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What are you doing for 5th grade?


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I know it seems early, but once we get into our groove I start planning the next year. Also, I will have a new baby in April and will not have to time to think about the following year until it's upon me so I want lists and curriculum bought and planned before then. I have a good idea, but want to hear what you all are doing and any recs for biology for a science girl. I'm leaning toward CPO and lots of labs. TIA!

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Saxon 6/5

Sequential Spelling

Spectrum Writing 6

Elementary Greek 2

LIfepac History and Geography 5

SOTW (as fun read aloud)

Apologia Zoology 1

AWANA and WHo Is God? for Bible


Of the above list, the biggest downer has been Apologia. Unfortunately, I find it very hard to get around to the Zoology 1 book. Additionally, for my kids, the Notebooking activities seem to end up being busy work, and they don't really enjoy it. But I feel they retain even less without the Notebooking, so we do it anyway. We love reading it, but it doesn't feel worth the time and effort. I love the beautiful, quality book, and the children really enjoy listening and I do feel that we love birds so much more. BUT it's very hard to get around to, and time consuming....we are going back to traditional Science next year.


My biggest surprise this year has been how much of a challenge and a joy AWANA has been. When each of my kids moved up this year they really ended up in a level that was a healthy challenge for them. And since I made it my purpose to really interact with them and discuss their verses and Questions, I feel they are really getting a lot out of it.

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We are doing a 5/6 year this year.



Math Mammoth 6

Hands on Equations (ipad app)

Dragon Box (ipad app)



From Sea to Shining Sea (American History - Catholic Textbook Project)

A History of US (Joy Hakim)

The Story of Science (Joy Hakim)


Science: an eclectic mix and coverage of physical sciences

Hewitt's Conceptual Physical Science

TOPS units for chemistry and physics

The Story of Science

Thames and Kosmos chem kits

Horrible Science (Bulging Box of)

The New Way Things Work

Snap Circuits

... and tons of ideas a la Ruth, lol. Autumn is doing weekend physics with my husband; chemistry with me during the week.



The New St. Joseph's Baltimore Catechism 2

Old Testament Bible History for Young Catholics (Seton)



Hake Grammar 6 (I got 6 because I heard on the boards that there wasn't much difference between 5 and 6)



Cambridge Latin Course 1

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This year we are using:

Math: Singapore Math 5A/5B and Life of Fred Decimals and Percents (we only use Singapore through 5B and then go LOF from there on out)

Lang. Arts: Megawords 2, Wordly Wise 5, Winning with Writing 5, Growing with Grammar 5, and an every other week IEW class

History/Lit: Biblioplan (this year we are using Ancients): SOTW read aloud with younger sib, Mystery of History on their own, BP Map and Timeline resources

Science: A Reason for Science level E at co-op

Art: Meet the Masters track E (I believe) at co-op

Latin: Latin for Children B

Misc: Typing (dance mat and typing IEW pieces herself)

Geography: co-op tackles a continent per year, this year Europe

Phys. Ed: Competitive diving

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Thanks for this thread. I needed a push to start planning.


Current plans for 5th grade (several being continuations or finishing up from 4th):


Math: AoPS (Geometry, Int. Algebra, Int. Counting, Number Theory)


Arithmetic: Standard Service Arithmetics Grade 5


English: Junior English Book 3, Poetry With Pleasure, Drums (Scribner School Ed.), Mommy's cobbled-together grammar course


Latin: Artes Latinae


Greek: Athenaze


French: class & SYRWTL French


Music: piano lessons


Science: TOPS, Nebel 2


Religion: My Catholic Faith


Literature, history, geography: reading, reading, reading

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I am obsessing over 5th grade. :willy_nilly: It seems all too important because of the grammar/logic/rhetoric stages outlined in WTM. I need to :chillpill:. I have homeschooled from the beginning, yet I have this artificial sense that it gets "real" in 5th grade...like the point of no return for me. :confused: :tongue_smilie:

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I am obsessing over 5th grade. :willy_nilly: It seems all too important because of the grammar/logic/rhetoric stages outlined in WTM. I need to :chillpill:. I have homeschooled from the beginning, yet I have this artificial sense that it gets "real" in 5th grade...like the point of no return for me. :confused: :tongue_smilie:


Just wait till 9th grade, when everything goes on the transcript for college! There's something I don't look forward to reliving. :D

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Okay so here's my current outline:


History- SOTW 4 Cd's, Story of Science Einstein, Kingfisher (outlining, timeline)

