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Weird question- S/O the vomit bowl

Heather in Neverland

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So are you a "puker"? Other than pregnancy, of course.


This month dh and I have been together for 17 years and in all those years he has NEVER thrown up. Not once. Not from illness or bad food or alcohol or anything. Ever.


My oldest ds hasn't thrown up in about 5 years.


My dd, although only 3yo, has never thrown up.


My middle child and myself, however, are what my dh calls "pukers". My middle child gets severely car sick and pukes in the car all the time. We never go anywhere without plastic bags.


I get stomach flu a couple of times a year and will also throw up if something doesn't sit well in my stomach.


Dh thinks it is weird that ds and I throw up so easily. I think it is weird that he never throws up.


I say this as I sit here, nauseous from my cold medicine. It might be a toilet bowl night.



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I have a fear of vomiting, so I hold back as long as I can, even though it makes me feel worse.


The last time I vomited was 1 1/2 years ago from nose surgery because of all the...drainage.


DH says he has only vomited a few times in his life.


The last time my father vomited was when I was 5, so 14 years ago. He had a stomach of steel.

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Well, I tend to throw up a lot. :lol: Even if I don't have a bug, I have other gastro issues. I only use the bowl when sick, however.


Dh and ds rarely do, in fact I don't think ds has ever been this sick. This time, no one was spared. This whole thing flew through my family, my parents, and my sister's family (who visited for Christmas). - they had to use their own bowl though.


We tend to have that bowl only for its duty though. It used to be a nice mixing bowl, but kind of got relegated to illness duty. No one dares use it for anything else now.

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Ds and I are pukers. Dd & dh -not so much. 20 years of marriage I think I have seen him throw up 2 maybe 3 times. DD has to be really ill to throw up. Ds, however, has inherited my attractiveness to stomach bugs. If there is one within 50 miles of us we will catch it. Although, I do have to say that the frequency of stomach bugs has reduced greatly over the years as I continue to improve our food habits.

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In our family, only ds vomits. I don't think I've puked in 10 years, bar pregnancy. Dd12 had 1 stomach bug as a small baby, bumped her head and threw up once as a toddler, and only threw up again aged 7 yrs, when it turned out to be appendicitis. Nothing since then. Dh doesn't ever throw up either. Ds does, pretty much whenever he gets a fever, but he always stops eating well before, for which I am eternally grateful - I'm not equipped through genetics or experience to deal with pukers!

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I rarely vomit -- I can't remember the last time I did. I *do* remember vividly having food poisoning over 10 years ago, which featured much upchucking.


One dd does occasionally, but the rest of the family is pretty stoic, now that you mention it.

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I know families of pukers. It truly boggles my mind the amount of vomit they deal with on a yearly basis. I actually worry when puke-family-kids are at my house that they'll get sick here and I'll have to deal with it :ack2: .


I throw up most often at our house and I average once a year. Dh, over our twenty years together, has probably thrown up 3 times. Our kids have puked twice each, over their lifetime.


I am so afraid I'm jinxing myself :leaving:

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DH is a puker at about anything. DS1 seems to get hit with the pukey bug a couple times a year. DS2, who is 3, has only puked once in his life so far. As for me, I have a vasovegal (sp?) reaction and pass out cold every time I puke. Not only gross and scary, but dangerous. I tend to only puke once every few years and I will do everything in my power to hold it down because I don't want to pass out.


The puke bucket is currently in our living room because DS1 used it twice in the night. He seems fine, no fever, no stomachache or anything, he thinks it was the pizza we had last night that didn't sit well with him.


ETA: I forgot until I read someone else's - DS2 had HORRID reflux as a baby and could projectile with the best of them!

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DS2 is 8 and has never puked, except for a few times of spit up as a tiny infant. DS1 is almost 10 and has thrown up maybe 3-4 times. He gets carsick, and if I'm not monitoring what he's doing on a long car ride, he's been known to throw up in the car. He also had horrible reflux as a baby and threw up all the time until we got medicine for that.


DH has thrown up once in the 12 years we've been together.


I had horrible morning sickness, but other than that, I've thrown up maybe 3-4 times in the last 10 years from illness. The day I went into the hospital this fall, I was throwing up from the pain, not from stomach bug.

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My dh thinks I'm a puker also. I suppose I am compared to him. I seem to be the only one in the family. My kids will get a stomach but and vomit once. I get that same bug and vomit once an hour for 8-10 hours. My stomach is also very sensitive to car rides and food. Something at Burger King makes me sick. I think it must be their oil. Anyway, my dh likes to have fun and point out BK to me every Sunday on our way to church. I makes my stomach cramp whenever someone mentions it to me.



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We're not pukers here. Last time I was that sick was over 7 years ago. I remember it because dd was not yet walking (she walked at 9.5 mos) but was already pulling up, so it must have been summer 2005. We all got a stomach bug that year. The other members of my family have vomited maybe once each in those 7 years, all due to illness.


Many years ago ds1 was a puker but he did it for the attention. When he didn't get his way he'd get worked up into such a fit he'd throw up. The first couple times I thought he couldn't help it. But when I threatened him that if he threw up he'd have to help clean up he miraculously stopped puking. :glare: Years later he told me he remembers that threat being a turning point for him. And he's only thrown up when very ill ever since.

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Dh and 2 of the kids are pukers. I've pukes maybe 3 times in the last 18 years. Two of those times were medication induced when I had a herniated disc in my neck and was on a bunch of painkillers.

Dd2 has always puked. She had reflux as a baby. She also has a super-sensitive gag reflex and would start puking if we let her cry for more than a few minutes. Now she pukes if she's excited, tired, hungry, too full - makes me feel like a terrible mom because she doesn't even wake me up anymore. I'd say she pukes at least twice a month not related to illness.

DS pukes on car trips always. He'll be fine for hours (and our car trips always seem to be hours) then he falls asleep and wakes up heaving. At least we can plan for it.

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We are not pukers here--it's very rare. I've never thrown up much, and didn't at all when I was pregnant (I just had vague nausea all the time, whee). My 9yo hasn't puked since she was about 4, but she is deathly afraid of it, which kind of worries me. I feel a bit that way myself but she really takes it farther.


One of my best friends is the mom of a family of pukers. She considers it routine to throw up (on average) about once a week. Her kids will puke on the slightest provocation, especially if they're excited or sick.


I guess there's a wide variety of people in the world!

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In the last month I've noticed that a couple of my kids and I get sick almost every time we go to a party in the evening that involves food. I think it's a combination of overstimulation on our introvert systems and too much sugar.


I had a lovely evening a few weeks ago where I woke up feeling sick and debating weather or not to drag myself into the bathroom, then I heard dd 3 crying in the kitchen. She was covered in vomit and trying to get a paper towel to clean herself up. I got her to the toilet to finish puking, stuck her in the bath, ran across the house, called to dh to wake up and take care of her, then proceeded my own bathroom to worship before the porcelain throne...


All the other kids managed to wake up that night. One got a bowl, one was told to go back to sleep because we knew he wouldn't actually throw up, and one had to get a shower because dd3 had apparently been in her sister's bed when she got sick...Blech.


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I have a prolific puker. I think my husband and other son are probably average. The last time I puked, though, was probably 3 years ago while taking Flagyl and the time before that was probably 5 years prior from undercooked pork. I don't tend to get stomach bugs while the rest of the family does. I suspect some people are more resistant to stomach pathogens/their effects perhaps. Everyone else gets sick here and I never do.

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