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Who's going to tackle Wednesday with me?

Jean in Newcastle

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Feeling discouraged. There's just too much to do around here.


Clean kitchen :hat:



School specials:

Ds15 - History/Lit seminar :hat:

Dd11 - science :hat:

Dd11 - Japanese :hat:


Grade the Latin that I said I'd grade yesterday and didn't.

Take out Garbage :hat:

Latin tutor comes.

Dig stuff out from under the arm chairs and the coffee table and put it away (or throw it out) :hat:

Put away cards. :hat:

Library :hat:

Grocery store :hat:


Add more stuff if I have time and energy.

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I've been working hard today! It's 11:30am and I've already gotten quite a bit done!




2 loads of laundry

Shower/get dressed

Vacuum/sweep downstairs

Morning chores

get dd5 ready for pick-up (my friend is picking her up for a playdate with her dd)

Write out and mail bills

dd8: handwriting & math & spelling & FLL & WWE,

ds: science &geography



ds: math

Get dinner in the crockpot



dd8: history, science

ds: English, history

Buy stamps

Go to Kohls to pay bill

Go by church to pick up new book for Sunday’s bible study

Go to bank

Vacuum upstairs



Pick up “daycare child†from her preschool (1pm)


Make 2 quiches for breakfasts/lunches this week

Have dh install ds’ light under desk

Have dh attach ds’ wooden crates to form bookcase



Finish working on financials for GS troop

write thank you notes for Christmas gifts

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We are starting school today, which means:

Assign history reading for DS

Nag DD to start SAT essay prep (yes, I know,I would not want to do it either and I am very sorry we have to do this, but that's the hoop we have to jump through)



Schedule doctor's appointment

sweep bedroom

clean cheese drawer in fridge

two loads of laundry (#1 is in the dryer as I type)

do dishes

cook soup for lunch

cook real dinner

put away Christmas decoration from basement (tree stays up till epiphany)

start taking down outdoor decorations (when it warms up - not in 20 degrees)

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That's a big list! Don't be discouraged, just do what you can today; the other stuff isn't going anywhere.


On my list today:

library (donate magazines/renew/checkout new books)

clean bookshelves for 52 week reading challenge


grocery store/prep for dinner

Read, go for a walk


On my ignore list:

grading remaining essays before school starts :closedeyes:

they'll still be in the basket tomorrow

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Checking in: all done below...


Laundry-2 loads done now


Punch holes in J's schedule and put away.

Organize my schedule back into my binder.

Write J's morning work for tomorrow in her new homework notebook...


Got lunch (veggie beef soup) from freezer and heated it up. Trying to clear the freezers of food to make room for the cow in the spring. I have a "buy hardly anything" two months going on right now to help with that.


Tomorrows lunch is chosen-gumbo and rice from the freezer :) I'm removing them today though.


Get the girls to clean out the barn after lunch...but I've got to supervise...


Load the donation items into my car.


make new set of reins for bridle...done..


Put away yarn that a friend gave to me.



Meal planning is finished for the month, but meals need to be chosen for the rest of week and ingredients checked.


Take son to fencing.


Make dinner preps as needed: turkey cutlets, baked sweet potatoes and green beans.

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Guest inoubliable

Checking in:


1 - paid the Comcast bill

2 - made beds and gathered up some dirty clothes

3 - straightened up the bedrooms

4 - ordered deposit slips from bank

5 - started tax return online


To do:

1 - take down Christmas tree/decorations

2 - dishes

3 - laundry

4 - finish up meal planning for the month

5 - finish a book that's been sitting here for far too long

6 - rest! it's my last day on antibiotics and i'm feeling really icky stomach-wise today. steroids are making want to hog down the entire pantry on top of that.

7 - scan some documents and paystubs

8 - load up Goodwill donations in the van when DH gets home

9 - list a few things on Craigslist for sale

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You can do it, Jean! Little bites at a time!


Already done:


Pulled out school stuff. Arranged and organized, ready for Monday.

Cleaned out my desk.

Pulled everything off the big decorative shelf in the kitchen that holds all my antique kitchen gadgets. Cleaned and reorganized.

Put away misc. legos into the bins to make room on the shelving unit for the mouse cage. We got 2 cute little mice yesterday. Nice to have some fresh, fun life around!

Washed 2 loads of laundry. Ds12 will finish them at my mom's this afternoon while I'm at work. Our new dryer will be here next week!


To Do:

Clean and organize pantry. (My OCD is a bit out of control today. It's my reaction to stress. So, organizing it is!)

Work this afternoon.

Stop by the bank on the way home.

And the pharmacy.

We're heading back to taekwondo tonight after a week off.


