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Well Trained Runners?


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Anyone still out there? I miss our old board :(


Would love to catch up and hear how everyone is doing...since I don't know when the subgroups will be up and running, I figured I'd start a thread.


I did run the Philly HM on November 18th...finished 9 minutes faster than last year and this was with planned walk breaks/Galloway method. Guess it really does work:)

have only been out on a few short runs since the race due to the wedding of my running buddy's daughter yesterday...but now that the wedding is over, we will resume our weekly long runs,if the weather cooperates :)


Hope you all are well...

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Hi!!! I've missed everyone. No running for me since I started dealing with my various health problems about 8 weeks ago. I did find out what is keeping my leg from healing so hopefully with treatment, I'll be on the mend. I have plans to just put my running back on the calendar so nothing takes that time away from me. I miss it so much!

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I'm still running, although I haven't been to the WTM runners group for a while...glad to see some familiar faces. :)


My first full marathon is in May and most days it feels impossible- DH tells me that is overall stress & fatigue talking, and I hope he's right. :) I'm still eating Low Carb/High Fat and have lost 20lbs- sadly, not much faster running pace though- LOL


Amazing how all the extra stuff over the holidays really wears a person down....my last long run was 12 miles, but I'm cutting way back because I've been feeling really fatigued...trying to strengthen my base, not break it down. :)

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Anyone still out there? I miss our old board :(


Would love to catch up and hear how everyone is doing...since I don't know when the subgroups will be up and running, I figured I'd start a thread.


I did run the Philly HM on November 18th...finished 9 minutes faster than last year and this was with planned walk breaks/Galloway method. Guess it really does work:)

have only been out on a few short runs since the race due to the wedding of my running buddy's daughter yesterday...but now that the wedding is over, we will resume our weekly long runs,if the weather cooperates :)


Hope you all are well...




:hurray: WTG! Good for you, 9 minutes faster is great!


I've been running, but I've cut back on my miles a lot. I've put in more kettlebell and yoga. I'm trying to decided about the HM I done for the last 2 years. It's the first weekend in April, but I don't know if I can handle the long runs. It's been nice not trying to get them in. I don't know. I'm also enjoying more kettlebell. Someday I'm hoping my arms look like something other then twigs. :tongue_smilie:

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I never joined the WTM running group, but I do run. It's been quite some time since I ran a half or full marathon. No plans for that. I have a pretty good route I run now that is about 5 miles. I was out at about 5:30 this morning. Yes, it is still dark, but the only time I can get it in! I put on my mesh reflector and go.


I have been wimping out on strength training lately. My one hang up is doing legs and then having my legs not be as strong for my runs! I just can't make it work. I really need to do strengthening on the same days I run, then have a complete rest/recovery day. But, I don't have the time for that.


I did manage to do the 30 minute shred video yesterday. At least it is a quick workout.


Injury free at the moment!

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Thanks for starting this thread, Kathy! I was wondering how we'd all find each other again. :)


I am feeling unmotivated and have only been running about 10 miles a week for the last 3 weeks (I was up to 25 miles/week for the previous 2 months!). I started to feel convicted about being gone 5 mornings a week while the rest of the family got ready for their day. Even though everyone can take care of him/herself, it just seemed wrong - some days I wouldn't see my dd until 10PM because she'd get up while I was running & fly out the door before I got home. So, I decided I needed to figure out how to make it fit better with taking care of my family. But now I feel like my running is on a downward trajectory.


Alenee, hope you are on the mend soon!

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I wasn't in the old group--but I run. My last race was the Spa 10K which I finished in 11 minute miles, so I'm not one of those ultra-fast, lean, mean running machines. Think old, a little cranky and might take a couple tries before the engine turns over.

My weekly milage is around 25 miles per week. I'm in pre-training for a half-marathon coming up this spring.


Motivation for running--I run to feel better and to keep up with my kids, mostly. My boys run with me during better weather, and they tend to bike ahead of me on my long runs through the backroads where I live. Good times.

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I wasn't in the old group--but I run. My last race was the Spa 10K which I finished in 11 minute miles, so I'm not one of those ultra-fast, lean, mean running machines. Think old, a little cranky and might take a couple tries before the engine turns over.

My weekly milage is around 25 miles per week. I'm in pre-training for a half-marathon coming up this spring.




This is me. I've been running for around 18mths, but wasn't part of the old group. My most recent race was a 10K. I dropped from 1:31 down to 1:16 this year. So yeah- I'm not one of those ultra fast gals either.


