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Having a hard time letting go of homeschooling

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I will not be homeschooling dd next year. She's fine with going to school, actually looking forward to it (3rd grade). We have her new backpack, we'll go shopping for some new clothes, we've met the 3rd grade teachers. I am basically ok with her going, too.


I need to work, and I have a job--it's a cake job, and I'll make some $ and still be home after school and on all her days off, and during the summer, too.


The problem is, I'd rather be home. I have enjoyed homeschooling. It feels right. I would ideally add in an outside class or two, but I WANT to keep going. I'm a little worried about the peer group at school, and that the academics will be too easy for dd--we've done Ancient history, for example, with SOTW in first grade, but she will do it again this coming year. Her math is higher, her reading higher, but she's not particularly gifted. I don't want her to skip a grade or anything.


I'm just feeling the loss, I guess. Can I have a hug and an It's going to be fine?

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:grouphug: Chris, it's going to be fine. You're a great Mom and your daughter is going to do well in any setting. I can totally understand feeling the change as a loss. I think lots of changes can feel that way even if they are good things, you grieve the loss of the old. (I felt that way a little bit when my second son was born. I loved him but felt like I had to let myself grieve the loss of the one-on-one relationship I had with my first.) I would say let yourself grieve, don't try to blow it off. But in the end it WILL be ok.

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Well good luck with that! When I put my kids in school (long, long time ago), I realized they weren't learning anything...and thought, why are they gone for 7 hours a day then? Needless to say....I brought them back home....and haven't turned back since. Maybe if you are working....it will work out for you....I think I had too much time on my hands, LOL!

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I understand your feelings completely. It will be okay. I think you'll be surprised at how involved you'll still be in your dd's education, and how happy you all will be. It's just hard to imagine what change will bring...but sometimes it's really better than you can imagine. You'll be in my prayers.



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Actually, I bet you'll do quite well.


I think, looking back on our failed public school experience, that I was *too* hands-off. Now, I wish I had channeled more of our energy to extending their school learning. The thrill of discovering doesn't have to go away just because she's in school. I'm sure your daughter will appreciate your wanting to continue to do the "extras" that are the bonuses of homeschooling.


As my mom says, "Enjoy it while it lasts." Though you will need to grieve what you are losing, this new phase of life will be a time of less pressure on you to teach the basics, and just enjoy the journey with your daughter.


Best wishes!


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Chris, Even though you are going to work and she'll go to school, you'd be surprised at how involved you can be. Yes, take time to acknowledge the change and the loss - you need to sit with that a moment... perhaps write out favorite memories or do a homeschool scrapbook or something as you let it go, but give yourself those feelings. A couple of my little ones had to enter ps about this age and I have continued schooling them after school and evenings. (a couple are behind or have learning struggles) Every week my children come home with a packet of homework to be turned in on Friday. We spend lots of time around the table together, working on school work. And there are opportunities for field trips that maybe you can join in if you work it out for your schedule. I have been totally blessed that the school drama/social pressure/ps ickiness have not started until middle school and our elementary school has been a pleasure to work with (I know that's not always the case!!) and the teachers and I have clicked - we're a team and anyone who knows me knows that I, as my kids mom, am responsible for raising them and taking responsibility for their education (as much as I can from home). Hope this helps a bit...

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I think you'll just need some time to adjust, and that'll be easier once you've started on your new 'adventure'. (That's how I refer to everything new we try at our house) It's good that your daughter is looking forward to the school. And it sounds like you might enjoy your job. Keep in contact with your dd's teacher-even just to say something positive. Then when you have some concerns it's easier to talk to her. I hope everything goes well!

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I think you'll do fine. Talk to the teacher about wanting to be an involved parent. Tell her your concerns... I bet she'll help you both our with the adjustment.

I bet you'll be surprised at how active you can continue to be in your dd education. In the evenings you can continue your history reading, and read alouds at bedtime with living books. My son tried a "family school" for 3 months this year. We still were able to do much of his science and history reading in the evenings and weekends. We both enjoyed this time together.


Good luck!

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Of course, it's my 10th grader. She has wanted to go for 3 years. I'M the one who hasn't been able to let go. I know she is going to do great, and this is what she has been wanting for a while. It still feels weird that she won't be here with us during the day. I'll still have my senior at home, and my 8th grader.


In a way, I'm glad to have the time with my senior her last year, but it's still gonna be tough...

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Thanks everyone, for your kind words. I have tried to put a positive spin on the situation for dd, and she is asking about school nearly every day. Her only real experience is with preschool, and she's not clear on how elementary school is set up--she asked me what classes she'd be taking, just like her big brother--she has the idea it's like high school!:001_smile:


I am going to give myself time to make the transition. It will be a poignant few weeks, coming up--One ds is starting college (only part time, I'll be homeschooling him still) as I said, and we are taking a trip back to Texas for a week. My other ds will begin his first part time job. Also, a really, really dear friend is going to be moving when her house sells (but not before December).


Just lots of changes--Adventures is a good way to put it. I'm at that age, too, where I am noticing time slipping by--parents aging, kids growing up, gray hair in dear hubby's beard (no gray here--:D). Sometimes I just need a moment to move on to the next phase. It's all good, but I do grieve my losses. Just need to keep counting the gains, too!!


Thanks again.

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I understand your feelings completely. It will be okay. I think you'll be surprised at how involved you'll still be in your dd's education, and how happy you all will be. It's just hard to imagine what change will bring...but sometimes it's really better than you can imagine. You'll be in my prayers.




:iagree: and here's a :grouphug:


I brought my ds's home to homeschool them when they were entering 5th and 8th grades. Prior to that time, I was very involved with there schooling. I always went through their backpacks and made sure they did their homework. I checked everything to make sure they did it right. I went on all the field trips and was room mother and worked a full-time job.;)


It will be okay and even if it isn't, there's always homeschooling.:D

You are in my prayers.

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My youngest will be going to public school this fall. It's easier than when I sent the first two to public school because I've been through it before and then again with youngest ds last year. It's harder because she is the last to go. I'm going to miss those nature walks, too.:grouphug:

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