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My first (and last?) baby name thread

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I like Irish names but some get trendy (Liam). For some reason I don't like Ronan. I never met anyone in Ireland named Ronan and I've never heard of there being many seals around Ireland although there probably were around the south west coast, so it always seemed like a fake Irish name to me (no offensive to anyone who has a Ronan).


Of course, the Irish name I picked (if DD wasn't a girl) was Cormac so who am I to say anything against Ronan. I also like Ian which I think is more Scottish.


I also like Malachy (long I sound at the end). Kevin is a good Irish name.


Ronan was actually the 48th most popular name for baby boys in Ireland last year.


I have a good friend with a 3 year old Cormac--love it!

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Ooo! How about Fitzgerald? Fitz! I think it looks good with your other names (love them all :001_smile:).


I don't have boys... Or male animals. I don't get to use my guy names. So sad! :tongue_smilie:

Rex? Gah! I'm walking away! ;D but I'll be thinking of names for the rest of the night!

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Ooo! How about Fitzgerald? Fitz! I think it looks good with your other names (love them all :001_smile:).


I don't have boys... Or male animals. I don't get to use my guy names. So sad! :tongue_smilie:


Or Fitzwilliam - then you can have your Will too! And all the girls will swoon at the same name as Mr. Darcy.

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Or Fitzwilliam - then you can have your Will too! And all the girls will swoon at the same name as Mr. Darcy.


I have a daughter who's obsessed with Jane Austin books... I could totally see her using handsome Mr. Darcy type names. Hmmm... we're Muslim though... how could she Arabic it up?? Fitzwilliam Muhammad?? :tongue_smilie:

Ack! Poor kid!


I change my vote to Fitzwilliam!

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I love Ronan best of your picks. I wanted a Finn if we had a 3rd boy, but dh kindly brought up that we already had a Sawyer and having a Finn would just cruel. :)


I personally adore Will. Two of my favorite people in the whole wide world are Wills. I also love Owen, especially after hearing the story of Mama Cass (Mamas and Papas singer) who named her daughter Owen because she was "her own". Dh said no to both.


It's one good thing about not having another child. We had a hard enough time agreeing on the first 2 names! :)

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Ronan sounds great, I think! Abe is nice also. FWIW, I know several Finns born in the last year. It's a nice name but I think you're exactly right that it's the Aiden of this year, and it would end up being way more common than any of the others. Good luck! I had a hard time coming up with just 2 boy names. :)

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My first vote is Ronan. I like Finn, too, but I've been hearing more little boys with that name.


I have an Owen, and since we named him 6 years ago I've been hearing it more often.


How about:

Roland (DH's name. Only other person I've met with this name is our dentist.)

Edmund (Baby ds's name. I have not met anyone else with that name.)


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I love Walt. I can't remember why it never makes the short list. It may be a DH veto. Or it may be that, with my Disney World obsession, everyone would assume I was naming him after Walt Disney....and I don't have THAT much of a Disney obsession!




I love Owen, too! I'm partial to long Os, it seems. I've mostly held back from wholly embracing it because I worry it's too popular. Although it's certainly no Will.




So DOES it get misheard as Rowan all the time? If so, does it drive you crazy?




you know, it's funny...I never DO hear Abraham, but it's actually ranked 192...which puts it over 100 spaces ahead of Finn. Where ARE all the Abes? It must be some subculture using it disproportionately that's pulling it up, but I can't figure out what it is. Southern evangelicals would be my best guess, but if that were the case, you'd think I'd be running into them.




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I held out for a long time, but I'm jumping in now! 28 weeks pregnant with boy #4. Naming boys is hard! I am running out of tricks.


First three boys are Ari, Milo, and August/Gus.




Here is what else I have:



pros: means "little seal." Squee! so cute. I love seals. Irish. I am fixated on Irish names this time around, and briefly contemplated Malachy (with a "kee" not a "kai" at the end).

cons: everyone will mishear it as Roman or Rowan. Taylor Swift has a new song out about a kid named Ronan who died of cancer. inauspicious.



pros: LOVE it. lots of cool stories go with it. Irish again.

cons: trendy. like, super trendy. like, I worry it's the next Aidan. Glee. Tori Spelling's new baby. I know two real life little Finns (though we don't see either very often).



pros: Abe Lincoln! the thought of a toddler named Abe is unbearably adorable to me. And also, I think he could be in a band when he's in college.

con?: paired with DH's last name (baby will have both our last names, but for everyday use, DH's mostly gets used) he will sound like a 90 year old Jewish man. But there are worse things.

cons: we will have all A names except one. Although they all have different sounds, and August mostly goes by Gus. Abraham is kind of unwieldy (though Abe is not).