Science- Biology with focus on Anatomy, maybe CPO lots of labs/projects

LA- WWS & Rod & Staff 5, Lit is my own lessons and discussion

Math- MM5, HOE, LoF fractiosn and Decimals

F. lang- Visual Latin 2 & Latin Primer 2

Logic- Perplexors, word roots software


Piano & Ballet

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I've just started planning for next year. So far, for my upcoming 5th grader, I'm thinking:


Math: Depending how far he gets this year, Math Mammoth, then AoPS Pre-algebra

Science: Story of Science, My Pals are Here 5/6

History: SOTW 3 / K12 Human Odyssey / Famous Men of Modern Times

Grammar & Writing: Hake 6, Writing Trails with Men of Science

Vocab: Sadlier-Oxford Vocabulary Workshop

Latin: Latin Prep 1

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Okay so here's my current outline:


History- SOTW 4 Cd's, Story of Science Einstein, Kingfisher (outlining, timeline)

Science- Biology with focus on Anatomy, maybe CPO lots of labs/projects

LA- WWS & Rod & Staff 5, Lit is my own lessons and discussion

Math- MM5, HOE, LoF fractiosn and Decimals

F. lang- Visual Latin 2 & Latin Primer 2

Logic- Perplexors, word roots software


Piano & Ballet

She'll enjoy Story of Science. Have you guys done Aristotle yet or are you tying Einstein into your other history studies? We *should* get to Einstein around beginning of next year (we just started Aristotle and it's great!).


HOE's ipad app is awesome (not sure if you're going for that or the actual set).

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History / Geography

Trail Guide to Learning (POE and POS)

Road Trip USA - State

Expedition Earth - World



TT level 5

MUS - Gamma

LOF - Ice Cream & Jelly Beans



Vocabulary - Wordly Wise online book 5

Grammar - Grammar Punk

Spelling - Grammar Punk Spelling 6

Writing - IEW (All Things Fun and Fascinating)

Poetry - IEW Linguistic Development through Poetry




RSO - Chemistry

Apologia Anatomy and Physiology

Apologia Zoology 2 - Swimming Creatures

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I can't believe I'm thinking this already! :svengo: 5th grade seems so huge, you know?


R&S grammar 5

CLE 500 math, probably with CWP and HOE

Latin for the New Millennium, hopefully

Spelling Power (she's close to topping out the program)

MFW Creation to Greeks


Maybe CLE reading 5



We're going to try again with typing, and I'll have her start doing her work all in cursive. I should add something for vocabulary - a high level. Any suggestions? Something for logic, possibly Grid Perplexors level C?


What am I leaving out? These lists always make me think I'm forgetting something. :willy_nilly:


She'll be doing somewhere around 16 hours of gymnastics a week.

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My ds is doing:



Easy Grammar 5

Daily Grams - still finishing grade 4

Imitation in Writing - Aesop's Fables and Fairy Tales

Copy Work - A couple times a week

CLE Math

Life of Fred Elementary

SL Core F history and readers at our own pace

Simply Charlotte Mason Ancient Greece study

Apple a Day spelling

HWOT Cursive

Edited by Jennifer WI
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She'll enjoy Story of Science. Have you guys done Aristotle yet or are you tying Einstein into your other history studies? We *should* get to Einstein around beginning of next year (we just started Aristotle and it's great!).


HOE's ipad app is awesome (not sure if you're going for that or the actual set).


Aimee, which app do you all have? The paid or free one?


We have all 3 SOS books, by I want it coincide with the history. In 6th grade we'll do Human Odessey& Aritstotle.

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My 5th grader is doing:

-Renaissance history portfolio with OUP books and Story of Science (Newton)

-Finishing SM 6b then on to pre algebra

-Latin Prep 1

-Lyrical life science, Ellen McHenry Cells, botany, anatomy, brain

-Intro to academic writing, pentime 5, Sadler Oxford vocab A


Plus fashion design and sewing at school and lots of ballet (4 classes/week)

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My boys are 16 mos apart but there is a huge gap in their abilities.


My current, slightly advanced, audio learning 5th grader:


Math: SM 6A & 6B, TT7 - maybe adding LOF as he finishes up singapore

Grammar: ALL & Winston Grammar

Spelling: Phonetic Zoo

Writing: IEW SWI A

History: MOH 1 (audio)

Science: Interest led, writes summaries of what he has learned. Reads mostly Apologia books and Encyclopedias (Worldbook).