I run around 20-25 miles a week too. I'm also training for my first half. It's in Feb. I used to run solo and do way too many of my miles on the treadmill, but back in Sept. I hooked up with another home school mom. Having a running buddy has been great for my accountability and it's turned running into some social time too.


I slightly prefer trail running to road running so after this half I may work towards a longer trail race. It's a better fit for me since I'm the slow and steady type.


I also run in the early am. It's the only time I can regularly commit too.

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Thanks for all who posted...it's good to know we're all still plodding along...

Kudos to you 25 miles a week gals--Wow! That's alot of miles!!


Alenee: sorry to hear about your health issues, but glad you are figuring it out and planning to get back out there:)


OC Mom...I hear you about the time commitment and cutting back...I don't think you will ever regret spending time with your family...I'm sure you'll figure out a plan that works...it feels like I'm constantly adjusting the schedule but it's okay as this season with kids home is flying by and I don't want to miss out!!


LG Gone Wild...Nono hasn't been on the board for a long while...I've been wondering about her too and miss all of her running advice!


Hope the subforums are up and running soon!



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An opportunity came up last night for me to get a registration for a HM on Jan. 27th. I think I'm going to go for it! I've never not trained hard for a race...always had plenty of time. But I think I need this. My dh was thrilled to hear about it and is totally behind me. Lord have mercy on my body!

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An opportunity came up last night for me to get a registration for a HM on Jan. 27th. I think I'm going to go for it! I've never not trained hard for a race...always had plenty of time. But I think I need this. My dh was thrilled to hear about it and is totally behind me. Lord have mercy on my body!


Yeah, Alenee!! you can do it! keep us posted...You know I am a HUGE believer in Galloway's method for training without injury...you might want to consider using the timer and training that way...or do you already do that? My brain is foggy!!

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Yeah, Alenee!! you can do it! keep us posted...You know I am a HUGE believer in Galloway's method for training without injury...you might want to consider using the timer and training that way...or do you already do that? My brain is foggy!!


I've used a variety of run/walk/run intervals. Today, I started back and used Galloway's recommendation for my half marathon time which says to do a 2 min run/ 1min. walk. I ran for 30 min. I kept the pace at a slight challenge, but not overmuch. I felt good after the run but about 3 hrs later, I was SOOO tired. LOL! Reminds me of what it felt like to be a new runner. :) Thank you for your vote of confidence! I really need this right now, not only to make a come-back of sorts but for my emotional stability as well.

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So...what happens after a half-marathon?

I sat down last night and wrote out the miles on my calender for the Hog-Eye Half-Marathon in April to make sure I started my training at the right time and I got to thinking, "What next?"

The obvious choice would be marathon, but would it be better to drop back to 10K distance for a while and work on speed and strength for the remainder of the year before attempting marathon distance? So far, I've been very lucky in avoiding serious injury, and I'm wondering if after the half-marathon it would be prudent to spend some time getting faster and stronger before trying for the longer distance.


What say you?

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So...what happens after a half-marathon?

I sat down last night and wrote out the miles on my calender for the Hog-Eye Half-Marathon in April to make sure I started my training at the right time and I got to thinking, "What next?"

The obvious choice would be marathon, but would it be better to drop back to 10K distance for a while and work on speed and strength for the remainder of the year before attempting marathon distance? So far, I've been very lucky in avoiding serious injury, and I'm wondering if after the half-marathon it would be prudent to spend some time getting faster and stronger before trying for the longer distance.


What say you?



My first half marathon was during training for the full marathon. I didn't have the luxury of taking time to lower my distance. However, after I ran the first marathon, I tapered down but kept my distances between 6-15 miles. I did a few 5k races in there and then ran another half marathon four months later. If a half is your farthest distance, I would take a week off afterward and find a distance that you can maintain. There's nothing that says you have to run a full marathon just because you did a half. ;) I would just encourage you to make sure that when you're doing speedwork, to balance that with slow runs. Vary your workouts with hills, trails, slow, fast, long, short.

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My first half marathon was during training for the full marathon. I didn't have the luxury of taking time to lower my distance. However, after I ran the first marathon, I tapered down but kept my distances between 6-15 miles. I did a few 5k races in there and then ran another half marathon four months later. If a half is your farthest distance, I would take a week off afterward and find a distance that you can maintain. There's nothing that says you have to run a full marathon just because you did a half. ;) I would just encourage you to make sure that when you're doing speedwork, to balance that with slow runs. Vary your workouts with hills, trails, slow, fast, long, short.


