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Adult ADD help please :)

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I was diagnosed with ADD today at the county mental health clinic, but because my issues are not severe enough they are not able to treat me. I made a doctor's appointment for Monday to discuss treatment options with my primary but right now I don't have insurance and am unsure how much I will be charged for the vist and the cost of meds. I am calling tomarrow to see how much the visit will cost. If it's out of our budget for right now (get insurance anyways in a few months) what are some cheaper alternatives for ADD treatment? Natural remedies, supplements anything to help me focus.

Thanks for reading my rambling post and ideas

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I would wait until you have insurance if it is possible that prexisting conditions are going to be an issue. We just paid $30 for a month with insurance for the generic. For the brand name it was quite a bit more. :svengo:


A lot of things that help are exercise, plenty of sleep, vitamins, Omega3s.

Edited by Sis
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Walmart offers generic Ritalin for a 30 day prescription for $4 or $9 a month. Request your doctor for generic at Walmart.


What problems are you having? I have ADD but it is co-morbid with other health issues. I chose not to medicate, but train myself in areas like organizational, being on time for appointments, study skills, etc. I hate to say it, but caffienated drinks do help me to focus on a project. I hate listening to a lecture or sermon... I cannot focus or I tune out to daydream or sleep. I bring my crochet work and sit in the back so I can keep busy and listen.

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Just plain old ADD-Inattentive, little drepression especially in October (my dad died 7 years ago on the 26th). Oh and any systems that have helped with the other symptoms. Like sample routines and what not.

You need to create daily or weekly goals -- a la calendar system or list.


I find it helpful when working on a larger task (i.e. cleaning the house) to break it down in small steps. It can get overwhelming. Or break it down into certain days are dusting days, bathroom days, floor days, etc.


Depression is not related to ADD. Totally different animal, so to speak. You may need an SSRI (Walmart offers $4 ones too) but this is for you and your doctor to discuss. SSRIs take up to 6-8 weeks to kick in and have an effect. You cannot just stop taking an SSRI either. Very bad for the body. It is meant to be taken for a minimum of 6 months to many years. Natural methods for kicking Depression are Vitamin D, sitting outdoors in natural sunlight for 20 minutes a day, Vitamin B, lots of rest, and someone to talk to about your melancholy/grief.

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Depression is not related to ADD. Totally different animal, so to speak. You may need an SSRI (Walmart offers $4 ones too) but this is for you and your doctor to discuss. SSRIs take up to 6-8 weeks to kick in and have an effect. You cannot just stop taking an SSRI either. Very bad for the body. It is meant to be taken for a minimum of 6 months to many years. Natural methods for kicking Depression are Vitamin D, sitting outdoors in natural sunlight for 20 minutes a day, Vitamin B, lots of rest, and someone to talk to about your melancholy.


Depression is actually very common with many chronic issues. When those issues are resolved, even slightly, it helps the depression.


I have an issue that causes chronic pain and I was depressed. They tried to treat me for depression and the antidepressants made me worse. They took me off antidepressants and gave me something for sleep. I felt a lot better.


Depression isn't always "depression." Sometimes it is just a symptom that will lessen with treatment.

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I was diagnosed with ADHD- Inattentive back in December. I am on Adderall right now, but there are definitely some non-prescription things that have helped as well.


Caffeine is one. The other is some kind of productivity system. I would read this book:



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Depression symptoms can go hand in hand with ADD, feeling overwhelmed, stressed out, muddled, and mad at yourself for flaking on things that you really really had every intention of doing can send a person into a state of depression quite quickly. Sleep problems also go hand in hand with ADD and that can cause one to feel depressed and crappy all the time.



Generic meds are fairly reasonably priced, but you might have to try several to find the one that works best for you long term.


Coffee helps, as do B-vitamins, Omega 6, and some of the other amino acid type supplements which help brain function. My allergy medicine also helps lift the fog so to speak.


Getting enough sleep and enough physical activity help nearly as much as meds for me. Sleep is hard to come buy a lot of the time, so I use melatonin, sometimes Dramamine, and when its really bad a prescription sleep aid. The RX works like a miracle but not for long periods, so I reserve it for when I am desperate to fix my sleep cycle.


