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Prayer Request for DD


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Thank you all for your prayers. DD had a CT scan and she has a very inflamed small intestine. Doc thinks it is from a virus, but he said this could also be appendicitis in the early stages. DD will be home from school for the next couple of days, and has to see her pediatrician by Wednesday, unless the pain moves and/or gets significantly worse. Doubtful appendicitis will develop, but it could. She has a prescription for Zofran and has to alternate Tylenol and Motrin every 3 hours for pain relief.


I'm glad it wasn't appendicitis or an ovarian cyst. It will surprise me if appendicitis develops or if this turns out to be anything but a virus. She's had the symptoms since 3 pm, and she is the second of my children to be prescribed Zofran today. The docs around here must be handing that stuff out like candy. The IV version worked nearly instantly for DD.


Thank you again for your prayers!



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Thank you all so much for caring. DD is not feeling worse, which is good news. She is not nauseated all the time now. She ate chicken and rice soup today. Her pain is manageable with Motrin and Tylenol. I told her to take a third pill if the pain had not subsided enough 1/2 hour after taking a dose, but she prefers to be in a little bit of pain to taking extra meds. That's probably a good thing, given what those drugs can do to the stomach and liver. She'll see her pediatrician tomorrow afternoon.

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