That's kind of what I was thinking of doing. Everybody has their distance. I might go for a marathon at some point (we'll see how the half goes) but I really think that my time is going to be an issue. I'd sure like to be at 10 minute miles first for the 10K distance before going for the long run.

Then there is the strength part. My hips are better than they were, but I've got some serious need for rear-end work. I can feel the weakness on the long runs.

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So...what happens after a half-marathon?

I sat down last night and wrote out the miles on my calender for the Hog-Eye Half-Marathon in April to make sure I started my training at the right time and I got to thinking, "What next?"

The obvious choice would be marathon, but would it be better to drop back to 10K distance for a while and work on speed and strength for the remainder of the year before attempting marathon distance? So far, I've been very lucky in avoiding serious injury, and I'm wondering if after the half-marathon it would be prudent to spend some time getting faster and stronger before trying for the longer distance.


What say you?



Try a trail 1/2 marathon. way cool experience

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  • 2 weeks later...

I wasn't part of the old group but I began running back in June. I did Couch to 5K. I haven't been very faithful the past couple of months. I love running outside but it's so cold and dark now. I need to find a time during the daylight hours that I can consistently go for a run.


I only was up to about a 5k when I started having some issues with my left leg. I started to back down on my distance and that made a huge difference. I am interested in the Galloway method? What is it and where can I find some info?



Elise in NC

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I wasn't part of the old group but I began running back in June. I did Couch to 5K. I haven't been very faithful the past couple of months. I love running outside but it's so cold and dark now. I need to find a time during the daylight hours that I can consistently go for a run.


I only was up to about a 5k when I started having some issues with my left leg. I started to back down on my distance and that made a huge difference. I am interested in the Galloway method? What is it and where can I find some info?



Elise in NC


Great for you, for finishing the C25K!


The Galloway method is a run/walk/run plan. Based on your fastest mile, Galloway has a method to determine your ratio. You can find info about it at www.jeffgalloway.com . Some runners think it's lame (usually haven't tried it) and not really running, while others (who HAVE tried it) have seen fabulous results. I used a modified version for both of my marathons and came through injury-free. I don't use it for short races up to 10k but anything longer than that, I do use it. I would rather party that night than be taken off in a stretcher! :D

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How do you find the time for longer runs? I've thought about training for a marathon but just don't know how to fit in the longer runs.


With my first marathon, a lot of my longer runs were during the summer so hubby and/or my oldest dd were able to be home with the younger two. We didn't have to work it around homeschooling.


With my second marathon, again, my oldest could be home w/o any adults to supervise the youngers. I always carry my cell phone but they've never had a problem.


Dh's schedule was/is great for my training and he's super supportive. He never once complained, and when I began running 18 miles and over, he would come out and either ride his bicycle along with me or meet me at our own planned "aid stations".

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I'm out here but wasn't a member of the old group. The weather/roads have done nothing for my runs but today the roads cleared some so I hope tomorrow I can go without fearing falling down. Good luck on that 6 miler.


We have similar conditions here Jan-Mar. I know how hard it is! Would a treadmill be an option for you? I found a cheap one on Craigslist for $50.

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I really want to do a half. Just once. I trained a while back and got up to an 8 mile run but then I quit


Oops, I "liked" this when I meant to quote it. :)

You should do the Rock 'n' Roll in June! You're in the Seattle area, right? It was my first half marathon two years ago and was so so so much fun. I did two others (Yakima Half--AWFUL...100F day and the water stops were way too spread out, and the Labor Day Half) but the RnR was by far my favorite. So much support, fun people cheering along the way, lots of music to help break it up, it was great. We had our fourth baby last May and I haven't started running regularly again yet (I'm having trouble gaining momentum since I can only run on the weekends until it's light in the evenings again) but I signed up for the RnR in June and hope I can manage to beat my last time...either way, I'm sure it'll be fun. You should go for it! I think they raise prices next on the 1st of January and they keep going up gradually until the race.

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I really want to do a half. Just once. I trained a while back and got up to an 8 mile run but then I quit


8 miles was as far as I ever got in my adult life.


I'd love to start again, once we move. We'll be at the base of a mountain and there are several trails 1/3 mile from our future front door. At that point, I'll have no more excuses!

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Great for you, for finishing the C25K!