The only way I can stay on top of housekeeping is to invite someone over that I want to have a sparkling clean house for. We have a few people who stop by regularly and don't care if it looks like a train wreck. But the giant shot of adrenaline I get when invited new people, or those whom I know would not "approve" of a mess is the only way I can generally keep on top of things.


I know that isn't healthy, but its true. :tongue_smilie:


Other than that I just have a checklist of the basics that I must do daily, weekly, and a running list of bigger projects.


My daily list is just things like picking up trash, dishes to the sink and washed, sweeping the living room, and clothes to the laundry basket, feed the dogs......


Weekly is deeper cleaning items like dusting and decluttering a space. I have those broken down into tiny chunks so I can just mark them off as I go and do a few at a time. The list is longer, but the tasks aren't big enough to psyche myself out about.

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Depression is actually very common with many chronic issues. When those issues are resolved, even slightly, it helps the depression.


I have an issue that causes chronic pain and I was depressed. They tried to treat me for depression and the antidepressants made me worse. They took me off antidepressants and gave me something for sleep. I felt a lot better.


Depression isn't always "depression." Sometimes it is just a symptom that will lessen with treatment.



My clinical depression back in 1999 was due to other factors, health wise -- not the ADD. I had to go on Luvox (very expensive & the Luvox CR is $200 a month without insurance) and still am on it for my OCD/Anxiety.


Depression and fatigue is a general symptom for a large host of issues. I know for many people it ebbs and tides in strength. Others, they have one mild experience in life and never have it again. It just depends on the individual. My depressional episodes kick in if I am highly stressed or my body is at its limit (i.e. my rare liver disease or Type II Diabetes has a relapse) and I am very ill. Boom. Major Depression. But it is tied (co-morbid) with my pancreas and liver issues and fatigue/depression are the symptoms of something bigger.


You do have to have a sense of humor when dealing with ADD.


This is how I feel on most days as a wife, mother and homeschooler:



Ds and I both have it. And I am training him not to repeat my mistakes. But humor goes a long way when ADD sidetracks you.

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Common ways to help yourself:


*Omega3/healthy fats

*Caffeine (big one, a lot of people self medicate)

*some kind of list-making or calender system (dh does a kanban system)

*a schedule you can stick to

*keeping your sugar level: small frequent meals/snacks, protein focus, no huge sugary snacks

*knowing yourself: some people do better with music, some don't; some people enjoy multiple things going simultaneously, some don't

*creating a motivational system or accountability person to help get over the final hump of finishing things

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:lol: Tex, that's hilarious! And totally me. My NP agrees I have ADD, but since I'm nursing, I'm holding off on formal diagnosis and medication. I've been taking Omega Mood which helps with my OCD/PPD, too. Exercise helps.


For cleaning, having company over or doing our nightly 15 minute clean up is the only way I keep my sanity. We put on loud good music and everyone in the house goes room to room cleaning everything they can without stop. 3 of us are ADD, 1 is a crazed toddler, and 2 are methodical workers, so between us all, the house gets pretty clean. Having a deadline, peer pressure, knowing I can stop soon, and having someone who picks up on my rabbit trails as I move to something else really helps. Seriously.


I'm a serious list maker, but following them is hard. I have a huge poster size post it note schedule I've been trying to make work, and I keep a notebook with a running list of things to do or remember.

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Adderall is my favorite mostly because it wears off over the day (not a 24 hr. med) so that I can sleep at night. I don't take it everyday, mostly just when i need to stay awake or get something done. Generic regular Adderall is pretty cheap but you may have a hard time finding it because they are just getting over a shortage right now.

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I'm a serious list maker, but following them is hard. I have a huge poster size post it note schedule I've been trying to make work, and I keep a notebook with a running list of things to do or remember.


I have 2 calendar systems. One for the family's appointments/holidays/events and the other one is for ds to know what (independent) assignments (he is in the 11th grade) to do M-F.


I also have a list taped to the kitchen cupboard telling everyone my plans for the week's meals. I have smaller lists taped to cupboards (inside of them) with what item goes where -- I am in my Food Pantry/Storage time of the year and building up canned goods, pasta, rice, beans, etc. I like to rotate our Rice Milk in bulk and buy it in advance, for example as it can be stored on a regular pantry shelf.