Okay, so...thoughts?


I am also open to other suggestions, with the disclaimer that I really can't imagine that there's any boy name out there I haven't already considered. FOUR boys!


I should probably confess that I have a hard time not thinking of him as Ronan. But I don't know if that's just because for awhile we were thinking that was probably going to be it, and we got used to it or because.....it's meant to be or something. It is not, objectively, my favorite of the names, I'm pretty sure.


I can talk about names for a long time. I am not, sadly, one of those people who can just slap a poll up there and call it good.


Finn is pretty popular these days. I've heard it a lot, however I know a creatively awesome little guy named Phineas. I admit - I really like that!


Ronan - Is interesting.


Love Abe - but I know a little boy named Abram instead of Abraham and I have to admit - I like it better. Something to consider!


I think Sam goes with your lot and I'm partial to it.

I think Owen does too but unfortunately it's wildly popular.


I adore Gabe but DH has vetoed it for me. It's not like I'll ever get another boy anyway. After producing eight girls, I'm quite sure this one is a girl too. :)

Edited by BlsdMama
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I have a Finn. It is a pretty popular name but I console myself that it is short for Phineas which barely ever makes the top 1000, much less 100. And no, for the record, I was unaware of a show called Phineas and Ferb and to this very day have never seen an episode. And no he is not named for the bigoted, cranky dead Hogwarts headmaster and Sirius Black's ancestor, Phineas Nigelles either. ;)

Edited by kijipt
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I thought of another one (while watching a movie at the theater :tongue_smilie:)! Leo! Did someone already suggest that?

Leonardo, Leopold, Leon... any of them look good as Leo.


Sooo cute! Ari, Milo, Gus, and Leo!


Also, the more I look at Abe the more I like it. Abe seems like a... likable kind of guy! :001_smile:

You're a lucky lady, to have 3, soon to be 4 sweet sons! It sounds wonderful!

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I thought of another one (while watching a movie at the theater :tongue_smilie:)! Leo! Did someone already suggest that?

Leonardo, Leopold, Leon... any of them look good as Leo.


Sooo cute! Ari, Milo, Gus, and Leo!


Also, the more I look at Abe the more I like it. Abe seems like a... likable kind of guy! :001_smile:

You're a lucky lady, to have 3, soon to be 4 sweet sons! It sounds wonderful!


I adore Leo. Ari also means lion (and he's named after his great grandfather, who was a Leo/hebrew name Ariyeh), so I always thought I couldn't do another lion baby....but I think I'd probably just go ahead and do it anyway this time around--except that my very good friend, who we see almost every day, named her baby Leo a year ago. :(

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A lot of people have suggested Abram over Abraham....I actually DO like the sound of it better, and I've thought of it....but, really, if I'm going to have an Abe I refuse to lose the Abraham Lincoln part. Maybe I should make a deal with myself that if I manage to finally finish reading Team of Rivals before he's born, he's meant to be an Abe. Or if I can hold him 3 extra days to make him an Aquarian like Lincoln instead of a Capricorn. I get a little....arbitrary in my baby naming sometimes.

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I'll vote for Abe.


I've known one young man named Abraham, and his nickname as a kid was Abram. So you can have both.


I also met a teenager this summer whose nickname was Abe, but it was short for Abel.


FWIW both of them were great people. I wouldn't have any qualms with the name if all Abe-related named people were as awesome as those two are.


(I also had a good friend named Quinn; I've loved the name ever since. And I've known a couple likable Sorens. My grandfather was nicknamed Fitz, though, and he was not so nice. I wouldn't personally take a chance on that one.)

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What about Ronan William? You'd still have the option of calling him by his middle name that way. I like Ronan - it's cool but not too trendy. I also really like Abraham - old fashioned edgy. Finn does sound a bit trendy.


If I had a 5th son (in another universe where dh and I weren't overwhelmed with 4), I'd name him Ezekiel and call him Zeke.


Overall, I'd say pick the name you love, whether it's trendy, overdone, whatever.



(My four boys are David, Jacob, Bryan and Rand. David is a family name. Jacob we love :001_smile:, Bryan is named for dh's best friend and Rand we chose from a book)

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