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what?!?! My EX-MIL just friend requested me on facebook!

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What do I do now? I have no hard feelings towards her, and my ex lives with her and his father, so my son is with them every other week. She is close to my son. When I first divorced my ex she whouldn't speak to me for at least a year, even if I was IN her house dropping off my son. But she has mellowed, and is sweet to me when I see her, and asks about my other kids, loves seeing them, etc. But, she has a tendency towards hurt feelings and some drama with her family (she and her son in law are never in the same place at the same time by mutual agreement), etc. Do I do this??? How weird! Although, I'm already friends with her daughter, my ex SIL, which has been fine. still..weird!

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I'd cautiously friend her, if you are the kind of FB poster who doesn't post really personal stuff. If things start to go downhill a bit, you can always hide her posts if you don't want to read them.


But IDK--maybe not. :D


How's that for helpful...


lol, about what I was thinking. I post a bit about how much I love my life...and how great my dh is..which might hurt her I guess. But she friended me, so oh well. Besides...I post so much most of my own family has me blocked, lol.

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I would accept, but make a custom control so she can only see the innocuous kid stuff and pics of your son/posts about him and the really basic stuff. Basically I'd give her a window into her grandson's life, but not yours...


:iagree: Most likely, she just wants to see photos of the kids anyway.

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I would ignore the request. Seriously. Why would you want her to have a window into your life?




If you don't want to be buddies with her in real life, why would you want her as a FB friend?


Seems awfully awkward to me.

Edited by Catwoman
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I would accept it, and then either hide her or unfriend her if things get weird.


I had a friend request from the woman who dated my ex-fiancé right after I broke up with him. They dated for maybe a year and a half. I knew her and was somewhat friendly with her before she started dating ex-fiancé. The friend request came about 15 years after she broke up with him and we'd both been married to other people for some time. I was hesitant to accept, but I did. It turns out that she and I have a lot in common and have become much closer. She is even considering homeschooling her daughter, so has asked me for advice.


The point of my whole long story is that sometimes people can surprise you and you can turn out to have a great relationship with someone you least suspect.

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