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"Moving" Christmas...


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Has anyone ever changed the day that your immediate family (kids) celebrate Christmas? DH is going to be working Christmas Eve & Day and so I was thinking of moving it to Saturday, which is the only day he has off until the weekend after Christmas, so that he could see them open and enjoy their gifts. Too weird? Would it go over well in your family? It is just us, so no extended family to worry about for that day (they all have other days/times/plans). DH said he didn't care which way we did it when I asked him.

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Ever since my nephew was born on Christmas day my sis has moved their celebration to Dec 24. They do this every year. I also knew a family that celebrated Thanksgiving on the Tues before because nearly every year her dh worked on Thanksgiving.


I don't think it's weird at all to celebrate on a day that works better for your family. It's about being together as a family. We have celebrated big holidays on different dates with no issues.

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We switch around all the time. This year, for instance, we are going to be spending Christmas Day with my side of the family. My dh's side of the family is very small and so we get together with them for the kid's presents from us and them at one time. So this year, we've just decided that our family Christmas will be on the 26th, that way the little kids don't open their gifts in a hurry on the 25th and then have to leave them.


We have never been too attached to the actual day around here. In fact, was it last year that Christmas was on a Sunday? We ended up doing our big Christmas Day on the 24th because the 25th was busy with church activities.

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Well we are doing Christmas with different groups of family members on Friday morning, Saturday afternoon, Monday afternoon, Christmas Day, and News Year's Eve Day (and with a birthday smashed in between all that). So no I have no problem moving Christmas around to fit the schedule. To me Christmas is much more about spending time with the family that any material object so I have no problem with dealing with the materialistic side whenever is convenient for the family.

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Has anyone ever changed the day that your immediate family (kids) celebrate Christmas? DH is going to be working Christmas Eve & Day and so I was thinking of moving it to Saturday, which is the only day he has off until the weekend after Christmas, so that he could see them open and enjoy their gifts. Too weird? Would it go over well in your family? It is just us, so no extended family to worry about for that day (they all have other days/times/plans). DH said he didn't care which way we did it when I asked him.

We've done it when DH has had to work. Also, there is Second Christmas (Eastern Orthodox Old Calendar, not the Hobbits' Shire ;) ), Jan 6/7.

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I haven't done it w/ my kids yet, but growing up my dad was in the air force and then later a pilot. Sometimes we had Christmas early so we could have it when he was home, sometimes we had it w/o him on the 25th. I don't think it's weird to do it early. If your kids believe in Santa, we used to tell our little sister that we asked Santa to come early for us.

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We did our Christmas last Saturday. We usually do it early because of my DH's work schedule. This year was the earliest yet but it has been nice, the kids are occupied and I can get my 2nd semester lesson plans done. Christmas Eve will be dedicated to my in-laws and to midnight mass. Christmas day will be filled with Happy birthday Jesus cake and we might go to the movies.

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My only concern is the fact that my kids always say that Christmas is December 25th. My son is super into dates for some reason, so I just was worried it would mess with him. I kind of wanted it to be a surprise, so I didn't want to directly ask him about it so I am glad to hear that a lot of you do it and have no issues with it. Thanks! :)

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We thought we would have to change the day of our Christmas celebration this year, and I was considering staying home alone on the 25th (I posted a thread about it several weeks ago) because I also have to work the day before and after. To me, the date of the celebration isn't that important, but other people have a strong emotional attachment to December 25th and would be upset if they had to celebrate a different day. Do what works for your family. You could still celebrate again on the 25th in a more relaxed way if you wanted.

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I don't think I would do Christmas on a different day if your kids didn't know about it beforehand. If you do Santa, the idea of having them write Santa a letter with the "change of plans" is great. Or you can give the kids a letter from Santa on Friday evening that says something like, "I heard that your Daddy has to work this weekend, so I'm planning to visit your house early."

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We do.


The year we were travelling on Christmas Day to visit grandparents in Arizona, we moved Christmas to Dec 26th. We did let DS open a gift the morning of Dec 25th (it was something to make the half-day easier in the car) We were staying in a hotel because I couldn't get off work in time to get there on Christmas day. Since we were the only grandchildren, the whole extended family moved their celebrations to the day after


Last year, we spend Christmas eve at my sister's house so we could go to Christmas celebrations at her church the next morning (her husband is the pastor). We opened most of our gifts Christmas eve morning so DS had a chance to play with them before we left.


This year, we are not getting together with cousins until Saturday Dec 29th, so we are not doing stockings Christmas morning but saving them until the end of the week.


ETA: We don't do Santa. My sister's family does not either.

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