to write notes and dd uses some PDF curriculum. If you get th 3G it basically doesn everything the iPhone does on a bigger screen.


I don't have an iPhone because I'm waiting for my free upgrade before switching to one. I have a few friends who changed to regular cellphones after getting their 3G iPads.


I would highly recommend buying refurbished from the apple website. They come with the same warranty as new ones and depending on which version you buy the savings are pretty good. we've purchased all of ours this way. The primary difference between the iPad 2 and 3 is the screen resolution. We have both and unless you're watching high def movies side by side it is hard to notice. The camera is slightly better on the iPad 3.



What kind of pdf curriculum are you using? I will definitely look into the refurbished iPads. The price is part of what is holding me back. I don't see myself using it as a camera, so that's not an issue for me if the iPad 2 was a lot less expensive.

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I consider my iPhone to be a more expensive purchase than the iPad. iPhone contracts are necessary and cost a pretty hefty monthly fee for a reasonable plan. So, do consider the monthly cost for the iPhone, not just the initial purchase. My iPad does have the 3G but I can pay for that when I need it (month-to-month for $20. We only activate the 3G when we are going on a trip. Otherwise, I use it over wifi with no monthly fee (other than my home Internet cost).


The iPad is a valuable educational tool for us- I store and organize all of our ebooks and e-curriculum on it, read directly from it while giving a lesson, and we use it for science videos, math demos, and research in our homeschool. It's to the point now that I rarely ever buy physical curricula and save money this way (e-books are much less $$ usually). I lesson plan on it, and that is a very valuable feature for me. I can portably lesson plan anywhere (all coffee shops and libraries around here offer free wifi, and I can sit outside and still get wifi in the summer while my kids are playing and I'm planning).


Evernote, Kindle, and Notability apps have made our homeschool almost paperless (not including art and notebooking). We also have a kindle but now that my 3rd grader is reading some of his literature for lessons independently, we really do use both numerous times per day. He will be reading his history reader on the kindle or iPad while im using either the kindle or iPad to read to our K'er during that time.


As for grocery lists, menu planning, etc...the iPhone is a much better tool. I don't want to carry my iPad around while shopping. They work together for me. I do all the meal planning and research on the iPad (much easier to type) and bring the iPhone to the market, library, run errands, play audiobooks in the car, etc.


I love love love playing audiobooks in the car from my iPhone for the kids. We use audible for the academic audiobooks, but librivox offers excellent free literature recordings for kids- we listen to Fairytales and classics everywhere we go. I would not like to bring my iPad into the car each time. It's too big to carry everywhere and I'd worry about theft if I left it in the car. I'll carry it to the library and coffee shop to work on it, but I would not like to drag it all over town to every class and errand we go on, especially if we are going hiking or to the park or gym or something like that.

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I don't like the iPad camera; I have an iPad 2, so the camera is not great. It does not come close to comparing to my regular digital camera. I haven't tried using FaceTime or Skype on it, though.


Re: how big the iPad is. I still have very little children, so I still carry a pretty good-sized bag with diapers, water bottles, etc. in it, and it has a big open slot in the back (for a changing pad, I guess), but the iPad, even in its keyboard case, still fits really nicely into that pocket. Also, I take two of my children to speech therapy once a week, so I bring a backpack of schoolbooks for other children to use, and the iPad fits in that nicely. I don't have an iPhone, though, just a basic cell phone, so I don't know if I would prefer the iPhone if I'd actually used it. If you only carry a small purse, I could definitely see how you might find the iPad annoyingly big. I definitely err on the packing heavy side, though, so one more thing doesn't bother me.


Re: curriculum on the iPad. I have Mr. Q's Chemistry on it for next year, and I'm excited not to have to print out all the pages. The kids can use Notability to fill in the worksheets, and I'll just print a few of them for the portfolio. I'm also thinking about getting WWE in PDF form, as well as Art of Argument. This year, I have DD's Logic program (the cryptogram book that was free a while ago from the Critical Thinking Company) on it, and again, I'll just print out a few sheets. I scanned my Saxon test book into the computer and turned it into a PDF, so again, DD can right directly on it for tests. My biggest concern about curriculum on the iPad is that DD may need it for herself at the same time I need it to work with a younger child, so I'm trying to be cautious there.

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I don't like the iPad camera; I have an iPad 2, so the camera is not great. It does not come close to comparing to my regular digital camera. I haven't tried using FaceTime or Skype on it, though.


Re: how big the iPad is. I still have very little children, so I still carry a pretty good-sized bag with diapers, water bottles, etc. in it, and it has a big open slot in the back (for a changing pad, I guess), but the iPad, even in its keyboard case, still fits really nicely into that pocket. Also, I take two of my children to speech therapy once a week, so I bring a backpack of schoolbooks for other children to use, and the iPad fits in that nicely. I don't have an iPhone, though, just a basic cell phone, so I don't know if I would prefer the iPhone if I'd actually used it. If you only carry a small purse, I could definitely see how you might find the iPad annoyingly big. I definitely err on the packing heavy side, though, so one more thing doesn't bother me.