Dh tells me he is amazed at how everything gets done... but it is at my slow ADD (inattentive but OCD/perfectionistic) pace versus dh's quick (sloppy) just-get-it-done-efficiency pace. After 25 years of marriage, we've come to a happy place where we are at peace with the pace I work at. Dh will willingly help with laundry, dishes, vacuuming, errands if I ask or am overwhelmed. He is sweet. Fortunately, I like everything to be neat and tidy and he does too. Ds is now old enough and can help out with chores too. So it works out with everyone helping.


Right now, I have piles of books in the living room and it is bugging me. But I am easily distracted and the piles tell a visitor of my ADD adventures:


- 4" log cabin squares/hand quilting (a 3 year project) in a neat pile by my reclining chair & lampstand.


- Next to the quilting, I have assorted books that I am reading depending on my mood. On the other side of the recliner are my homeschooling books for 11th grade. With notepads, Post-it notes, and lesson plans. I need to work on them, but am distracted once again. :D


- On the kitchen table, I have a pile of receipts and bank statement to reconcile to the penny. I like knowing I can balance a checkbook... but dread the sitting down and doing the weekly "books".


- I have dinner guests coming this Friday and like someone else shared, I am happy realizing this means the home gets spotless cleaning for their arrival.

LOL (Oh my... :leaving:)

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Almost sounds like my happy pile of library books, crocheting, netbook and dd's headstart papers next to my side of the recliner couch :) I was wondering how well fish oil works, should I even bother with and just bite the bullit with funds and get the drugs from the dr or give it a try? Or does the fish oil work better with some other supplements

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i find visual cues help. if i can see something i meant to do, then i'm more likely to do it.


auditory cues help. i set the timer for everything. at the very least, when it goes off, i go to it to try to figure out why it was set. if i wander thru the kitchen and the timer is going, i stop to figure out why....


no television is crucial for me. the rapid scene changes, commercials, etc, is like winding up my motor. i can watch tv from forty years ago, when the pace was slower, so we get dvds of things from "way back when". it turns out my family likes them better, too. even so, i make sure i am doing something with my hands, like knitting, that i can focus on momentarily from time to time.


and lots of outdoor time and exercise.


rituals, too. i do the same things at the same time of day and in the same sequence. then, when i get off track, i'm more likely to just automatically get back on track some where along the way.


the other thing which really helped me was to NOT try to do things like everyone else. yes, finishing one task before i start another makes sense. can i do it? no. so i have various tricks for doing housework.


one is the rule of five. every room i walk into i must pick up five things and put them away. wherever the last thing goes, i look around that room and pick up five things. and so it goes.


or, i give myself three tasks. so for example in the mornings, i take out the garbage, bring things in from the car, and take dirty dishes to the kitchen. so i pick up one garbage bag and carry it to the dumpster. then while i am outside, i go the car and pick up as much as i can carry that needs to go inside. then i take it inside and deliver it to the rooms where it belongs. while there, i collect the dirty dishes, etc, and take them to the kitchen, where, oh look, there's another bag of garbage to go outside. when those are done, i move on to the next three, which are loading the dishwasher, hanging up the first load of laundry and taking the dry things in. i only take what i can carry, so i put dishes in the sink to soak, i take three things out of the washing machine and hang them on the line, i bring in three things and take them to the people's rooms and put them away. while there, i bring any dirty dishes that didn't get done in the first set of three to the kitchen, which is right next to the laundry room. i put glasses in the dishwasher, take three things from the washing machine, etc, etc. i cannot do a task until it is done. but i can do three tasks until they are done. who knows why? it took almost forty years to figure it out, but it all works now. :001_smile:.


hmmm.... most days....



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Fish oil can help a lot, if you get the right balance of EPA and DHA. My doctor recommends Nordic Naturals cod liver oil. L-Tyrosine is a fairly cheap supplement that helps some people with focus. B vitamins help some people. Sleep helps a lot; if you have trouble with that, you might want to try melatonin or inositol.

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I was wondering how well fish oil works, should I even bother with and just bite the bullit with funds and get the drugs from the dr or give it a try? Or does the fish oil work better with some other supplements

I tried homeopathic cures before and quite frankly... they did not work. I took 5-HTP, St. John's Wort, Melatonin, Fish Oil, and others. No effect. My depression/OCD/Anxiety was so bad it needed SSRI drugs. I explained it like what I was going thru was like trying to put a band-aid on a wound the size of the Grand Canyon by taking natural remedies.

