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Crossing the Tiber - The Master Thread


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I try and fail at this particular penance every year. But sugar really messes me up so I really should kick it for my health, too. Feel free to kick my butt about it whenever you want.


But now I might need to make dh go out for ice cream. Why aren't those kids asleep yet!?



This is the year for success!


One year I tried to give up the internet. Yeah. That was silly. I use it for work, for banking, for the library, for shopping. It was about as practical as giving up my oven for Lent.

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How involved are your kids in the fasting during Lent? Both dds want to do just as dh and I are doing this year. This is our first year ever observing Lent though and I do not think it would be that great for my tall, skinny, always hungry dds (13 and 10). I told them I thought it would be better to just make sure that all their snacks during fasting days were 100% healthy instead (like always fruit/veggies/water instead of the occasional chips/cookies/crackers/soda). Oldest is quite busy these days with ps and her extra-curriculars and I think she needs more.


On another note, we're all really excited to be observing for the first time. We had our first family devotional tonight, and we plan on following the book every night during Lent. We've also joined a small group at church that meets until Easter as well. It's different and is definitely making us feel more connected to our faith.

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My son shocked me today by saying, "what am I going to give up?" Now mind you, he was complaining about the idea, but he assumed he would be doing it too. This is my skeptic, on the road to agnosticism at best, smart mouthed teen son. I about ran the car off the road. Seriously, a miracle. I was so shocked, thrilled, and willing to accept him where he is that I agreed that he already is sacrificing so much, being in the back brace, that perhaps he can offer that up to God. So his goal is to stop pushing the limits of his boundaries and actually try hard to follow the doctor's orders exactly as he is supposed to. Trust me, I'll take that!

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How involved are your kids in the fasting during Lent? Both dds want to do just as dh and I are doing this year. This is our first year ever observing Lent though and I do not think it would be that great for my tall, skinny, always hungry dds (13 and 10). I told them I thought it would be better to just make sure that all their snacks during fasting days were 100% healthy instead (like always fruit/veggies/water instead of the occasional chips/cookies/crackers/soda). Oldest is quite busy these days with ps and her extra-curriculars and I think she needs more.


On another note, we're all really excited to be observing for the first time. We had our first family devotional tonight, and we plan on following the book every night during Lent. We've also joined a small group at church that meets until Easter as well. It's different and is definitely making us feel more connected to our faith.



My kids, who need every calorie they can get, don't fast, but they abstain from sweets, and we add in more prayer, more masses, more alms giving *for them specifically* (Fia has this old tea tin she renamed her Poor Box and she shakes us all down for change every day, then we put it in an envelope for the food pantry) because they're not of the age to fast yet.


Me, I'm fasting. :bored:

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My son shocked me today by saying, "what am I going to give up?" Now mind you, he was complaining about the idea, but he assumed he would be doing it too. This is my skeptic, on the road to agnosticism at best, smart mouthed teen son. I about ran the car off the road. Seriously, a miracle. I was so shocked, thrilled, and willing to accept him where he is that I agreed that he already is sacrificing so much, being in the back brace, that perhaps he can offer that up to God. So his goal is to stop pushing the limits of his boundaries and actually try hard to follow the doctor's orders exactly as he is supposed to. Trust me, I'll take that!

:grouphug: That's wonderful.

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For those who follow the pre-1970 cycle, or are open to doing two sets of readings, here's another "black book" courtesy of archive.org. It looks like a real treasure. (I wish I'd thought to check for something like this earlier, as it starts at Septuagesima.)


Meditations for Lent from St. Thomas Aquinas -- Sheed & Ward, 1937


Thank you!


Ash Wednesday is pg 46 and there's a great entry on fasting on pg 48.

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I have some very stupid questions. RCIA doesn't open until September, but I have been teetering on the edge of deciding to go for it for years. But after some of my previous church experiences, I have a few issues:


How much does it cost? Money is so tight right now. Like, "let's hope not to starve this month" tight.