Re: curriculum on the iPad. I have Mr. Q's Chemistry on it for next year, and I'm excited not to have to print out all the pages. The kids can use Notability to fill in the worksheets, and I'll just print a few of them for the portfolio. I'm also thinking about getting WWE in PDF form, as well as Art of Argument. This year, I have DD's Logic program (the cryptogram book that was free a while ago from the Critical Thinking Company) on it, and again, I'll just print out a few sheets. I scanned my Saxon test book into the computer and turned it into a PDF, so again, DD can right directly on it for tests. My biggest concern about curriculum on the iPad is that DD may need it for herself at the same time I need it to work with a younger child, so I'm trying to be cautious there.




I have a huge purse, so that's definitely not an issue. :001_smile: I have one child with some lds, and he has no interest in technology, so having him do something on the iPad sounds interesting. He loves history and I was just looking at some of the history and geography stuff offered by Apple. That might be something to pull him in a little. I just know he will need to be comfortable with a tablet in the future for college or work.


Anyway, thanks to all who responded. I'm definitely starting to lean toward the iPad (if I decide I can afford it). My husband is also very interested in me getting an iPad, but totally uninterested in the phone. That is influencing me as well.

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We have one ipad and we all have iphones. I prefer the iphone over the ipad and rarely use the ipad anymore. It started out as primarily mine, but I just had little need for it. Older son (16 yo) however, uses the ipad extensively for his school work. He is taking 2 coursera classes and does it all on the ipad, wireless at home. He is taking classes at the ps also and he uses the ipad to do some of the online work associated with those classes. Plus, he downloads audio books from the library frequently and listens to them on the ipad. HE will download them on his phone for times when he needs more portability. We rarely take the ipad out of the house. He also uses it as his personal research station (he will google just about any question that arises in the house). He used to use the ipad to record vocab/lessons when he had a Mandarin tutor.


Younger son, age 14, rarely uses his phone at all. Mostly he uses a calculator app. He also doesn't use the ipad, although I have wondered if it is because myolder son hogs it. younger son claims not to want to use it, so who knows.

DH wants to buy another ipad, but I am thinking we should just hold onto our money and eventually get both kids their own laptops. Older son will be taking classes at the U next year and I think a light laptop would be the most useful piece of technology for him.


Gl whatever you decide. The ipad does have a lot of utility. I just find the iphone does all I need at this time. If my kdis were younger and I was able to use the ipad for school planning, I would probably find it more desirable over just the phone.

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I have both, and if made to give one up, it would definitely be the ipad. I love my iPhone. Much more portable , takes much better photos, and has Internet at all times....as opposed to my ipad which is wifi only. I use my iPhone all the time.....my ipad only several times a week.

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I have both, and if made to give one up, it would definitely be the ipad. I love my iPhone. Much more portable , takes much better photos, and has Internet at all times....as opposed to my ipad which is wifi only. I use my iPhone all the time.....my ipad only several times a week.


Same here, except the kids use the iPad daily. They'd miss it, but I'd definitely go with the iPhone over the iPad if I could only pick one.

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I have recently acquired both and honestly love how well they work TOGETHER. First I got my iPhone. I just had that for a few months and I was in love. So much that I asked my dh to get me a used ipad for Christmas. Oh my goodness. I love how everything syncs. I have on calendar in both places. Notes, apps, etc. it works so well together. I don't know which one I would choose. It is too hard!

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I don't think I will ever be able to decide! I think I need to really figure out what I want to use this thing for. I could so see myself buying an iPad and then never using it. I did look on my dd's iPod and there is no notability program (not sure if it's available for the iPhone) and that's one of the features that seems the best to me. My niece has an iPod and she is on that thing all the time and has taught my dd all kinds of things. I have picked it up a couple of times and just am not interested.


I'd like to have my calendar, addresses, phone numbers, lists and internet access wherever I go. Beyond that, I think I might find other things I'd like about either device, but I'm really doubting I'll play around with it enough to even discover half of the cool things they do. So maybe I will just wait. My husband isn't thrilled about the iPhone idea and the iPad is $$$$$$$.

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I'd like to have my calendar, addresses, phone numbers, lists and internet access wherever I go.



Then go with the iPhone. With the iPad, you can only access the internet when you're near a wireless connection, unless you get a "cellular model" of the iPad (not sure if they cost more, but you will have to pay for a data plan - just as you do with the iPhone). Just seems like more of a hassle. The iPhone seems to be a better fit for your needs.

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