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The phoney scam meat sellers came by here...

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I was out in the yard watering the flowers when a truck with a freezer in the back pulled into the driveway. There were two men, the driver hopped out with a big grin on his face, walked up towards me.


I asked if I could help them, he said, "We're delivering from around Kansas City and..." Then I said, "no, I've heard about you guys....get off my place."


"But mam, what have you heard??" I said I didn't have to talk to him and told them to "git". I was only armed with my garden hose.


They left, and I noticed they pulled into our renter's place, almost a mile down the road. I like those kids. I know their parents and have known them since they were little. The husband wasn't home. So I called M, who was already talking to the meat guys, (she said they told her they were making meat deliveries and someone had cancelled their order) and she sent them away.


ETA- I called my little neighbor back to make sure she was okay, and she said that before I called she was trying to get them to leave and they wouldn't. She got off the phone and told them "someone" was coming over now, and they'd better leave.


That just burns me, them picking on her when she was by herself.


Hopefully they won't come back and blow our house up.

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I was out in the yard watering the flowers when a truck with a freezer in the back pulled into the driveway. There were two men, the driver hopped out with a big grin on his face, walked up towards me.


I asked if I could help them, he said, "We're delivering from around Kansas City and..." Then I said, "no, I've heard about you guys....get off my place."


"But mam, what have you heard??" I said I didn't have to talk to him and told them to "git". I was only armed with my garden hose.


They left, and I noticed they pulled into our renter's place, almost a mile down the road. I like those kids. I know their parents and have known them since they were little. The husband wasn't home. So I called M, who was already talking to the meat guys, (she said they told her they were making meat deliveries and someone had cancelled their order) and she sent them away.


Hopefully they won't come back and blow our house up.


Who sells, or buys meat out of the back of a truck. That is so weird.



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One of those meat guys lives in my friend's upscale neighborhood. He was driving around during the neighborhood garage sale stopping at each house and giving his spiel. He didn't seem to be using the "someone canceled their order" line. Why do they do that? I do think some of the companies are reputable but why use that stupid line? They were here a few weeks ago too....I told them to "git" as well.

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OKay, gotta play devil's advocate here. What's the difference in these meat guys business from the Schwann's guys?


I actually have friends that were long time customers of these meat sellers and they loved the meat. Never had any issues with them. Now, I know there are some that are just not reputable but there's at least one company out there that is.:)

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The man had a truck with freezer, but he was polite, friendly, and willing to leave when I told him I wasn't interested. He left a full color brochure with phone number for me to call if I changed my mind - it listed items for sale, prices, business name, and address in a nearby town. I did look the company up later in the phone book, and it was listed in a yellow pages ad saying how many years they had been in the meat processing business. All that to say, there may be legitimate meat truck salespeople out there that make cold calls. Too bad there are so many others that don't understand how to do their jobs without being rude.

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And I also think that reputable people are expected by the customer; they don't just show up at your door offering meat that someone else has cancelled.


When you put it like that, it sounds even worse! Bad enough buying meat out of the back of a stranger's truck, but meat that someone else didn't even want! I guess I'm a bit pickier about what meat I buy!


By the way, we've had those meat guys in our neighborhood too. Long time ago, though.

Michelle T

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I've only had that happen once. Awhile back when St. Helens was acting up again, one of those trucks pulled into my driveway. The guy said, 'You hear the mountain might blow?" "Um, yes." "Welll, people are stocking up you know!" "Yes..." "We have meat here on sale to help you stock up for a good price." "Oh, you're selling meat? Well, we're vegetarians (that's true), so we don't need any." "You're what?" "Vegetarians, have you heard of them?" "Well, yeah....but....you don't eat meat?" "Nope!" He finally walked away and left. It was actually kind of fun to stop one of those slick-talkers (that's what this guy was, I just gave you part of all that he said!), see the bewildered look, and know that I'd been responsible for that! :lol:

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I've only had that happen once. Awhile back when St. Helens was acting up again, one of those trucks pulled into my driveway. The guy said, 'You hear the mountain might blow?" "Um, yes." "Welll, people are stocking up you know!" "Yes..." "We have meat here on sale to help you stock up for a good price." "Oh, you're selling meat? Well, we're vegetarians (that's true), so we don't need any." "You're what?" "Vegetarians, have you heard of them?" "Well, yeah....but....you don't eat meat?" "Nope!" He finally walked away and left. It was actually kind of fun to stop one of those slick-talkers (that's what this guy was, I just gave you part of all that he said!), see the bewildered look, and know that I'd been responsible for that! :lol:


Slick-talkers! I knew a slick-talker once who taught me his secruity system spiel. It was amazing how he had an answer for everything! But I'm glad he told me/taught me the technique so I can recognize it when I hear it.

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My husband actually loves buying from the guys that come around our neighborhood. He's a deer hunter and we normally have plenty of meat, but when he's been deployed during deer season he buys from the 'meat truck', mainly because he can throw a steak on the grill straight from frozen whenever he gets a whim to grill. They cook up perfectly and always taste wonderful! We have 2 companies that come around and they always leave without a problem when I decline.

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