Is tithing publicly done? Is there a set amount required? Dh is not supportive over this already, but giving money we can't afford would push him over the edge. Getting a job for me is not an option right now, and I would feel weird asking for financial consideration considering the priest is quite literally my next door neighbor. The last few churches I went to made me uncomfortable because I never had much to tithe, though I always gave as much as I could at our visits. But they were publicly done. And since I was never actually raised with a church home base, I have no idea how this all works. Will I be required to give a certain portion of our income? I can donate time, but right now money just can't happen.


How uncomfortable is it to do confession? I know that sounds weird, but I have some nasty ones that I would feel weird blurting out to my neighbor priest (the only one here). Especially since I see him every day. Lol



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I have some very stupid questions. RCIA doesn't open until September, but I have been teetering on the edge of deciding to go for it for years. But after some of my previous church experiences, I have a few issues:


How much does it cost? Money is so tight right now. Like, "let's hope not to starve this month" tight.


Is tithing publicly done? Is there a set amount required? Dh is not supportive over this already, but giving money we can't afford would push him over the edge. Getting a job for me is not an option right now, and I would feel weird asking for financial consideration considering the priest is quite literally my next door neighbor. The last few churches I went to made me uncomfortable because I never had much to tithe, though I always gave as much as I could at our visits. But they were publicly done. And since I was never actually raised with a church home base, I have no idea how this all works. Will I be required to give a certain portion of our income? I can donate time, but right now money just can't happen.


How uncomfortable is it to do confession? I know that sounds weird, but I have some nasty ones that I would feel weird blurting out to my neighbor priest (the only one here). Especially since I see him every day. Lol

It shouldn't cost anything.

There is no tithing. Give what you can, when you can

Confession should be a good thing, not uncomfortable. Once you are fully practicing you can go to any catholic priest for confession. I've gone several towns away in the past to confess something I didn't want my regular confessor to hear.

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I have some very stupid questions. RCIA doesn't open until September, but I have been teetering on the edge of deciding to go for it for years. But after some of my previous church experiences, I have a few issues:


How much does it cost? Money is so tight right now. Like, "let's hope not to starve this month" tight.


Is tithing publicly done? Is there a set amount required? Dh is not supportive over this already, but giving money we can't afford would push him over the edge. Getting a job for me is not an option right now, and I would feel weird asking for financial consideration considering the priest is quite literally my next door neighbor. The last few churches I went to made me uncomfortable because I never had much to tithe, though I always gave as much as I could at our visits. But they were publicly done. And since I was never actually raised with a church home base, I have no idea how this all works. Will I be required to give a certain portion of our income? I can donate time, but right now money just can't happen.


How uncomfortable is it to do confession? I know that sounds weird, but I have some nasty ones that I would feel weird blurting out to my neighbor priest (the only one here). Especially since I see him every day. Lol



The class itself should be free.


Tithing is a great blessing and there is a "pass the basket" part of Mass. But so many people give monthly, or give electronically that you would definitely not be the only one not dropping in an envelope. Also, most parishes push tithing as giving "time, talent, and treasure". If you have more time and talent than treasure right now, that's the way to go.


As for confession . . . if you have a good RCIA program, you should be feeling a bit better about it when the time comes. If not, come back here ;) But, trust me, priests have heard IT ALL. You will not surprise or shock any priest no matter what you've done. For what it's worth, I'm still always a bit nervous about Confession, but it's also one of the best parts about being Catholic.


Have you been Baptized? If not, that will absolve all past sins and you can just start fresh at Easter.

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Wasn't the whole "Fish on Fridays" developed to help the starving Spanish? fisherman? Middle ages maybe? I'm getting old. I forget the lore on that one.


When I was a vegetarian, a priest pointed out to me that to properly "suffer" on Fridays in Lent, I should probably eat meat. He was also veg. and knew of which he spoke! That is a painful penance!

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My best friend asked me to explain to her children what ash wednesday is. Best friend is atheist/agnostic (depends on the day, lol). The children asked her to ask me.

What are some resources to help me explain it to children who only have a very vague understanding of God (as in, they know that he is a "deity" that some people believe in).

Online resources or books (I'm heading to Barnes and Noble later).

I'm asking because most of the resources I pull up assume some working understanding of the Christian faith (although admittedly I'm not great with google, lol).

