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If you ever think about getting the cartilage part of your ear pierced...

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I am a some sort of freak. I've yet to meet a needle that bothered me.


I have a rather large tattoo of roses on my shoulder blade, a pierced navel, and I took out my cartilage. I have had 2 others that did not hurt either.


I can also get a load of blood taken and I've never been bothered by an IV.


DH freaks out when I wash dishes because he can't even stick a finger in that hot of water for a split second. I think I don't have nerves :lol:

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In high school, my friend pierced the top of my ear after numbing it with ice. I still can hear the pop of the needle breaking through the cartilage (shudder). The hole became infected, and I could not sleep on that side of my head for weeks. It hurt like h-e-double hockey sticks.

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I am a some sort of freak. I've yet to meet a needle that bothered me.


I have a rather large tattoo of roses on my shoulder blade, a pierced navel, and I took out my cartilage. I have had 2 others that did not hurt either.


I can also get a load of blood taken and I've never been bothered by an IV.


DH freaks out when I wash dishes because he can't even stick a finger in that hot of water for a split second. I think I don't have nerves :lol:


I am not afraid of needles, but I didn't really expect it to hurt. It was probably the shock of it, and the fact that it *kept* hurting. I couldn't sleep on that side last night, though it has subsided quite a bit since then.


I am no stranger to pain - I did have 5 of my dc with no pain meds.:tongue_smilie:

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I had mine done at 15. And yes it hurts a lot for a long time but eventually it stopped hurting. I have not worn those top earrings for years now, but the hole is still there, and does not hurt if I pop one in unless I hit it with the telephone. I used to have 2 holes in the lobe of both ears and the cartilage of 1 ear done.

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Just be warned that it really hurts! I was not expecting how much it hurt (and still hurts!) My husband went to get his ears pierced, so I decided to get my ear done at the same.



OK, someone please tell me that I am not the only one who can confidently predict that they will never, ever, ever type the words, "My husband went to get his ears pierced." :D ;)


I have nothing at all against men who wear an earring and I know I dated a few of them before I got married, but if I ever suggested it to my dh, he would look like this: :eek: :eek: :eek: and then he'd look like this: :ack2: :ack2: :ack2:

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I had mine done years back. I have a HUGE pain tolerance. The pain never went away! 8 or so months later, I took it out.

Mine never stopped hurting, either. One day a lady at church hugged me really hard and happened to squeeze my ear, and I'm pretty sure I almost punched her before I realized she didn't mean to hurt me. I saw stars. :lol:

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Just be warned that it really hurts! I was not expecting how much it hurt (and still hurts!) My husband went to get his ears pierced, so I decided to get my ear done at the same.




I don't know how people get all of those piercings!


Mine looks like this:



A friend almost died when her cartilage got infected. It was so scary. Watch for signs of infection.


OK, someone please tell me that I am not the only one who can confidently predict that they will never, ever, ever type the words, "My husband went to get his ears pierced."


I have nothing at all against men who wear an earring and I know I dated a few of them before I got married.


:lol: We must have married brothers! There is only one scenario that would prompt dh to get a hoop earring, but that event won't ever happen. So, no, you're not alone!


(I am thinking he'd look really good with long hair again, though. :) )

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Mine never stopped hurting, either. One day a lady at church hugged me really hard and happened to squeeze my ear, and I'm pretty sure I almost punched her before I realized she didn't mean to hurt me. I saw stars. :lol:


Right after I got mine done the first time, I was getting my hair done. The lady had just finished washing my hair and went to brush it... totally combed right over it. :blink:

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OK, someone please tell me that I am not the only one who can confidently predict that they will never, ever, ever type the words, "My husband went to get his ears pierced." :D ;)


I have nothing at all against men who wear an earring and I know I dated a few of them before I got married, but if I ever suggested it to my dh, he would look like this: :eek: :eek: and then he'd look like this: :ack2: :ack2:


If you saw my dh, you would say, "Wow, those look really good on him!":lol: He has a shaved head, a long goatee, and he is a BIG man - he looks like a biker. The earrings were the final touch. I like the bad boy type, though, so it works for me.