The Galloway method is a run/walk/run plan. Based on your fastest mile, Galloway has a method to determine your ratio. You can find info about it at www.jeffgalloway.com . Some runners think it's lame (usually haven't tried it) and not really running, while others (who HAVE tried it) have seen fabulous results. I used a modified version for both of my marathons and came through injury-free. I don't use it for short races up to 10k but anything longer than that, I do use it. I would rather party that night than be taken off in a stretcher! :D


Do you have a special watch or stopwatch to keep track? I tried doing walk/run but could never keep the right pace and ended up running only. Of course, I use the term running rather loosely.

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Do you have a special watch or stopwatch to keep track? I tried doing walk/run but could never keep the right pace and ended up running only. Of course, I use the term running rather loosely.



I have a $30-$50 Timex Ironman. I start the watch, then keep an eye on it for the intervals, and when I reach a mile, I hit the lap button. This helps me keep my pace fairly even.

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We have similar conditions here Jan-Mar. I know how hard it is! Would a treadmill be an option for you? I found a cheap one on Craigslist for $50.

I thought about it and tried one out at a free Y thing but....I'm addicted to the outdoors so I go slow or hit the woods for a long hike or as a last resort go to the local high school at 0 dark thirty to swim laps. Going out in the fresh snow now....my family is convinced I'm deranged :p

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Great for you, for finishing the C25K!


The Galloway method is a run/walk/run plan. Based on your fastest mile, Galloway has a method to determine your ratio. You can find info about it at www.jeffgalloway.com . Some runners think it's lame (usually haven't tried it) and not really running, while others (who HAVE tried it) have seen fabulous results. I used a modified version for both of my marathons and came through injury-free. I don't use it for short races up to 10k but anything longer than that, I do use it. I would rather party that night than be taken off in a stretcher! :D



Thank you!


Just looked up his website and am printing out his 5 and 10k training guides. What I am reading makes sense to me and I have started doing this on my own recently because my left foot falls asleep while I am running. Once I start walking the feeling returns and I start running again. I was feeling a bit like a loser for walking during my runs but I was noticing that I wasn't having hip/shin/foot issues if I had a few minutes of walking scattered throughout each run. I also love the idea of walking on other days. I actually love to walk and the Galloway program makes me feel like I have "permission"!


Elise in NC

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Hi Everyone,

I have been a lazy bum and my longest run since the half marathon on 11/19/12 is 6.5 miles...will be away visiting family the next few days-Next week it's back to business.

Alenee- great job-so glad you are running again!


It's nice to see so many new names on here:)!!

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I finished my 6 miler this morning. It was nice running with a friend, although it was equally as nice to get in a zone on the last mile and just run without talking. My knees were sore afterwards. I think it was from running on pavement. These old knees are used to trails. :)


Good to see you, Kathi! Hope we get our social group back soon!

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Having a little injury issue here that I think ya'll might be able to at least commiserate with me on, if not help.


About a month ago I started having a little niggling heel pain in my right foot. I've got an old hip injury on that side, and I suspected this might be related due to a little difference in gait on that side. Well, I had a more or less enforced rest the last week and a half, and if anything, the heel pain was worse. I attribute that to not being in my running shoes, which are awesome!. So I went out for a nice trot this morning of four miles--soft gravel and mud surface, none to fast except toward the end where I did a few intervals for kicks. Felt fine.

Changed shoes to my old Newbalance for the rest of the afternoon and cleaned house. By six I was so lame I could hardly get around! The heel was killing me! A couple of Ibuprofen later and an ice pack and it's better.


Is this the dread plantar fasciitis? If so, what can I do about it besides ice, taking it reasonable easy with the runs, staying in my best shoes and waiting it out? I'd rest, but I actually got worse with rest....it wasn't giving me near this kind of static when I was putting a good twenty miles on it per week.

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I was never part of the old group, but I run. I started running a year ago and have ran three 5ks. My goal this year is to run a half marathon. My highest milage is 6 miles. I consistently get in 5 miles 3-4 days a week. I love when I get into that groove. Somedays I hate it, and somedays I love it. Mostly I love it. My weight has been slow to come off, because I wasn't watching my calorie intake. Looking forward to following along on this thread.

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Is this the dread plantar fasciitis? If so, what can I do about it besides ice, taking it reasonable easy with the runs, staying in my best shoes and waiting it out? I'd rest, but I actually got worse with rest....it wasn't giving me near this kind of static when I was putting a good twenty miles on it per week.