The children are 5, 7, and 9 (eldest is autistic).

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Dh had to leave really early this morning and I managed to get all four kids to Mass on time by myself (a feat I've previously accomplished exactly zero times). AND--they all sat in the pew mostly quietly the whole time.


Feel free to pass me a virtual high-five.

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I went to Mass this morning and the priest recommended The Magnificat. I bought it and did the reading for today. I'm a little confused about the day's suggested penance. It states to spend fifteen minutes or more praying the holy name of Jesus. What does that mean exactly?


I was raised Catholic but only in a go to Mass once a week kind of family. It was more just something you were supposed to do rather than a matter of the heart. I have been confirmed. My dh and I were married in the Church. After we were married we moved near his family who are devout Pentecostals and I was very moved and interested in their very real faith. I then left the Catholic Church and have been at a Protestant church ever since. All of my children have been raised Protestant, although my oldest dd was baptized Catholic.


This summer I felt moved to go to confession. It was such a wonderful experience. The priest was so compassionate and curious about my journey. I have since then been attending Mass sporadically. My dh and children support me but they want to stay in our current Protestant church. I have gone back and forth about how to resolve this. I wish I had a plan on how to either return to Catholicism completely but alone, stay in the Protestant church, or combine the two somehow. My dh and I are active in the Protestant church and have been teaching Sunday School for 5 years. I don't know what to do.


Anyway thanks for letting me ramble.



Elise in NC

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Anybody else NOT able to make Mass today?

I have two recovering from pneumonia, an infant with a double ear infection and something respiratory going on...

I was going to try to make it regardless, but my the babe is dripping from his nose, all the kids are hacking, and I have the feeling we'd end up 1) picking up something else and 2) getting the stink eye (deservedly so).



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Anybody else NOT able to make Mass today?

I have two recovering from pneumonia, an infant with a double ear infection and something respiratory going on...

I was going to try to make it regardless, but my the babe is dripping from his nose, all the kids are hacking, and I have the feeling we'd end up 1) picking up something else and 2) getting the stink eye (deservedly so).




Oh, so sorry. We are so lucky that where we live there are usually at least a dozen feasible Mass options. Looks like your Ash Wednesday will be plenty penitential. I hope your kids feel better soon.

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Oh, so sorry. We are so lucky that where we live there are usually at least a dozen feasible Mass options. Looks like your Ash Wednesday will be plenty penitential. I hope your kids feel better soon.

Ours only has a 9 am and a 6:30 pm. There is a parish school mass at another parish that was at noon - but 200 school children... with my own sick crew... oy. Lol.

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Anybody else NOT able to make Mass today?

I have two recovering from pneumonia, an infant with a double ear infection and something respiratory going on...

I was going to try to make it regardless, but my the babe is dripping from his nose, all the kids are hacking, and I have the feeling we'd end up 1) picking up something else and 2) getting the stink eye (deservedly so).






I hope you all get healthy soon.


Sadly, I may not be able to go either. I wasn't able to make the 6:30 am Liturgy of the Hours (DR appt.) and DH is using the car for work now. DD has a game tonight around the same time as LotH at church. I'll probably take her out early so we can go to church and get our ashes.

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I hope you all get healthy soon.


Sadly, I may not be able to go either. I wasn't able to make the 6:30 am Liturgy of the Hours (DR appt.) and DH is using the car for work now. DD has a game tonight around the same time as LotH at church. I'll probably take her out early so we can go to church and get our ashes.


I was planning on the 7am service this morning, but I woke up with an awful sore throat and a nasty cold. I slept in, and felt guilty - already, on Day 1 of Lent, I missed the Wed morning service! I plan on going every Wed morning during Lent, and am disappointed that I caught my ds's cold. I'll go to the 7pm service tonight instead, where my dd is singing in the (adult) choir. And next Wednesday, I pray I'll be at that morning one!

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I went to Mass this morning and the priest recommended The Magnificat. I bought it and did the reading for today. I'm a little confused about the day's suggested penance. It states to spend fifteen minutes or more praying the holy name of Jesus. What does that mean exactly?



