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I'm done! I'm done til late August!

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Hooray! Four semesters down, one to go! ONE! Remember when I was doing prereqs and homeschooling middle school and running after a toddler? Remember how I didn't even get IN to nursing school? Remember how I was whining and blowing off studying last week? Well, darlins, I'm DONE!


Two finals, one care plan (Constipation related to decreased peristalsis secondary to cardiac hypoxia as evidenced by no poo X 4 days - hahahahaha - nothing like finishing on a grand, dignified note!), one journal, and an online something-or-other, one headache, one-forth bag of Ruffles (gee, thanks for reminding me of these, Amy in Orlando), and this day is DONE, baby!


Done! I'm off to read a book. Thanks for being the best rah rah friends EVER!


:auto: (We need a "read a book" emoticon on our list.)

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:hurray::hurray:WooHoo! Congratulations!:hurray:









But I must admit I'm a little bummed (pun intended ;) ), that's what I was going to write my care plan on! :001_huh:


Well, I'll let you in on a little secret for an intervention for your plan: 4 oz of warm buttered prune juice. Yessiree. Holy cow.

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Well, I'll let you in on a little secret for an intervention for your plan: 4 oz of warm buttered prune juice. Yessiree. Holy cow.
Aaaahhh, thanks. I'll add that to my report....uhhhh, paper....I mean care plan...yeah, that's it! Thanks! :tongue_smilie:



Actually, I can only imagine the relief you're feeling after all you've gone through! Hallelujah, free at last! :001_smile: Congratulations!

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...buttered, eh? Never heard THAT one!


Congratulations, Pam!


Are you studying, Grace? Or have you studied just about all you can study at this point?


Buttered. 1 tsp for 4 oz, heated gently.


It was so good, she asked for another. (Yes, she did. :001_huh:)


BIG mistake. The CNA, the housekeeper, and I were busy cleaning for the next 25 minutes. The RN, meanwhile, hid. (Yes, she did. :glare:)

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I'd hide too. Buttered though, who would have thunk it. I remember a similar situation with one constipated (newly weaned toddler) and prune juice. Oy...


Are you studying, Grace? Or have you studied just about all you can study at this point?


Buttered. 1 tsp for 4 oz, heated gently.


It was so good, she asked for another. (Yes, she did. :001_huh:)


BIG mistake. The CNA, the housekeeper, and I were busy cleaning for the next 25 minutes. The RN, meanwhile, hid. (Yes, she did. :glare:)

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Are you studying, Grace?


:sneaky2: You just HAD to remind me, eh? Actually, I have open (in another window) several quizzes ... that I'm ... thinking about ... nearly ... getting ready to ... work on. Yup.


Or have you studied just about all you can study at this point?


Yes, it's pretty much quicksand in my brain - super-saturated. I'm hoping it doesn't all dry up or fall out in the next few days. I also found out that the pass rate has gone from 92% (thereabouts) to 55-85% (depending on your source, which cohort you're in, etc.). I know that 80% of folks believe that they're above average ;) but 55% isn't lookin' too good!


Go enjoy that book! PariSarah is RIGHT - twaddle! (or twaddlish, if you can't bring yourself to full twaddle mode)

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Yiiippppiiieee!!! So, when you are you coming over? Remember that whole idea of the sleep over? We could see a movie.....Next week is my last week of "freedom."


I am ready to :party::cheers2: for you and with you! I am so blooming proud of you.

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