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Can I take Adderall or which ever with Melatonin? I have sleep problems but I took one of dh's Ambien and that was I bit much I think. They say you just hullicinate the first night but I still was the next morning which was not pretty. OH and can the fish oil and other things help the meds? I mean can I take them all and work better or would it be overkill with ugly consequences?

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I did notice that fish oil helped with my monthly moods BUT I am also on an anti-depressant. I have been on Zoloft for years and years.


I also believe I have ADHD but I have never gone in for a diagnosis. My mom has a horrible case of it and my daughter struggles as well. I try to have a sense of humor but it's hard when dh doesn't find it funny at all. :glare: :tongue_smilie:

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Can I take Adderall or which ever with Melatonin? I have sleep problems but I took one of dh's Ambien and that was I bit much I think. They say you just hullicinate the first night but I still was the next morning which was not pretty. OH and can the fish oil and other things help the meds? I mean can I take them all and work better or would it be overkill with ugly consequences?


Yes, you can take ad/hd meds and melatonin, but if melatonin gives you hallucinations, then avoid it. Try valerian root for better sleep. It might not help you fall asleep, but it will help you stay asleep, and reach your REM cycle, so that you feel rested the next day.


Dh takes Omega 3's (fish oil) and last year added Coconut oil to his diet to help w/ his ADD. It's very noticeable if he doesn't take it! You could try fish oil until you can get to the doc and get a prescription.


As for the cost of meds, it will depend greatly on the script. Two of my dc are on Vyvanse, and it is expensive! Last month I paid $400 for their meds, because it was our new insurance year and had we had to meet the deductible, so it wasn't covered. This month it was $70 for one prescription.


I don't know of any specific apps for the phone, but dh uses the calender w/ alarm reminders for everything!



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Thanks Unicorn :) I am going for sure on Monday. If I don't need any extensive testing or a lot of time it will be $35.00 which I shouldn't because I had a complete physical in Febuary (with same doc) and the mental health clinic has sent the paper work from thier diagnosis. Which meds has the least side effects?

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The only way I can stay on top of housekeeping is to invite someone over that I want to have a sparkling clean house for. We have a few people who stop by regularly and don't care if it looks like a train wreck. But the giant shot of adrenaline I get when invited new people, or those whom I know would not "approve" of a mess is the only way I can generally keep on top of things.


I know that isn't healthy, but its true. :tongue_smilie:


Yeah, ditto :P

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Walmart offers generic Ritalin for a 30 day prescription for $4 or $9 a month. Request your doctor for generic at Walmart.


What problems are you having? I have ADD but it is co-morbid with other health issues. I chose not to medicate, but train myself in areas like organizational, being on time for appointments, study skills, etc. I hate to say it, but caffienated drinks do help me to focus on a project. I hate listening to a lecture or sermon... I cannot focus or I tune out to daydream or sleep. I bring my crochet work and sit in the back so I can keep busy and listen.


I can't sit through a sermon for ANYTHING with my ADD. lol I have GOT to go and get medicated because I'm back at college and it takes me forever and a day to read my assigned reading due to my ADD.

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well crap that stinks, ok I might have to convince dh to give me money to get some fish oil and what not just so I have something that might help me in the mean time. What are the bare bones supplements that will help? (Dh has taken over all finances since I mess them up alot, fine by me less stress)

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What are the bare bones supplements that will help? (Dh has taken over all finances since I mess them up alot, fine by me less stress)


*FOR ME* bare bones = b-complex, vitamin D, Calcium/Magnesium, Zinc and Fish Oil.


I shop sales at CVS (usually wait for a buy-one, get-one sale).

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You may want to look into changes you can make in your diet. (it doesn't cost much to try)


There are some studies that suggest a high protein, low-carb, low-sugar diet can help w/ ADD/ADHD.


Also, you may want to look at reducing food additives such as HFCS and dyes.

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would the b-complex, vitamin d, calcium/magnesium and zinc be covered in a multivitamin (a prenatal to be exact, we are ttc)? or is more than that needed?


YIKES! I'm not sure...I had better results with individual vitamins than I did with a multi-vitamin, but it wasn't a prenatal.

