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I love the changes!!! Thank you!


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I didn't see a spot where the "I love the new site" thread/topic was so I thought I'd start one…. I'm out of town and on a very slow connection with my iPhone and it's glorious! Love the changes, improvements and updates and wanted to say THANK YOU for all if the hard work it took to make this happen!


It's no small thing- the bugs, the traffic, the troubleshooting and then explaining it all to the end-users....LOL my husband handles the tech aspect of the business he runs so I've witnessed the all nighters aspect of rolling out a new interface.


I wanted to say amidst the questions, complaints and confusion that generally accompanies such change, that I am so grateful and love it!!!!


LOVE it!


Thank you!

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I, too, like the new format. I'm trying to find my forum-legs as I'm sure there are a lot of features I haven't even seen yet. I'm not sure I'm all that happy to have it so "out there" because I have visions of every kind of homeschooler joining the forums. And that brings back visions of Vegsource :crying:


Maybe it's my introvertedness that causes me not to want to make the forums so easy to find :) I really liked the "smallish community" feel it had. I hope that isn't lost.

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What I like:


The "Like" button. (Note: this "Like" button does NOT connect to FB in any way)


The notifications you get when someone "Likes" one of your posts or when someone quotes you. Fabulous!!!!


The 20 posts on each page. I know that on the old version we could get this somehow, but I never did it. I like that each page is longer.


I think that's all I can think of. I'm extremely computer illiterate, so I'm sure this barely scratches the surface of all the features. Will have to play with it more.

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I'm having a lot of fun exploring the features. I think I've found something new every time I drop back in here. Things I've found so far that are THE cat's meow: :hurray:


Status - I don't do that other site that has this feature, and this is kind of cool. I also like that I can select to see status updates of people on my friends list.


Friends List! - I kept all my old friends! Yay! But, now I can interact with them more, whereas before it was just a static list.


Like This - Woot! And may I also say Woot! It's fun. It's a quick way to say "I agree." It's a tool for spreading a little love around, and I'm a big fan of spreading love around. :wub:


Notifications - Here I'm talking about the little doo-dad in the corner at the top of the page that shows me a little number and when I click it, it tells me stuff. Then, I found the notification settings page and man, that little doo-dad can tell me LOTS of stuff!


Turning on/off signatures - Now, I can finally, honestly tell someone who doesn't like my signature to "just ignore it then" and they actually can! :ph34r:


Lastly, the mods and Susan have been so much more gracious than I would have been (good thing it's not my board!) If it were me, I'd have handed out a whole lot of big ol' smack down "bless your hearts!"

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I'm having a lot of fun exploring the features. I think I've found something new every time I drop back in here. Things I've found so far that are THE cat's meow: :hurray:


Status - I don't do that other site that has this feature, and this is kind of cool. I also like that I can select to see status updates of people on my friends list.


Friends List! - I kept all my old friends! Yay! But, now I can interact with them more, whereas before it was just a static list.


Like This - Woot! And may I also say Woot! It's fun. It's a quick way to say "I agree." It's a tool for spreading a little love around, and I'm a big fan of spreading love around. :wub:


Notifications - Here I'm talking about the little doo-dad in the corner at the top of the page that shows me a little number and when I click it, it tells me stuff. Then, I found the notification settings page and man, that little doo-dad can tell me LOTS of stuff!


Turning on/off signatures - Now, I can finally, honestly tell someone who doesn't like my signature to "just ignore it then" and they actually can! :ph34r:


Lastly, the mods and Susan have been so much more gracious than I would have been (good thing it's not my board!) If it were me, I'd have handed out a whole lot of big ol' smack down "bless your hearts!"


Now, why on earth would anyone not like your signature Audrey?? ;)


Maybe you can tell me....what is all this "status" talk? Where is this? (still trying to learn all the cool features so I can be cool :coolgleamA: )

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I just wanted to chime in and say that I love, love, love the fact that I can delete my vote from a poll!