And today I am back on my diet. Before Christmas I had lost 15 pounds and was feeling so much better. A week of bad eating has left me feeling swollen and out of energy. So....I'm hungry! But, I'll get used to it. I was on a chocolate diet the last week. My body will need a few days to adjust to less sugar. And I want to feel better again. I liked that feeling.


I really like these threads every day, Jean. It makes me realize that I really do accomplish a lot even if I don't feel like I do. Thank you!

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No school until Monday.




Vacuum main floor, quick-mop kitchen

Clean/sort/prune "pantry" item cupboards

Clean/sort/prune under kitchen sink

Make bread crumbs

Grind 10lb bread flour, pack and freeze


Make wishlist for non-disposable party supplies: napkins, cheapish plates and bowls, utensils, more platters, etc. This is something I should have done years ago.


I've set aside the afternoon for reading. Waiting to see if kids have a play date.




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You can do it, Jean!


I've hung the laundry, helped husband prepare for the interview, driven home the sleep over participant, done the grocery shopping (found apples for 50 cents a pound!), started the yogurt, and eaten lunch.


Now I need to do the dishes and clean the kitchen and go through the fridge to find out what leftovers can be turned into dinner for tonight. We'll probably have some sort of Asian-style noodles. I also think I'll have time to go through my new cookbooks and maybe finish the novel I've been trying to get through for days.


Mostly I hope no one needs to talk to me because I've been interacting with real people way too much since Christmas.

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almost 2pm check-in



2 loads of laundry

Shower/get dressed

Vacuum/sweep downstairs

Morning chores

get dd5 ready for pick-up (my friend is picking her up for a playdate with her dd)

Write out and mail bills

dd8: handwriting & math & spelling & FLL & WWE,

ds: science &geography & math

lunch for kids

Pick up “daycare child†from her preschool (1pm)

Get dinner in the crockpot




history for dd8 and ds

Make 2 quiches for breakfasts/lunches this week



dd8: science

ds: English,

Buy stamps

Go to Kohls to pay bill

Go by church to pick up new book for Sunday’s bible study

Go to bank

Vacuum upstairs



Have dh install ds’ light under desk

Have dh attach ds’ wooden crates to form bookcase



Finish working on financials for GS troop

write thank you notes for Christmas gifts

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11:20 check in:


Ds is done with Logic. He is now doing classical guitar.


Dd and I did Japanese and spelling. Now we are in the process of doing a science experiment.


While we wait for water to boil, I am going to take out the garbage. Dd is digging stuff out from under the living room furniture. (I don't know how it all gets under there. . . )

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No school today, but I still have to get to those TOG workbooks - 2 weeks worth started, 5 more to go

Grocery store

Haircut for dd14

Library if my reserved books come in

Make myself some coffee - done

Consider trying the No S diet

Start a batch of coconut milk kefir


Mac and Cheese for kids' lunch - eaten

Baked chicken legs for dinner


Also realized I need to start my annual Christmas/Epiphany/Valentines Day letter. I don't have the mental energy for it today. Maybe tomorrow.


I slept so poorly last night that I think I may need to take a nap before I can manage to accomplish anything.

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Copy Work (Sentence from history)

Spelling for Eldest

Read outloud, "The Secrets of Droon #7" (Eldest finished reading it last night. The current deal is he reads it to himself, then I read it outloud to everyone

Made the boys practice piano for a few minutes. With no lesson for the past 2 weeks, and none till next week it's hard to keep up practicing

Library (I had to take the car since I had ALL the Piggie and Elephant books to return, and several other things. About 40 pounds of books. I was not going to walk)

Grocery shopping (I had the car!!! So I could buy stuff and only concern myself with carrying it to and from the car. Lots of food)


Now it's onto other things.


I did have a conversation with my boys about school. They know that Eldest will be learning cursive soon(ish). Eldest is also looking forward to next month when Beast Academy will arrive in the mail and we can start math. (Since shipping to Canada is so much I'm not going to buy it till all of grade 3 is published.)


--- I admit I felt a bit like a rebel at the grocery store just buying stuff without having to work out on carrying it home. The kids felt a bit spoiled since we got TWO boxes of oranges and they didn't have to carry them home.

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I've fixed lunch and supper and put a casserole in the freezer, fixed a meal for tomorrow. Done the laundry. Got the four groups of kitties that depend on me for food fed and watered for the day. Upstairs is clean and I picked up crap in the boy rooms. I need to go outside and check on things but I'm not so sure that is going to happen.