I *think* it's this one: http://www.catholic.org/clife/prayers/prayer.php?p=1394


Maybr it's this one? http://www.catholicculture.org/culture/liturgicalyear/prayers/view.cfm?id=903

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Wasn't the whole "Fish on Fridays" developed to help the starving Spanish? fisherman? Middle ages maybe? I'm getting old. I forget the lore on that one.


When I was a vegetarian, a priest pointed out to me that to properly "suffer" on Fridays in Lent, I should probably eat meat. He was also veg. and knew of which he spoke! That is a painful penance!


I totally understand that, Nono! It would be a penance for me to eat prime rib.


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I have some very stupid questions. RCIA doesn't open until September, but I have been teetering on the edge of deciding to go for it for years. But after some of my previous church experiences, I have a few issues:


How much does it cost? Money is so tight right now. Like, "let's hope not to starve this month" tight.


Is tithing publicly done? Is there a set amount required? Dh is not supportive over this already, but giving money we can't afford would push him over the edge. Getting a job for me is not an option right now, and I would feel weird asking for financial consideration considering the priest is quite literally my next door neighbor. The last few churches I went to made me uncomfortable because I never had much to tithe, though I always gave as much as I could at our visits. But they were publicly done. And since I was never actually raised with a church home base, I have no idea how this all works. Will I be required to give a certain portion of our income? I can donate time, but right now money just can't happen.


How uncomfortable is it to do confession? I know that sounds weird, but I have some nasty ones that I would feel weird blurting out to my neighbor priest (the only one here). Especially since I see him every day. Lol


I just want to echo what the others said. RCIA should cost nothing. Giving to the church is private. Confession is a wonderful, grace-filled time but many of us are anxious about it beforehand. As the others said, you can go to any Catholic priest, and you will not shock them by whatever you confess. They have heard it all. I am one who sometimes feels nervous about it, but I am always so very glad afterward.



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I had a dream I wanted to share with my Catholic sisters. I was in a very large parish with a packed full church. We were waiting for Mass to start and it was overdue to start. All of the sudden, a glass casket carrying the body of a bishop was being carried in over the heads of the 6 pall bearers. It was a joyous occasion.


The body was dressed in red and gold brocade fabric and the mitre on his head was the same. As the casket came near us, the front 2 pall bearers tripped or bent down and the casket started to fall. No one was frightened or even reacted strongly. It opened up at the end and the head started to come out of the casket. The top of the mitre touched my forehead as I backed away trying to not have it fall on me. I was not scared, it was not creepy, but I heard in my head, "This is St. Augustine". The men stood back up, the body slid back in and the procession went on as normal.


I share this because I have been praying for God to reveal to me what he wants me to "do" for Lent. I felt this dream was him saying "Learn about St. Augustine". Would you agree? If this was your dream, how would you interpret it if differently?

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How do you ladies make sense of the difference in the Gospels and the fact that the Gospels were written by people who had not met Jesus and may have been third or fourth hand accounts?


I was never one to believe in the complete inerrancy of the Bible. The stories were all oral before they were finally written down, so it is kind of like playing telephone, things will get messed up.

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How do you ladies make sense of the difference in the Gospels and the fact that the Gospels were written by people who had not met Jesus and may have been third or fourth hand accounts?


I was never one to believe in the complete inerrancy of the Bible. The stories were all oral before they were finally written down, so it is kind of like playing telephone, things will get messed up.


Luke was the only Gospel writer who did not live through the gospel accounts.


Here is a really good article about this:



I don't have a problem with it because my faith does not lie in the inerrancy of a book, but in the vibrancy of the relationship with my savior and his gift to us.


And yes, I know it's from an LDS site - I don't see anything that would be in error to our faith.

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But there is no proof that Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John were actually the authors of the gospel accorded to them.


I am not trying to e argumentative, I just need to get past these "road blocks".



I have never in my entire life heard that argument. Of all the bible history classes and biblical archaeology that I have studied, I have NEVER heard that it was ever in question who wrote those books.