Music: R&S

Bible: AWANA & CBS

Latin: LCI


My will be a 5th grader next year, slightly "behind", visual learner:

Math: TT5

Grammar: FLL4

Writing: WWE3 or 4 (have to see where he places as he is using IEW right now)

Spelling: HTS Level 3

History: combination of SOTW 2 & MOH 2

Science: Undecided - probably one of the Apologia books, we really like them here. I just writ down a few things he remembers from the reading and have him copy them into his notebook. Sometimes we do the hands on stuff, sometimes not.

Music: R&S

Art: done at CBS, whatever craft they are doing.

Bible: AWANA & CBS

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Aimee, which app do you all have? The paid or free one?


We have all 3 SOS books, by I want it coincide with the history. In 6th grade we'll do Human Odessey& Aritstotle.

I went ahead and bought the paid app because it is an assigned part of her math.


I bought the first two SOS books and the first student quest guide to get a look at them. I really like them - but I think I'll use them as a read aloud (not sure Autumn can handle the reading level on her own).

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Plan for my 5th grader next year:


Sonlight Core 7/H for history/literature/reading (done with his older brother with reading requirements adjusted a bit for the 5th grader)

Rod and Staff grammar - level 5

Writing with Style level 5 (first book in the series)

Sequential Spelling 4

Singapore Math 6A and 6B

Apologia science (don't know which)

Latina Christiana 2

Logic - TBD, maybe The Art of Argument done mostly orally with me and brother

baseball, basketball and general shenanigans

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my daughter is in 5th now. we use:


Bible - New Testament


History - SOTW Volume 1 Ancient Times


Geography - Seterra & SOTW


Math - Teaching Textbooks 5 & FCAT games online


Spelling - Dictation & Spelling Power


Science - God's Design for Life: The World of Animals and Science Scope by Kathryn Stout


Art - Draw Write Now Ancients, History projects, and Draw Squad


Writing - We just finished IEW SWI-A & now only use Comprehensive Composition by Kathryn Stout.


Grammar - Daily Grams 5 / Editor and Chief A1 (Grammar really happens through editing her own papers)


Typing - Rapid Typing


Reading - I read to her everyday & she reads silently to herself everyday. We have a booklist I compiled that we are working through.



I think that's it.

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My daughter is also in 5th grade this year.



Rod and Staff English 5 (we just started this, so we're a little behind)

Writing with Skill/The Creative Writer (planning to do this over 2 years)

Sequential Spelling

Writing labs with her brother that we put together from Write Source 2000



AOPS Pre-Algebra (this will also take 2 years)

We are taking massive math rabbit trails this year (we may have a problem :tongue_smilie: ) - she did MM's "Integers and Coordinate Graphing" - she started a fictional business and is "running it" (writing checks, ordering inventory, figuring taxes/sales, balancing their checking account, etc) - we also plan to buy Zometool's Plato's Solids



Reading Journey through the Bible and the corresponding Bible passages



Reading every book we can get our hands on. She's reading Along Came Galileo right now. Getting ready to read those Stephen Hawking for Kids books (George and the Secret Key to the Universe ?). Also, we've been stargazing with star chart apps on my phone - identifying the stars, constellations, etc.



We're all trapped in the Middle Ages. Reading SOTW 2 to all the kids and working through a book list (Beowulf, Robin Hood, The Journey, etc). We're also reading some of the books on the CHOLL website (Sword in the Circle, etc).



I let them choose their reading and they write a short summary of the book when they're finished. This year, she's trying to read through the Marguerite Henry series (YK, the horses of Chincoteague, Justin Morgan Had a Horse, etc). We're also reading through the Chronicles of Narnia - using ROAR.



Artistic Pursuits, we went through Story of the Orchestra (which she REALLY liked). I need to find more stuff for music.


We were supposed to be doing Latin and German, but I am having a really hard time fitting that in this year. :blushing:

Edited by starrbuck12
Too many spaces!
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Last year for my older 5th grade STEM focus kid..

Math: AoPS Intro to Algebra, Any other math should could get :D

Bible: Memory Work, Prayer Journal, Worldview books

English: Poetry Memory Work, GWG5 and R&S Spelling 6

Geography/Writing: BF Geography with IEW

History: State History through Literature with notebooking

Science: TC Lectures on Physics with older brother (forgot the name off hand), she usually read the Apologia highschool text also, lots of books, Experiment kits and experiments with older brother. Plus nature study and any other interest led science.

Art: Artistic Pursuits Elementary Book, Draw Write Now, Lots of projects through other subjects

Music: Piano, Choir, Hymns, American Composer studies

French: Assignments written in it, Grammar review book, Books in French

Gymnastics, Softball and Soccer as extra curricular


This is what I think we will be doing next year for my 5th grader..