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its 1pm.


ballet audition paperwork done for this weekend (photos: 2 done, 2 to go)

ballet auditions' transportation arranged (almost ;)

my mom's christmas present on its way

camping food bin sorted and put away

3 loads of camping laundry done and hung up

1 load of regular clean clothes put away

1 load of camping clothes put away

2 loads of dishes done

kitchen counter cleared

breakfast and lunch done

pet care done (chickens, dog, cat)

arrangements for girls to attend birthday party today completed (presents located; yet to be wrapped)

one music practice


to do:

1 load of laundry left to hang up

3 loads left to put away



driving to and from birthday party, wrapping gifts, creating cards

grocery shopping (me, during birthday party)

2 music practices

moving camping bins to garage


and ????


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Latin grading done.

Helped explain nematocysts to dd11.

Helping with and grading dd's math.

Library - handed stuff in, checked stuff out, was able to renew all our history dvds (whew!)


When we get home: laundry folding and putting away.

Sweeping laundry room

Putting away stuff from the bottom of the stairs

Oh - and grocery shopping on the way home. What should I make for dinner?

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No school until Monday.




Vacuum main floor, quick-mop kitchen

Clean/sort/prune "pantry" item cupboards

Clean/sort/prune under kitchen sink

Make bread crumbs

Grind 10lb bread flour, pack and freeze


Make wishlist for non-disposable party supplies: napkins, cheapish plates and bowls, utensils, more platters, etc. This is something I should have done years ago.


I've set aside the afternoon for reading. Waiting to see if kids have a play date.


Everything done except under the sink, but added in the oven drawer, a fair trade.


Child play date is a go, the mums are coming too, and we're going to break out a leftover bottle of champagne. I'm of duty until dinner (already prepped).

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So far:

dishes done (for the third time)

nag about geometry

nag about piano

nag about getting an orthopedist appointment

rent $$ in bank

nag about chores

puppies fed (twice)

bread started

school log done

hang the last of the Christmas cards

college files organized for ds

figure out if dd should buy books on Amazon (no)

look up sheet music for Hobbit (out on the 7th!)

shred piles from kitchen

nag about feeding herd and calves

vacuum back porch

pay rec center fees

mail letters

call neighbor about dd staying over whilst I have to be in Aspen

nag about dd running water and feeding cats at sil's place

cheer up dd about a friend's jerky behavior

start three loads of laundry

listen to Yo Yo Ma play Dvorak

print dd's class schedule for next semester


Still to do:

nag about bird feeders

nag about cello

place ad for puppies

finish laundry

check algebra

write Navy girl



The Nags cracked me up! :) I nagged too...nagged J to just do her stinkin' homework in it's entirety, tonight. I nagged at them to quit talking so much and quit reading other books when you have some schoolwork still left (I hate that nag since I love that they love to read, but a time and a place for everything I say). LOL


That said, my check in leaves me with fixing dinner and folding laundry, but I added: finishing wiping up the rest of the floor and tub wall where I grouted it two weeks ago, lol. I've wiped it down so much already and my knees are begging me not to again (even though I use a garden knee pad). I can't wait to start sealing it this weekend though! Then I can really get it finished up.

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5:30pm update



2 loads of laundry

Shower/get dressed

Vacuum/sweep downstairs

Morning chores

get dd5 ready for pick-up (my friend is picking her up for a playdate with her dd)

Write out and mail bills

dd8: handwriting & math & spelling & FLL & WWE,

ds: science &geography & math

lunch for kids

Pick up “daycare child†from her preschool (1pm)

Get dinner in the crockpot

history for dd8 and ds

Make 2 quiches for breakfasts/lunches this week

Go to Kohls to pay bill

Go by church to pick up new book for Sunday’s bible study

did a quick trip to the grocery store to pick up sale items + a few things we needed



making side dishes to go with dinner



dd8: science

ds: English,

Buy stamps (moving this to tomorrow's list when we are in town)

Go to bank (going to wait and do this tomorrow when we are in town for dd's dance class)

Vacuum upstairs

Exercise (will do after dinner)


Have dh install ds’ light under desk

Have dh attach ds’ wooden crates to form bookcase



Finish working on financials for GS troop

write thank you notes for Christmas gifts

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Guest inoubliable

Checking in:


1 - paid the Comcast bill

2 - made beds and gathered up some dirty clothes

3 - straightened up the bedrooms

4 - ordered deposit slips from bank

5 - started tax return online


To do:

1 - take down Christmas tree/decorations

2 - dishes

3 - laundry

4 - finish up meal planning for the month

5 - finish a book that's been sitting here for far too long

6 - rest! it's my last day on antibiotics and i'm feeling really icky stomach-wise today. steroids are making want to hog down the entire pantry on top of that.

7 - scan some documents and paystubs

8 - load up Goodwill donations in the van when DH gets home

9 - list a few things on Craigslist for sale


Checking in. 4/9 since the last check in. Dinner is prepped, for the most part. Black bean burgers are all made up into patties, DS12 is working on his famous potato fries and those should hit the oven in about 10 mins. A can of baked beans is waiting to be heated up in the microwave as soon as DH comes in the door.

