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No toys, no electronics gifts for 7yo girl

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Sculpey Clay. It is GREAT stuff and there are lots of tools you can buy to use with it. Our library has a lot of books on various things to make with it. It is easy to work with but yet can do more detailed things. It stays soft until you bake it.


We bought it at bigger craft stores with 40% off coupons.

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Last year I bought DD a rolling caddy filled up with scrapbooking supplies.


She LOVES that thing! I bought lots of punches that were smaller and easier to squeeze. Contruction paper, glitter glue, stickers, blank cards, that kind of stuff.


ETA: I forgot to mention I also included 2 small scrapbooking albums. She is still working on filling those up

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What are her interests? My older dd isn't someone interested in toys, but she really loves pretend play. She loved getting costumes for Christmas when she was 8yo (Hogwarts, Renaissance, etc). She also likes books, movies, art supplies, magazine subscriptions, and she also loves getting things that are homemade. She loved homemade clothes for her doll & teddy bear, and she likes homemade clothes for herself.



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I'm making dd a huge fleece throw pillow (like the size of a large dog bed lol) and dh is making her a folding A frame tent. We will make that her reading nook. :001_smile:

I'm also compiling stories from grandparents, aunts, uncles and dh and I about our childhoods and turning them into a book. She LOVES to hear stories of our childhood.

I got her some nicer acrylic paints and paintbrushes, I'll be looking for canvases on sale, and perhaps some of that sculpey clay that everyone suggested.

Dd4 will be making her a set of lip glosses, with coconut oil and kool aid for flavor/scent/color. We will put them into little contact lens cases I found at the $1 store.

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My DD wants a room makeover for her 8th birthday-new bedspread, sheets, curtains, lamp, clock, etc. She's also getting a bookcase for her pretend snake rack-I figure when she no longer wants to fill it with plastic boxes of toy snakes with newspaper bedding, she can use it for books :).


She also loves Legos and stuff for her American Girl doll.

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Things like movie tickets, pedicure gift cards (mommy n me day), zoo passes, rock wall club.

Is there something she really wants to try? something she really loves you can get a family membership for? a class she wants to take?


One year I swore off all clutter and 'experiences' were the name of the game!!

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I think you really have to take some time and talk to the kiddo and really listen. My DD doesn't like dolls, dollhouses, any girly stuff. But in talking to her, she really wanted a pretty dress for Christmas. It wasn't just that she wanted the dress, it was that she wanted to pick it out. You know like a shopping trip where she got to try on dresses and pick the one she wanted. My mom had one of those mega coupons at Kohls and so that is what she got as an early Christmas present. It would have been so easy to miss the nuances of what was important to her.

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Any ideas? Sylvia is impossible to shop for. I swore no toys this year. I was going to get her a Fire, but I didn't care for it and it's going back. I think I feel better about minimal electronic gadgets anyway.


She'll be 8 in March. What have your girls liked?


You didn't give us much to go on. :tongue_smilie:


DD's favorite birthday gift this year was new roller skates. Does she need a scooter? Bike?


For another birthday, she got her own desk and loves it. I decked it out in girly shabby containers from Hobby Lobby and art/school supplies. She also got this lettering book and good markers.


Last Christmas her favorite gift was a giant box of arts and crafts supplies. She was outfitted for the whole year. In this box was some Sculpey, which she loved so much that she has already asked for more for Christmas this year, with books, tools, and a clay roller to go with it.


At some point, she got a sewing basket loaded with supplies and a few project books. That was and still is a hit.


Do you have any hobbies you could share with her? I quilt and it's been fun to share that with her as she gets older. As part of that Christmas crafts box, I got her a fat quarter set of delightfully playful candy fabric and together we made a table runner, place mats, and napkins for our tea parties.


After really enjoying some preliminary cake decorating using the basic supplies I had on hand, she has asked for her own set of supplies, so I'm getting her a set of bowls, measuring cups/spoons, a big Wilton decorating set, wedding cake pans (LOL seriously) and a great fully-illustrated book of cake decorating. That will probably be her big Santa gift.


For her non-Santa gift, she is getting The Care and Keeping of You with a mother/daughter spa basket I'm putting together for the two of us. A while back, she and I formed a little club called the Lazy Daisies. We meet once a month, all day on a Saturday. We stay in my bed, in our pajamas all day and watch girly movies, read books, paint our nails, eat fru-fru food and drink tea. The spa basket will be for our Lazy Daisies days, with some fluffy robes, mani/pedi supplies, bath bombs, lotion, tea and treats.


Oh, and last year for her birthday, we all went to see Mary Poppins the musical. I agree that an experience can be a fantastic gift.

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I tried to dig up my list or notes from the year my daughter was eight. (My husband and I make our lists on the computer and e-mail them back and forth with updates. So, I usually have a few years worth of lists at any one time.) I couldn't find it, though.


I can tell you that our kids never had a lot in the way of electronics in the under-10 age range. Our daughter had the use of an old laptop for schoolwork, but that was about it. We used to limit our son to one toy in use at any one time that required batteries. And by age eight or nine, our daughter had more or less outgown most toys except the American Girl dolls.


She got books (always a welcome gift here), subscriptions to magazines, tickets to events, small pampering items, CDs, fun clothes, etc. She used to love music boxes. So, we got her special ones themed to match her interests(usually favorite Broadway shows). One year, she got a bookcase of her very own to go in her room, along with a set of personalized book plates. She had a blast organizing her library.

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I agree with the experiences idea. My dd is only 2 and she loves it when we go kayaking. She just loves to go out and do different things. I hope to take her camping in the spring.


You could also go for jewelry. My mom works at a jewelry store so it is something that I think of for a backup plan for gifts.

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