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How many calories do you eat in a meal?`

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It really depends on the meal.



Same here. I almost never eat breakfast so that's a big zero. Sometimes I will have a calorie rich meal for lunch or dinner (like pasta or something fried), maybe twice a week. Sometimes I just mainly snack (think 150 cals every hour or 2).


5'8" unsure of exact weight. Probably in the 140s.

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5'9" 125lbs right now although normally I'm 10lbs heavier. For breakfast I have two cups of coffee that would be about 60cals total with what I put in them. For snack a granola bar. For lunch usually a piece of toast or an apple. For supper I usually total about 500cals on a good day. I have popcorn almost every evening and I have 3-4 pepsi cans throughout the day.

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5'5", 108, I eat 2x a day with an occasional snack. When I'm not consistantly working out (yoga, pilates, running), I eat about 700-800 calories at each meal, although I tend to look at my week as a whole and stay within my ranges for that time rather than for each day. Sometimes I'm hungrier and I eat more and sometimes I eat less. I do eat Primal though, so I'm eating a lot of nutrient-dense food (meat, eggs, veggies, healthy saturated fats) to hit those numbers. When I have a high carb day I am constantly starving and don't feel full for long, and I always seem to eat too many calories.


There are really good calculators out there to determine how many calories you need to eat to maintain, lose, or gain. You'll want one that takes into account your height, weight, age, & activity level. I have a spreadsheet someone posted for free on Fitocracy (or maybe Loseit) that I used to calculate my goals and have found it to be accurate IRT my calorie needs. Also understand that your calorie needs will decrease as you lose.


One lb of fat is about 3500 kcal, so that makes it easy to see how long it will take to lose a lb.

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I have no idea what I weigh, I don't weigh myself except once a year or so. Somewhere between 125-130. I am 5'3" and I wear a size 2 , sometimes a bit smaller. I either graze all day or don't eat much and eat 1 or 2 huge meals. I've counted calories before and anywhere from 1500-2500 a day. I do know my typical smoothies are about 500-600 calories each and I always have one of those at least once a day

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I'm 5'9" 135-145 when not pregnant.


If I'm sedentary I aim for 1200-1500 a day; if active 1500-1800 a day; if pregnant or BFing 1800-2000 a day. I divide the calories between 4-5 small meals so 300-500 calories per meal.


I almost never eat more than 500 calories in one sitting, I get stuffed quickly which I'm realizing is a blessing.

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Too many! Now that I'm old, I find myself eating about 1800 calories per day and the weight is packing on! I'm 5'3" and run about 3 miles a day. If I keep the calories to about 1500 a day, then I stay at a healthy weight. Keeping meals smaller than my fist is what works. I need to plaster my words on the refrigerator.

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In a day, I consume about 1800-2000 kcal. About 60 g of those are net carbs (In the New Atkins world that means carb count minus fiber count).


I consumed the same amount of calories before I kept track of my carbs. I weighed 148 lbs. and ran 40 mpw. I now weigh 129 lbs. and run far less at the moment (no races on the scheduled meant a lot of rest. :laugh: )


I'm 48 and 5'4". For me, it wasn't the calorie count, but how much of what types of things I ate that really mattered. The whole "runners diet" is a scam as far as I am concerned. :tongue_smilie:

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I'm 5'9" 135-145 when not pregnant.


If I'm sedentary I aim for 1200-1500 a day; if active 1500-1800 a day; if pregnant or BFing 1800-2000 a day. I divide the calories between 4-5 small meals so 300-500 calories per meal.


I almost never eat more than 500 calories in one sitting, I get stuffed quickly which I'm realizing is a blessing.


This is me exactly. I add another 200-300 calories if I have a very active day (long run, day at the beach swimming, etc).

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My rule is to only eat when I'm hungry. A solid breakfast (3 egg omlette with meat, veggies and a little cheese and whole wheat, homemade toast) will last me until dinner (as long as I'm drinking water), and I won't need a big dinner (usually a nice salad with some meat & cheese). Now, if I start exercising...I'm going to need lunch. ;)


This is a huge change from when I ate a high-carb/low fat diet. I had to eat every 3-4 hours, without fail. AND, I was usually really hungry by bedtime. Eating this way has helped me not even think about food.

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This thread is frightening!


I was thinking the same thing! Holy cow you people are thin! I'm 5'10" and I weigh 155 - 160. I work out nearly every day (P90X right now) and I think most of that weight is muscle as I'm quite thin. (Size 8 - 10) I tend to eat 300 calories at a sitting - around five times/day. Works for me for keeping my weight steady. If I go over that, I gain.

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Per meal? Well, it really varies. My per day average is 1650, which allows for a slow & steady weight loss (about 1.5-2 lbs/month).I don't count calories on Sundays or on special occasions (such as Thanksgiving Day). Height is 5'2", weight is 153. I'll stop counting when I hit 140ish, and have maintained there for a while.


Breakfast is around 400 calories.

Lunch is around 300 calories.

Dinner is around 500 calories.

Chocolate is around 100 calories (three small pieces/day).

Snacks another 200- 250.

One adult drink at night for another 100-150.

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