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Kate M. is pregnant!!


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Well, no of course not. I was just thinking of possible scenarios.


Oh well okay.


The scenario is, grab whichever one is closest to the cut. Decent drs usually don't go about on tour while in there. Usually the goal is to get babies out ASAP and get mom stitched up and in recovery as quick as possible. The longer they take, the riskier it gets.

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Oh well okay.


The scenario is, grab whichever one is closest to the cut. Decent drs usually don't go about on tour while in there. Usually the goal is to get babies out ASAP and get mom stitched up and in recovery as quick as possible. The longer they take, the riskier it gets.


But is the one closest to the incision the one who would be naturally first? Are you taking away the birth rite of a person and giving it to another? What if it is fraternal boy/girl twins and you don't particularly want a queen and would rather a king?


C'mon. Don't be so literal/medical about it.

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Ha! I can hear the sibling squabbling now.


"You're only first bc you cheated! I was in the front of the exit line and you went out the other way!!"


There you go! Now you're getting it.


Would there be a law suit? I'd darn sure want to rule if I could get a chance.

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Really? I don't want to rule at all. Ideally my kids would just do as asked and my dh would keep me stocked in chocolate and wine. That's about as far as my desire to rule goes. Too much drama and uncomfortable clothing and polite weather talk and not any privacy. I can't even handle reality tv. Never watch it. I'd go nuts.

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The thought of birthing twins makes me want to cry out loud. After pushing one out, you still have to do it all over again.


Delivering my twins was far, far, far easier than delivering my two singletons.


My twin delivery was my only non-medicated one. Piece of cake.


ETA: Now, twin newborns? They made me cry plenty.

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The thought of birthing twins makes me want to cry out loud. After pushing one out, you still have to do it all over again.

Delivering my twins was far, far, far easier than delivering my two singletons.

My twin delivery was my only non-medicated one. Piece of cake.

ETA: Now, twin newborns? They made me cry plenty.


Yes, the actual delivering part was really easy! My babies are really big usually, but the twins were "only" 7.5 lbs each. The second baby just slid right out ( sorry, if that's TMI!) Now, the entire pregnancy part and the entire part up to about 5 years old? Well, give me a ten lb. singleton then!!!


Glad I popped on to find out this exciting news!

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Delivering my twins was far, far, far easier than delivering my two singletons.


My twin delivery was my only non-medicated one. Piece of cake.


ETA: Now, twin newborns? They made me cry plenty.



Oh geez I can imagine. One at a time made me cry plenty!

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But is the one closest to the incision the one who would be naturally first? Are you taking away the birth rite of a person and giving it to another? What if it is fraternal boy/girl twins and you don't particularly want a queen and would rather a king?


Flip a coin...Baby A is heads and Baby B is tails.


Dr can close his/her eyes and just reach in and pull the one grabbed first.

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HG is more than morning sickness, more than anything that could ever be quantified as "normal". It is so severe that it requires, for many women with it, regular IV hydration and nutrition. It threatens the pregnancy for certain and can destroy mom's health. I barely came through with dd and with ds, there was concern for the sheer loss of muscle tissue I was experiencing because my body was leaching nutrients and calories from every part of my body. Fortunately, with him, I weighed more than I did with dd so it took me a while to look emaciated. With dd, I looked like I was starving to death and I'm not kidding. I went down hill so fast, my doctor flipped his lid and dh said he was sorry we ever chose to start a family. It took nearly six years to convince him to have another and thankfully, I didn't have HG and so he was happy to try for number three. It hit again. He said no more but despite our best efforts we ended up with child number four, whom we would not trade for anything. However, my fear...literally a practically PTSD reaction of having HG was so strong that after the test came back positive, I cried nearly uncontrollably for days. Thankfully, I didn't have it.


There aren't words to describe how bad it is. I feel truly awful for her. I hope that the royal family will be human and let her become a recluse. They need to leave her alone....no pressure...nothing but rest and loving care.






