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Give me your best remedy to control night time cough in a 7 year old, without using meds.


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I use a honey based cough syrup - works really good. it's called Chestal.





also, lots of water during the day, prop up on pillows, and a humidifier in his room at night.


my mom gave us onion and sugar when we were kids. You could see if you can get your kid to take it.


vicks doesn't always work. I used it on my ds and I one night and we both about coughed ourselves to death. It was horrible. I would never do that again.

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Just an fyi - a lot of coughing is a sign of asthma. We have a son who has dealt with coughing bouts that linger longer than anyone else in the family whenever we get sick. I really thought nothing of it, but a few years into this, he finally had an actual asthmatic attack that landed us in the emergency room. It seemed to come out of nowhere, but when talking with his ped, we discussed the coughing history and she said it was a red flag. Not sure what this is just a single event or something you deal with a lot, but thought I'd throw that out there!

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