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debris truck just picked up my 17 large bins of books plus furniture

Jeannie in NJ

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I have had the bins plus 9 bookcases, china cabinet, cedar chest, tables, chairs, etc. etc, etc in my yard for the last 2 weeks waiting for the debris truck to pick it up (lots of people still have their belongings on their curbs waiting for debris trucks). I estimated that I lost 1000-1500 books to sandy plus quite a bit of furniture. I don't know why I tortured myself by watching the guys on the truck toss everything into the truck. I have a pang in my heart and stomach, I don't know how people can stand it that lost everything. I try to tell myself that it is just stuff, but it was stuff that I was not going to toss, I was just storing in garage until we moved. Well, now it is gone and time to move on with life.


A woman in I believe it was Staten Island lost all of her 9 cats. That is heartbreaking as I look at my safe and warm 8 little fur babies (they are the reason that we stayed and did not evacuate).


okay deep breath IT WAS JUST STUFF (no more stupid crying over it).

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I would be crying, too. It's not just "stuff" it was YOUR stuff. And it wasn't your choice to have it taken away from you. I'm so sorry. There's a difference when you donate or sell stuff.


And I know in my head that it really is just stuff. But I sit looking at my family pieces funiture and how I would feel if that "stuff" was gone. I would be very sad.



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We lost about 85% of our stuff in our house fire. Insurance is a huge blessing but can't begin to replace the meaning, heirlooms, memories and literally, the stuff, that you throw away. "Near miss tragedies" are tricky..you come out alive- the tragedy didn't kill you but it glanced your arm. It still hurts. Take time to grive and sorrow. Be good to yourself and dont' try to talk yourself out of the hurt. The truth is that if you don't cry now, you'll cry later.

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I was just reading about people on staten Island who had many feet of raw sewage in their homes and streets. The sewage treatment plant shut down due to the storm surge and it just all came up. The flood insurance is denying their claims through some technicality of it being a "sewage spill" and not a flood. I can't imagine how anyone could safely rebuild, those homes will have to be demolished. even the soil is probably unsafe for a long time to come. So like you said just remember some people are in a much worse spot. I'm so glad your cats are ok.

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I am so sorry for what you are going through and I can totally relate. We had a house fire in May. There was massive smoke damage so we lost a lot of our things. I was and am so grateful that we weren't home and the dogs weren't home when it happened. It was totally God's grace. We thought we were going on vacation the next day so we had taken our dogs to the vet for boarding. Otherwise, they would have been in the kitchen and died from all the heat and smoke. They are like family members and I would have been devastated.


After the fire, we had to go through and sort out everything the cleaning company didn't think they could salvage. It was heart breaking. The hardest things to lose for me were special family antiques, books and things that belonged to my girls. Books hold memories of time spent together. I could go in my room and not even bat an eye. I would go in their rooms and just sob. It broke my heart to watch my girls go through the entire thing. It was really hard especially for my oldest.


Give yourself permission to grieve for what you lost. It doesn't mean you aren't so very thankful that it wasn't any worse.


Take care,


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