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Some of you may remember from some of my earlier posts that my husband and I are currently in RCIA with the intention of joining the church at Easter Vigil. I am also expecting baby #6 in June. We have always had our babies baptized very close to the time of their births. However, I am very concerned about this new baby. I understand that the Catholic church requires at least one Catholic god parents. DH and I don't have any Catholic family members or friends. Do you all have any suggestions as to how we should find a Godparent? I am very worried that this baby will not be able to receive the sacrament until he is much older and we have been able to establish Catholic friendships. Honestly, it scares me to have an unbaptized child and I really want to avoid that scenario. Thank you for your help.



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But there is no proof that Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John were actually the authors of the gospel accorded to them.


I am not trying to e argumentative, I just need to get past these "road blocks".


As best we know Matthew was written by Matthew the tax collector disciple of Jesus. John was written by John.


Most scholars agree that the author of Luke also wrote Acts.


There's a tradition, early in the second century, that Mark's Gospel is based on the testimony of Simon Peter, written down by Mark.


This might help you, Sweetie.

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I have never in my entire life heard that argument. Of all the bible history classes and biblical archaeology that I have studied, I have NEVER heard that it was ever in question who wrote those books.



Do you have any good sites or articles for me to peruse? We only have the Greek copies, correct? But there is reference to original Aramaic?

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Some of you may remember from some of my earlier posts that my husband and I are currently in RCIA with the intention of joining the church at Easter Vigil. I am also expecting baby #6 in June. We have always had our babies baptized very close to the time of their births. However, I am very concerned about this new baby. I understand that the Catholic church requires at least one Catholic god parents. DH and I don't have any Catholic family members or friends. Do you all have any suggestions as to how we should find a Godparent? I am very worried that this baby will not be able to receive the sacrament until he is much older and we have been able to establish Catholic friendships. Honestly, it scares me to have an unbaptized child and I really want to avoid that scenario. Thank you for your help.





Is there anyone you've met during the RCIA process that you would like to ask?

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Do you have any good sites or articles for me to peruse? We only have the Greek copies, correct? But there is reference to original Aramaic?



I am presently living at my IL's with nothing of my studies or books with me, so I can't really help out with all that research I have. I'm sorry. :(

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Some of you may remember from some of my earlier posts that my husband and I are currently in RCIA with the intention of joining the church at Easter Vigil. I am also expecting baby #6 in June. We have always had our babies baptized very close to the time of their births. However, I am very concerned about this new baby. I understand that the Catholic church requires at least one Catholic god parents. DH and I don't have any Catholic family members or friends. Do you all have any suggestions as to how we should find a Godparent? I am very worried that this baby will not be able to receive the sacrament until he is much older and we have been able to establish Catholic friendships. Honestly, it scares me to have an unbaptized child and I really want to avoid that scenario. Thank you for your help.




Who is your sponsor when you join the church? Could the same person sponsoring you or your dh be the baby's godparent?


You can always have a sponsor by proxy. If you know someone from away who is a Catholic in good standing he/she could be the god parent.

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Some of you may remember from some of my earlier posts that my husband and I are currently in RCIA with the intention of joining the church at Easter Vigil. I am also expecting baby #6 in June. We have always had our babies baptized very close to the time of their births. However, I am very concerned about this new baby. I understand that the Catholic church requires at least one Catholic god parents. DH and I don't have any Catholic family members or friends. Do you all have any suggestions as to how we should find a Godparent? I am very worried that this baby will not be able to receive the sacrament until he is much older and we have been able to establish Catholic friendships. Honestly, it scares me to have an unbaptized child and I really want to avoid that scenario. Thank you for your help.





Do you have someone who is acting as your sponsor in RCIA? They could be a good option. Or an RCIA teacher. Heck, priests can be godparents, too, if push comes to shove. You only need one godparent.


Also, if you want the baby to have a godparent you "know" a little better, you could have one Catholic from the parish (RCIA teacher, friend from RCIA, paths secretary, reccomendation from the priest, etc.) and then just a good friend who is Christian, but not Catholic. (I don't know what you are converting from, but this widens the field a bit.) They would technically be a Christian witness, not godparent, but they could seve that role in your child's life. Of me and my 6 siblings, the best "godparent" anyone had was actually the one Non-Catholic (Luthern, I think) who was just a Christian witness. Man, did she love and guide and pray for my brother.