Math: CLE 5

English: R&S English 5 and Spelling 6, Classical Composition III

Science: Haven't decided between Biology or Chemistry - Either one it will either be Noeo Level 2 or Creek Edge Press Task Cards. Nature Study

Latin: MP Second Form Latin

French: Lots of books and writing in it

Everything else through TOG Year 3 :)

Drama and Ballet as extracurricular

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Thanks for this thread. I needed a push to start planning.


Poetry With Pleasure


:iagree: and what is Poetry with Pleasure? :D


Just wait till 9th grade, when everything goes on the transcript for college! There's something I don't look forward to reliving. :D


I am not looking forward to this. Too much stress. Too much potential for me to screw up. I at least feel that what I do from 5-8 is fixable. :tongue_smilie:Important but fixable. :lol:

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Math: continuing with AoPS, Life of Fred


Logic: Orbiting with Logic


Language: MCTLA Voyage, IEW, Voyages in English, good books, Teaching the Classics, continue poetry memorization


Spanish: continue with RS/conversational, might hire a tutor...


Latin: Latin for Children...maybe. This is one I'm unsure of.


History: SOTW 3, OUP, continuing with The Story of Science

Science: continuing inquiry science/tinkering (will be teaching/looking for more organized written work and increased use of math)


Nature Study: continue Desert Southwest Field Guide Project


Art: continue A Child’s History of Art, Art in Story, Simply Charlotte Mason Picture Study Portfolios, applied art with whatever lesson plans DD comes up with :tongue_smilie:


Swim Team


Guitar/Piano: He will continue lessons and I plan to let him choose a selection of historic pieces to learn.


I'm also looking at digging deeper into current events, geography, politics, etc. but I'm not completely sure of an approach yet. Looking to widen his world for sure though... DH is going to up his game in the life skills department as well.


ETA: I am also strongly considering Mapping the World with Art for this summer...

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OK, here is what my 5th grader is up to:


Math - MM5, LOF Decimals, Zacarro Challenge Math, HOE (not all of them every day of course!! :D)


English - Writing With Skill, MCT Town (will start Voyage in ~January), homegrown lit study; creative writing on Fridays using Levine's Writing Magic


Latin - Latin Prep 1


Science - Biology hodge-podge, including entomology, equine science, microbiology, cells, and botany. No text, but a variety of great library books. A few BFSU lessons.


History - finishing SOTW3, will start SOTW 4 sometime in the spring. Extra focus on American Hist using library books, The Making of America, and A Young People's History of the US. Geography (around once a week) and 1 artist and 1 composer each week or two.


Typing - yes, honey, you *will* learn to type this year if I have to die from you trying!!! :glare:;)

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Our plan for 5th grade:


School year Aug-April


Math- Saxon 6/5


Logic- Building Thinking Skills 2 or 3


Latin- Latin's Not So Tough 5


Greek- Hey, Andrew Teach Me Some Greek 5


English- CC's Essentials program, Hake Grammar and Writing 5 (only as time permits or in summer)


Writing- IEW in Essentials, letter writing, Hake (as time permits or summer)


Reading- Veritas Press Lit for 5th grade with guides, McGuffey's Fifth Reader (eclectic version) for oral reading


History, Science, Fine Arts, Geography, etc.- CC's Foundations program


Other Memory Work- Character First, AWANA, IEW's Poetry Program, Catechism Songs (sold at Veritas Press)


Bible- Bible reading and prayer and family devotions


In Summer:

Bible- Veritas Press Gospels


History- SOTW 3 and VP's Explorer's to 1815


Science- 2 Apologia books depending on CC cycle we're did in previous year


Possible Math supplements- Ray's, Carson-Dellosa's Singapore workbooks, Five Minute Drills by Susan C. Anthony


Possible Latin and Greek supplements- games and activity books from Classical Academic Press and Memoria Press


Typing practice


Critical Thinking Books software for fun


Language Arts: finish Hake

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  • CLE math (finishing 5 and starting 6), Hands on Equations levels 1 & 2 with the verbal problems book
  • Mr. Q Physical Science (with science kits and Bill Nye videos)
  • American History (my own secular plan using reference books, documentaries, and literature).
  • Growing with Grammar 5 with extra diagramming
  • Saxon Phonics Intervention for phonics review, spelling, and vocabulary (when we finish in December, I will use Spelling Plus OR try out Phonetic Zoo A, and Wordly Wise)
  • IEW All Things Fun and Fascinating and selections from Winning with Writing 4

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My 5th grader is doing:


Math-- TT6, LOF Fractions and Decimals & Percents, Hands On Equations, Patty Paper Geometry


English-- Rod and Staff 5, Will start Writing With Skill in January. Working on writing across the curriculum right now, CLP Spelling


Reading-- She is just reading a list of classics and books to supplement history and science. She is also in a book club.