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Would those be enough or do I need higher amounts?


Your prenatal has more B6, less B12, more zinc, less D, less Calcium, less Thiamin, less Riboflavin, less Niacin, and more Folic Acid.


So...I'm not sure. The B-Complex and Magnesium are what make the most difference for me.


Are the prenatals something your OB prescribed? I'm really not sure what levels are safe if you should conceive and I don't want to give you bad information.

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Tex, that picture is priceless!


I guess that's where I'm wierd, so says my DH. I can sit and read for hours or crochet but be darned if I can sit for 15 minutes to fold laundry (which there is like 3 loads for me to fold with no motivation to fold it)


You're not weird; it's just an ADD thing. :D


ADD is really be more properly defined as attention inconsistency, since almost everyone with ADD can hyperfocus on things that interest us the most. I can spend hours cross-stitching or reading a 1,000 page historical romance novel, but routine chores are an absolute nightmare. (I'm also ADD-Inattentive type, as is DS14.)


The book Driven to Distraction is one of the best books I've read on exactly what ADD is, and the impact it has on you and your life. The book really helped me understand that most of my quirks are because of the ADD and that it's so much easier to learn to make it work FOR me instead of fighting against it.


What works for me:

*Coffee - lots of it any time of the day. It's not uncommon for me to brew a fresh pot at 9pm if I'm just settling in to plan lessons.

*A running list of things to do each day and highlighters to mark things completed.

*Calendars for both work and home and the kids. I actually have 2 google calendars for myself and DS14, 1 for work (all 3 sync to my phone), 1 at home that has the same info as google.

*A large whiteboard on the wall divided into sections for each kid. Flyers, work schedules, chores, events they're participating in, etc. all get written down.

*I must have background noise that I can clearly hear but tune out in order to be productive. Silence or low, indistinguisable sounds distract me. Any kind of music I like works as a background noise, but I can't focus if I know DH is watching a movie I like and I can hear it. Prayer time is only successful with instramental music playing; lyrics will distract me.

*Melatonin and Vit D3. I haven't started taking Vit Bs or FCLO yet, but I keep saying I will one of these days. I know I do better taking the supplements, but when they get moved out of place and I don't see them during my morning routine, they get missed.

*Eating healthy. I try to stay away from as much processed foods and dyes as possible. There is a very clear link between highly processed foods, artificial sugars and sweeteners, and food dyes with ADD. I do my best to stick with organic foods, soaked grains, grass-fed meats, natural sugars, healthy fats, and lots of fresh fruits and veggies.

*Know your limits. I can't multi-task more than 2-3 things at once, depending on what those things are. Sometimes I get myself so flustered I just have to stop everything and force myself to finish just one task to the best of my ability and then life can go back to normal.

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I guess that's where I'm wierd, so says my DH. I can sit and read for hours or crochet but be darned if I can sit for 15 minutes to fold laundry (which there is like 3 loads for me to fold with no motivation to fold it)


i fold laundry (sheets and towels) while dictating spelling, if that helps at all. all the rest i fold as i walk between the clothes line and the rooms the things belong in, three things or so at a time.


there is No Way i could fold a basket's worth of laundry unless i was doing something else as well. best to not have a basket's worth, kwim?




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LOTS of caffeine. Coffee is probably the cheapest & healthiest option there.


Not always. I generally limit myself to one small cup a day because I don't get much of a boost from it, crash soon after taking it, find my heart racing sometimes, and experience some other unpleasantness I'll not go into. LOTS of coffee would be a health disaster for me. The generic form of ritilin I take is consistant, longer lasting and devoid of irritating side effects.


What constitutes safe and healthy is highly dependent on the individual. Just because something is familiar and availible at the grocery store does not make it safe or healthy for any given person.

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Biggies for me are regular and healthy meals with lots of protein, getting to bed at a reasonable hour and a routine. Meds are big as well because I find that they're the kick start to getting everything else in place. I don't take meds daily but I find taking them several times a week helps keep the bus on the road and everything else in place.

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Why would the mods delete my thread venting my frustration? I now feel I really have no one to vent to, this is the only place where I feel accepted and know that there are people who understand (at least kinda) what I'm going through, I honestly wasn't trying to bash him. I know he's trying to be helpful but what works for him will not work for me and he just doesn't understand that. :(

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