It does sounds like PF. My running buddy was just saying the other day that she had cortisone shots for hers a few years ago and hasn't had any more trouble. Not sure if you're up for that route though.

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I'm still here and still running, although it has been spotty during the holidays. I had been holding steady at half hour runs for months, but stopped feeling "the burn" if that makes sense, I felt like I was in a running rut. So I started one of the "bridge to 10K" programs.. I like it, but now I'm starting to get into bathroom issues (sorry if tmi).. for longer runners, has this ever been an issue and is there anything to be done? Once I go beyond 45 minutes or so it often starts becoming problematic...


Feeling slightly embarrassed, where's that paper bag smilie?



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I'm still here and still running, although it has been spotty during the holidays. I had been holding steady at half hour runs for months, but stopped feeling "the burn" if that makes sense, I felt like I was in a running rut. So I started one of the "bridge to 10K" programs.. I like it, but now I'm starting to get into bathroom issues (sorry if tmi).. for longer runners, has this ever been an issue and is there anything to be done? Once I go beyond 45 minutes or so it often starts becoming problematic...


Feeling slightly embarrassed, where's that paper bag smilie?




LG Gone Wild mentioned this a few years ago. I'll go get her and have her post. :)

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I'm still here and still running, although it has been spotty during the holidays. I had been holding steady at half hour runs for months, but stopped feeling "the burn" if that makes sense, I felt like I was in a running rut. So I started one of the "bridge to 10K" programs.. I like it, but now I'm starting to get into bathroom issues (sorry if tmi).. for longer runners, has this ever been an issue and is there anything to be done? Once I go beyond 45 minutes or so it often starts becoming problematic...


Feeling slightly embarrassed, where's that paper bag smilie?






This is the answer LG gave: "she can try more hydration long before she runs, she might be running too hard, and try an energy gel mid run."

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Having a little injury issue here that I think ya'll might be able to at least commiserate with me on, if not help.


About a month ago I started having a little niggling heel pain in my right foot. I've got an old hip injury on that side, and I suspected this might be related due to a little difference in gait on that side. Well, I had a more or less enforced rest the last week and a half, and if anything, the heel pain was worse. I attribute that to not being in my running shoes, which are awesome!. So I went out for a nice trot this morning of four miles--soft gravel and mud surface, none to fast except toward the end where I did a few intervals for kicks. Felt fine.

Changed shoes to my old Newbalance for the rest of the afternoon and cleaned house. By six I was so lame I could hardly get around! The heel was killing me! A couple of Ibuprofen later and an ice pack and it's better.


Is this the dread plantar fasciitis? If so, what can I do about it besides ice, taking it reasonable easy with the runs, staying in my best shoes and waiting it out? I'd rest, but I actually got worse with rest....it wasn't giving me near this kind of static when I was putting a good twenty miles on it per week.



I don't know about PF but I bought another pair of running shoes to wear around ($$ I know) because my everyday sneakers were giving me pain in the ball of my foot. I reasoned that if it didn't hurt when I ran and did when I just walked around it might be the shoes. Just a suggestion.

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I don't know about PF but I bought another pair of running shoes to wear around ($$ I know) because my everyday sneakers were giving me pain in the ball of my foot. I reasoned that if it didn't hurt when I ran and did when I just walked around it might be the shoes. Just a suggestion.


That's a fine idea and I intend to do just that. My running shoes are new within the last month and they are great. I put them on. NO PAIN. I take them off. OUCH. So I had planned to buy my second pair this month anyway so that I could rotate. I know I brought this on myself by waiting too long to replace my former pair. Never again. I'm currently running in Mizuno Alchemies, but I don't know. Maybe I ought to go for even more padding in a walking shoe. Suggestions?


It does sounds like PF. My running buddy was just saying the other day that she had cortisone shots for hers a few years ago and hasn't had any more trouble. Not sure if you're up for that route though.


Yeah, the more I read the more I think it may be. I'm probably not up for cortisone shots, first because right now it seems to be very, very responsive to the ice and shoes, secondly because they'd have to sedate me first. I'd like to try improving flexibiliby in my ankles and calves to see if I can reduce tension on the plantar ligament. If it were more painful or if it really hurt while running I might think about it, but right now it just isn't that awful. I'm also thinking about getting one of those boots to sleep in for the next six weeks--see if I can tolerate that at night to get the pressure off the foot. And I might have to take off a full day between runs for a while to ice and do NSAIDS. I don't like to run with NSAIDS on board. But I can bike between runs.

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