History-- Ancients using SOTW 1, MOH 1, and a TON of supplemental materials (way to many to list)


Science-- Science Shepherd Life Science and Burgess books


Music-- Community Bell Choir, Homeschool Group Choir

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:iagree: and what is Poetry with Pleasure? :D



It's part of the awesome Scribners School Editions series that came out in 1963. It teaches poetry with the confidence that children can tackle everything from straightforward symbollism to scansion. Every chapter is thick with solid (though seldom exciting) selections, and there is good discussion of various poetic devices and literary techniques. The big selling point for me is the well-thought-out discussion questions at the end of each chapter, which is the hallmark of the SSE series.


It's actually very much what I wanted the MCT poetry to be, but wasn't. A good preparation for Perrine's Sound and Sense.


(ETA: by Kirkpatrick and Goodfellow)

Edited by Sharon in Austin
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For 5th grade this year we are using


Math --

Singapore 5A/5B w/ workbook and tests

Supplements: IXL and Mental Math workbook


History --

STOW V3 w/tests (given open book)


Bible --



Science --

Truth in Science


Language Arts --

IEW level B

Fix It Grammar

Phonetic Zoo



Irish Dance, piano, painting, drawing, typing, acting, and Latin at the end of the year

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We are doing 5th this year. I was really panicking about moving into the logic stage until I went to a convention and got to listen to SWB and Andrew Pudewa. Everything sorta feel into place after that and 5th grade has been our best year yet.


So, I highly recommend SWB's audio lectures, really helped a lot.


We have made a big move this year toward more independent work and my ds taking charge of his education. I am teaching less and mentoring more which is nice.


Language Arts

Literature, he is reading. About 1 a month I pick a book we read together and then discuss


Spelling: Phonetic Zoo


Handwriting (as he still needs this) Handwriting without tears


Grammar: Rod and Staff English 5 and IEW's Fix it


Writing: Writing with Skill


Math: Teaching textbooks 5, finishing LOF elementary and moving to Fractions after Christmas, and Beast Academy


Science: OUr core is Galore Park. We are mixing it up with snap circuits, chemistry kit, a biology dissection, and simple machines.


History: We are using SOTW Ancients and he is using his outlining skills from WWS on the Usborne encyclopedia reading that goes with the chapter.


Galore Park Latin Prep which he is doing with my father (good Catholic boy)


Greek: He is doing Hey Andrew this year on his own (Next year we are thinking of First Form Greek through Memoria Press, but he is teaching himself the Alphabet this year)


He is also doing Linguistic Development through Poem Memorization (IEW)


I think that is it.

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We're doing 4th/5th this year.


--Bible--120 Bible Stories, My First Catechism (CPH), Hymns for a Kid's Heart, SCM Scripture Memory System

--MUS (We're in Gamma, but I'm hoping to get through the next book as well)

--Writing--still working this out...We tried ILL, Writing Strands 3, and are now using the free Scott Foresman Grammar and Writing Guide.

--Mavis Beacon Typing

--McGuffey 4th reader (practice reading aloud)

--Assigned reading and narration

--Dictation Day by Day

--Apologia Swimming Creatures

--American history (reading assorted books and doing a bit of notebooking on famous Americans)

--Spanish-it's a bit baby-ish for her, but we've been watching Salsa Spanish videos. It's all I can handle this year in addition to everything else going on!

--Several other CM subjects...handicrafts, artist/musician studies, poetry, art, etc.

--gymnastics, piano, and hs co-op


I'm planning on having a "grammar year" for 7th (and another in HS) and doing light grammar on the other years.

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It's part of the awesome Scribners School Editions series that came out in 1963. It teaches poetry with the confidence that children can tackle everything from straightforward symbollism to scansion. Every chapter is thick with solid (though seldom exciting) selections, and there is good discussion of various poetic devices and literary techniques. The big selling point for me is the well-thought-out discussion questions at the end of each chapter, which is the hallmark of the SSE series.


It's actually very much what I wanted the MCT poetry to be, but wasn't. A good preparation for Perrine's Sound and Sense.


(ETA: by Kirkpatrick and Goodfellow)


Thanks so much! I scored a copy for $1.61. :D

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