While I am the un-tech savvy person in my family, I am starting to find my way around. The features I have figured out seem good to me, and I can already tell that the search function is greatly improved. DH looked over my shoulder tonight and commented that the site looked, "sleeker". (I think that is good in geek speak, right?)


I know that it takes a lot of work to make a change as big as this, and I appreciate the spirit and intent with which it was done. I hope all of y'all at PHP have a wonderful time with your families this week, and enjoy a restful, happy Thanksgiving.

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I've already sent my thanks on the PHP FB page a couple of times but I'll go ahead and share my support here too.


I am extremely impressed with everything, and considering the overhaul that was done I think things smoothed out quite quickly. This forum is such a haven and blessing to so many and I'm excited to see new "faces" helping and being helped everyday.


Kuddos to the crew!

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I just wanted to chime in and say that I love, love, love the fact that I can delete my vote from a poll!



I can do that??? I am always clicking the wrong thing on those polls.


**off to find a poll to vote and unvote and vote and... **

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I also love the changes! It took some getting used to but after playing around a bit it feels very comfortable to use. Some missing PMs showed up today. And it seems much faster than it was on the first day. I especially like the mobile version of the site. It is great to read on my Kindle Fire.


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I'm having a lot of fun exploring the features. I think I've found something new every time I drop back in here. Things I've found so far that are THE cat's meow: :hurray:


Status - I don't do that other site that has this feature, and this is kind of cool. I also like that I can select to see status updates of people on my friends list.


Friends List! - I kept all my old friends! Yay! But, now I can interact with them more, whereas before it was just a static list.


Like This - Woot! And may I also say Woot! It's fun. It's a quick way to say "I agree." It's a tool for spreading a little love around, and I'm a big fan of spreading love around. :wub:


Notifications - Here I'm talking about the little doo-dad in the corner at the top of the page that shows me a little number and when I click it, it tells me stuff. Then, I found the notification settings page and man, that little doo-dad can tell me LOTS of stuff!


Turning on/off signatures - Now, I can finally, honestly tell someone who doesn't like my signature to "just ignore it then" and they actually can! :ph34r:


Lastly, the mods and Susan have been so much more gracious than I would have been (good thing it's not my board!) If it were me, I'd have handed out a whole lot of big ol' smack down "bless your hearts!"



I am a huge fan of the option to turn off all signatures. It was one of the first new features I used. I would highly recommend disabling signatures for the people who complain about the additional fractional second it requires to use the preview feature than the mouse over feature. Without the signatures, scrolling down the page of fifty posts probably saves a good second.


I, too, enjoy the statuses and comments here.


Susan and her crew have been exceedingly restrained in their responses to all the protests and complaints about the changes. If she could bottle her grace and sell it, I'd pay top dollar and stockpile it.

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I like it too. For starters it looks pretty. I really really love the little star that will take me right back to the last place i was reading. How cool. I may actually be able to participate and enjoy the next big thread that catches my eye without the 123 replies keeping me from even trying to read it.


I like the preview and "mark as read" button. I like knowing that the grey things are threads I already read or previewed without opening it again and feeling "ugh I already saw that a few days ago." I like being able to follow a thread without having to post in it. It saves making a "subbing" post every time I want to get back to something that had some cool advice or links. And I love how easier the multiquote function seems to be---never could figure out how to do that.

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I'm happy to have a mobile version of the site. I'd lost count of how many times I'd accidentally unsubscribed from forums or marked everything read trying to manage the old site on a smartphone screen. :D

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Okay I revoke my compliment to the search function. I am having a horrid time trying to find the threads I was subscribed to on the old site. I can enter the exact thread title, (I took screen shots of my subscription list before the move), and get zero results. Is the search function different on an iPad than a laptop?

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"Would you not use a curriculum or book if...."



I tried just searching the word "behind" to find another thread and had it return zero results as well. It is entirely possible that I am doing something wrong, but I didn't think I was this technologically deficient!

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