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Checking in at 4pm.


My list is done except for the pharmacy which I will do on the way to TKD tonight.


I also got 2 thank you notes written, the package finished for my friend and dropped off at the post office, and the correct charger ordered for the wii remotes. I bought the wrong batteries and sat on them too long. So, it's easier to buy the charger. Done.


Dinner is leftovers tonight. I'm having pizza. Hurray!

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On my list today:

library (donate magazines/renew/checkout new books)

clean bookshelves for 52 week reading challenge


grocery store/prep for dinner

Read, go for a walk



Went to library but forgot donation box! Dd9 and I went for a nice walk, discovered that she was interested in birds. Went shopping at the grocery store that is closing down and bought King Arthur flour for 50% off. Laundry is going, and I will start on bookshelves after dinner.


I also cleaned the entryway, front porch and walkway, and balanced the checkbook.

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Grocery shopping done.


Me too, but I left my debit card at home and had to leave my groceries and go back home to get it, then back to the store topay for them. It was Aldi's and they don't take checks. At least I was able to give dd and ds quick instructions on getting dinner in the oven so that would be taken care of.


Also took dd14 to get her hair cut. She has very long, obscenely thick hair and wanted long layers. It looks gorgeous. My "baby" girl looks like she's ready for college.


I need to write out a couple cards tonight. Still no inspiration for epiphany letter.

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My biggest victory! I managed to keep kids from screen until 3:00! I also did 45 minutes of yoga even though I seem to be developing frozen shoulder in my left arm (2 years ago it was my right arm) and I am pretty convinced I must have broken some little bone in my ankle when I fell the Sunday after Thanksgiving. It is still swelling a bit and hurts when I move a certain way! But enough of that! We did writing and math (tutor came for older two), dd11 was very unhappy about having to do math again but I didn't lose my temper! Hurrah for small victories. Early this a.m. I cleaned off all the junk that had been piled on the stairs to be taken up but which no one had done for a week. And I have been planning for next year's history and literature studies and am all excited about that! Got a bunch of books in the mail to preread.


So all together it has been a pretty good day.

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9pm update: Kitchen is all cleaned up after dinner. Did my 2.2 miles on the treadmill, even though I really didn't feel like it! Now I'm going to take another quick shower and put on my pj's. I'm D-O-N-E for today. The rest of my list will have to carry over.



2 loads of laundry

Shower/get dressed

Vacuum/sweep downstairs

Morning chores

get dd5 ready for pick-up (my friend is picking her up for a playdate with her dd)

Write out and mail bills

dd8: handwriting & math & spelling & FLL & WWE,

ds: science &geography & math

lunch for kids

Pick up “daycare child†from her preschool (1pm)

Get dinner in the crockpot

history for dd8 and ds

Make 2 quiches for breakfasts/lunches this week

Go to Kohls to pay bill

Go by church to pick up new book for Sunday’s bible study

did a quick trip to the grocery store to pick up sale items + a few things we needed

making side dishes to go with dinner

Exercise - 2.2 miles on treadmill






dd8: science

ds: English,

Buy stamps (moving this to tomorrow's list when we are in town)

Go to bank (going to wait and do this tomorrow when we are in town for dd's dance class)

Vacuum upstairs



Have dh install ds’ light under desk

Have dh attach ds’ wooden crates to form bookcase



Finish working on financials for GS troop

write thank you notes for Christmas gifts

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@ 6:30pm


1 load of laundry left to hang up

3 loads left to put away



driving to and from birthday party, wrapping gifts, creating cards

grocery shopping (me, during birthday party)

2 1 music practice to go

moving camping bins to garage - this will happen tomorrow.


and ????


the "and" was the garbage. its taken out :)

and shopping is put away.


off to do dishes and put laundry away.


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1 more load of laundry folded and put away.


Latin tutor is 11 min. late. I'm getting a bit annoyed. I hope she comes soon.


So did she ever show up.


Today I picked up the new Droon book from the library.


Yesterday I got a grumpy boy and some mad faces when I made Eldest read his Droon book. (His pick of what to read). Today he read the whole newest Droon book, and is starting on the next one.

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Yes. 20 min. late. But she had a very good excuse. There was a big accident and the main road was rerouted and took a long time to get around.


I got the kitchen cleaned at night for a change.


It is 8 pm and I'm exhausted. I have not finished my last two things on my list (sweeping the laundry room floor and picking up at the bottom of the stairs) but I just . can't. do. it. I'm going to read and try not to fall asleep before the tutor leaves.

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