This a thousand times! I liked the post but that is merely an agreement nod of BTDT! PTSD is an understatement. I knew before i could even test I was pregnant from the sheer amount of puke I produced and by the time we had a positive, I was puking blood. By the fourth time around, things were so bad (some pregnancies were better 2 were "lite" Hg and 2 were "bad" HG) that if they would have sterilized me then and there, i would have agreed without hesitation. Very close to losing the last one and my health is shot straight to hell from those pregnancies. Took close to 2 years after each one to get back to any resemblance of normal health. I have to even control the urge to punch happy pregnant women because I never could get up off the floor long enough to pretend to be happy and they make my eyes twitch LOL. Just the thought of getting pregnant makes me shudder !

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According to CBSNews, she is "less than 12 weeks."


"...The royal family was forced to announce the pregnancy earlier than they would have liked because Kate, at less than 12 weeks pregnant, has been admitted to King Edward VII Hospital in London with an acute form of morning sickness -- a condition obstetricians like Daghani Rajasingham say is uncomfortable but not worrying, at this stage." --Source



From the end of the article: "The betting is on a June baby."

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According to CBSNews, she is "less than 12 weeks."


"...The royal family was forced to announce the pregnancy earlier than they would have liked because Kate, at less than 12 weeks pregnant, has been admitted to King Edward VII Hospital in London with an acute form of morning sickness -- a condition obstetricians like Daghani Rajasingham say is uncomfortable but not worrying, at this stage." --Source



From the end of the article: "The betting is on a June baby."


Well, I'm 9 wks and due July 6th...so she'd have to be late June, in order to be under 12 wks.

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She should throw up on them. At least they would learn to stand back and use a longer lens.

especially certain talking heads who've been mocking her for being admitted to hospital with "morning sickness".


thjey announced it at one month already!
most likely they hadn't planned on announcing, but her being admitted to hospital and placed on IV's forced their hand.
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Oh ok. The only Kate I know of in media or something is Kate Moss LOL. Is she still around? I have heard the name Kate Middleton but that's about it



My first thought was that gal who had the reality tv show a few years ago - the one with 8 kids who ended up divorced.

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HG is more than morning sickness, more than anything that could ever be quantified as "normal". It is so severe that it requires, for many women with it, regular IV hydration and nutrition. It threatens the pregnancy for certain and can destroy mom's health. I barely came through with dd and with ds, there was concern for the sheer loss of muscle tissue I was experiencing because my body was leaching nutrients and calories from every part of my body. Fortunately, with him, I weighed more than I did with dd so it took me a while to look emaciated. With dd, I looked like I was starving to death and I'm not kidding. I went down hill so fast, my doctor flipped his lid and dh said he was sorry we ever chose to start a family. It took nearly six years to convince him to have another and thankfully, I didn't have HG and so he was happy to try for number three. It hit again. He said no more but despite our best efforts we ended up with child number four, whom we would not trade for anything. However, my fear...literally a practically PTSD reaction of having HG was so strong that after the test came back positive, I cried nearly uncontrollably for days. Thankfully, I didn't have it.


There aren't words to describe how bad it is. I feel truly awful for her. I hope that the royal family will be human and let her become a recluse. They need to leave her alone....no pressure...nothing but rest and loving care.




Amen. I had such bad HG with my first child that I purposely never got pregnant again... Hence the adoptions of #2 and #3. The HG traumatized me. Truly.



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Amen. I had such bad HG with my first child that I purposely never got pregnant again... Hence the adoptions of #2 and #3. The HG traumatized me. Truly.


I think this would be me. I'm so glad this was going to be our last anyway. I really, truly, do not think I could do this again.

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For her sake I'm glad that the rules have changed about needing to produce a male. If she's only up for one HG pregnancy, the sex of the baby doesn't matter.


Agreed! Although how awesome would it be if it *were* twins?! She'd have the "heir and the spare" all in one go!

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Amen. I had such bad HG with my first child that I purposely never got pregnant again... Hence the adoptions of #2 and #3. The HG traumatized me. Truly.


It is traumatizing. And it takes a lot of ... Idk what... To get through doing that repeatedly. Especially when there is little to no support for someone suffering it twice.


Well, if it were twins, I vote they grab the one that looks more like Diana first, rather than one that looks like Chuckie :tongue_smilie:


That is an awful and funny thing to say! LOL *she laughs feeling a hit guilty while doing so*

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