My oldest son B has earrings. When my 3yo saw my dh, he giggled and said, "Why you wearing B's earrings?":tongue_smilie:


ETA: My dh got both ears pierced with 12 gauge horseshoes. Looks like this: http://www.bodycandy.com/cgi-bin/item/32761

Edited by Renee in FL
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I had one of those "diamond" studs put in when I was in college. They told me to keep turning it, but it hurt so much that I never did. I looked in the mirror one day and realize the skin had grown ONTO the earring! :eek: I tried getting the earring out, but I couldn't get a grip on the diamond part. I remember crying hysterically because the pain was so bad and I didn't know what I was going to do.


At one point I managed to pull the earring and thought I had it out, only to realize I had pulled the stud into my ear and it shifted. I could see the studs under the skin. :svengo:


I finally had to go to the ER where they took, what looked like, pliers and pulled the earring out through the back, diamond stud and all. I had blood literally pouring down my face (I was laying on my side). It was awful. Needless to say, I won't be doing that again anytime soon! :lol:

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Dh had a pierced ear when we were dating. He stopped wearing anything a few years ago so it's probably closed up by now.


I had my cartilage pierced twice. The first time my cousin (who is a beautician) did it for me. The type of back the earring had kept tearing up the side of my head if I slept on that side. The second time it had a different back and was much better.


Both times it did hurt for a long time. It is very important to keep it very clean (I used peroxide and neosporin daily) and twist it often. Mine both closed up when I had to take it out for surgery and I didn't put it back in soon enough.

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Right after I got mine done the first time, I was getting my hair done. The lady had just finished washing my hair and went to brush it... totally combed right over it. :blink:


Stupid me went to get my hair done right after getting my ear pierced. The hair dresser kept brushing my ear. I thought I was going to pass out from the pain! She told me to take it out, but I had JUST gotten it done so I couldn't. Boy does this thread bring back some painful memories. :lol:

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I have five piercings in my left ear (four in the right). The fifth one just brushed the bottom edge of the cartilage. Oh my gosh. This was easily my most painful piercing. It took forever to stop hurting, though it did eventually heal just fine. My plan had been to continue going up the ear into the cartilage. Needless to say, I stopped.


I still think about doing at least a top one every once in a while. I have heard that it is best to get cartilage pierced at a piercing/tattoo place where they use a hollow needle to actually remove a tiny piece of the cartilage. If you go to a mall-type place, they don't remove any cartilage, and that's what makes it so much more painful.

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Dh had a pierced ear when we were dating. He stopped wearing anything a few years ago so it's probably closed up by now.


I had my cartilage pierced twice. The first time my cousin (who is a beautician) did it for me. The type of back the earring had kept tearing up the side of my head if I slept on that side. The second time it had a different back and was much better.


Both times it did hurt for a long time. It is very important to keep it very clean (I used peroxide and neosporin daily) and twist it often. Mine both closed up when I had to take it out for surgery and I didn't put it back in soon enough.



We did go to a tattoo/piercing shop. Mine is a compression-type earring, so there is no back to it (just one continuous loop.) Thanks for the tips on caring for it. I do want to keep it after going through that!

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I pierced my cartilage, both times, by myself. Numbed with ice then stuck a piercing earring through it. That *pop* was pretty bad. LOL But I don't remember it really hurting.


And cool on your hub and his gauges! :) My hub got smaller gauge horse shoe on one side this summer...when I got my nose pierced. I like the one earring look on him...not sure I want him to have both...though it works for my Eldest who went two weeks later to get his pierced. (14 gauge for him too..I think...14 or 16, I forget now)


I still don't believe all you who say your tattoo didn't hurt. LOL


But then I didn't believe those who said nose piercing didn't hurt....and it really didn't. So, I guess we'll see.


Anywho....sorry your piercing still hurts. Hopefully it subsides soon and you can thoroughly enjoy it :)

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I agree. My cartilage piercing was horribly painful after the fact. I could not sleep on that side for a long time, it was always getting infected, my brush was always getting caught on it, everytime I pulled my hair back I would yank on it by accident or my hair would get caught through the middle, it was a huge pain. You should have asked here, I would have told you not to do it. :lol:

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I agree. My cartilage piercing was horribly painful after the fact. I could not sleep on that side for a long time, it was always getting infected, my brush was always getting caught on it, everytime I pulled my hair back I would yank on it by accident or my hair would get caught through the middle, it was a huge pain. You should have asked here, I would have told you not to do it. :lol:


That is why I didn't ask!:tongue_smilie:


It still hurts, but it isn't agonizing or anything. Hopefully it will stop all together at some point so I can enjoy it.

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