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Thanks for the tips. Our RCIA sponsor was assigned to us since we didn't know anyone who is Catholic. I could think about asking her, it just seems like there is so much expected of a Godparent...gifts, being involved in our child's life, etc. She is an older lady and has grandchildren. I don't know how she would feel about that.





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I had a dream I wanted to share with my Catholic sisters. I was in a very large parish with a packed full church. We were waiting for Mass to start and it was overdue to start. All of the sudden, a glass casket carrying the body of a bishop was being carried in over the heads of the 6 pall bearers. It was a joyous occasion.


The body was dressed in red and gold brocade fabric and the mitre on his head was the same. As the casket came near us, the front 2 pall bearers tripped or bent down and the casket started to fall. No one was frightened or even reacted strongly. It opened up at the end and the head started to come out of the casket. The top of the mitre touched my forehead as I backed away trying to not have it fall on me. I was not scared, it was not creepy, but I heard in my head, "This is St. Augustine". The men stood back up, the body slid back in and the procession went on as normal.


I share this because I have been praying for God to reveal to me what he wants me to "do" for Lent. I felt this dream was him saying "Learn about St. Augustine". Would you agree? If this was your dream, how would you interpret it if differently?



Wow, what a cool dream!



Holy cow. Next thing you might get a direct phone call! I had a friend who dreamt that. She wasn't even religious at the time, but she had a dream where she was crying and crying cuz she was so depressed because boyfriend #15 or so had just dumped her. She just wanted to meet Mr. Right and settle down but she had the worst judgment, would hang out in bars and pick up guys just out sheer loneliness. But in her dream, she heard a phone ringing and she started searching for it. Finally she found it and answered it. She heard the most beautiful voice say, don't you know me? I'm Jesus. Remember I love you.


So after that she stopped sleeping around, getting drunk etc. She started going to a conservative Anglican church then met a devout Greek Orthodox guy, wound up converting and marrying him. Last I heard they'd adopted two little girls. Gosh, I haven't thought about her in ages!




Anyway, back to your dream! Very cool! I definitely think St. Augustine is calling you! My son, btw, is currently reading a really beautiful translation of the Confessions. It was published back in the 1970's and it is called Love Song. Very readable, accessible translation. so if you are looking for a nice version, I highly recommend it.

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Thanks for the tips. Our RCIA sponsor was assigned to us since we didn't know anyone who is Catholic. I could think about asking her, it just seems like there is so much expected of a Godparent...gifts, being involved in our child's life, etc. She is an older lady and has grandchildren. I don't know how she would feel about that.





Keep in mind that your kids can have different sponsors for different sacraments. Some will be more involved than others. The person you pick for god parent might not be the same you/he pick for FHC and Confirmation sponsor. And if the godparent isn't involved much in your child's life there will be other people to pick up the slack.

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Thank you!!! I will most definitely look that book up. Augustine can be VERY scholarly and hard to understand sometimes.


Wow, what a cool dream!



Holy cow. Next thing you might get a direct phone call! I had a friend who dreamt that. She wasn't even religious at the time, but she had a dream where she was crying and crying cuz she was so depressed because boyfriend #15 or so had just dumped her. She just wanted to meet Mr. Right and settle down but she had the worst judgment, would hang out in bars and pick up guys just out sheer loneliness. But in her dream, she heard a phone ringing and she started searching for it. Finally she found it and answered it. She heard the most beautiful voice say, don't you know me? I'm Jesus. Remember I love you.


So after that she stopped sleeping around, getting drunk etc. She started going to a conservative Anglican church then met a devout Greek Orthodox guy, wound up converting and marrying him. Last I heard they'd adopted two little girls. Gosh, I haven't thought about her in ages!




Anyway, back to your dream! Very cool! I definitely think St. Augustine is calling you! My son, btw, is currently reading a really beautiful translation of the Confessions. It was published back in the 1970's and it is called Love Song. Very readable, accessible translation. so if you are looking for a nice version, I highly recommend it.

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