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"The meeting for my dad this morning didn't go so good" *might* be an understatement.

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Praying for you and your family.

It is such a hard situation to walk through, and my experience was sister drama can make it so much more difficult. :grouphug:


Someone told me when I was going through such a situation with my own father that sometimes God gives you "just enough light for the step you are on." She said that sometimes you can't even see if you are going up or down stairs, but rest assured He will light each step of the way. Don't try to look ahead, but do the best you can with each step of each day.


In the end you will be thankful for every moment you hold your father's hand and every moment you are able to support your Mom. It is a stressful, heart breaking time. Hang on to your faith, walk away and walk outside for a moment when you need to, and know that you are lifted up in prayer.

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I wish your sisters could put your dad's comfort over their own desires. No matter what you all decide, Hospice or not, (and how could it be NOT?). Your dad needs to be comfortable. I do hope he is properly medicated now.


You know what? My mom WAS on Hospice care right tere in my home. Hospice kept telling me my mom had enough pain med. I KNEW they were wrong and did research. I came HERE at the wee hours of the morning and more than one nurse here confirmed what I already knew, that my mom needed more meds for comfort. Becsuse of this, her end of life was FAR more comfortable.


Even if your sister doesn't agree about Hospice, pease speak to the doctors about admnistering enoug pain med to keep your dad comfortable, and meds for his nerves would also be a VERY good thing.


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Even if your sister doesn't agree about Hospice, pease speak to the doctors about admnistering enoug pain med to keep your dad comfortable, and meds for his nerves would also be a VERY good thing.



:iagree:We mixed ativan with morphine for my dad at the end. It helped keep him pain free and relaxed. Our hospice nurses were amazing!


I'm so sorry you all are going through this.:grouphug::grouphug:

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Tell your mom, you will support her period, no matter what she does. She needs support and she needs to know her daughters (or at least one) think she is competent to deal with this. Don't go to any more family meetings. And go see your dad no matter how much seeing him upsets you, you won't regret that.

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I cannot imagine the stress you are going through. My dear step-father passed away not quite 5 months ago. He had a traumatic brain bleed and we had to make the decision to continue care or just make him comfortable. It was the hardest decision I have ever made in my life and I'm so thankful that my mom and I were in total agreement. I cannot imagine how much harder the whole situation would have been if we had had other family members in disagreement.


I will definitely pray for you!


God Bless,

Elise in NC

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Tell your mom, you will support her period, no matter what she does. She needs support and she needs to know her daughters (or at least one) think she is competent to deal with this. Don't go to any more family meetings. And go see your dad no matter how much seeing him upsets you, you won't regret that.



I did tell mom that at the meeting; problem is, my sisters WON'T tell her that.


You're right, I likely won't go to any more family meetings. I really don't want to, but mom might guilt me into it because she wants me to be there to support her.


I'm probably still going to see my dad. I just have to decide that when the opportunity is there, which won't be until Sunday anyway.


Dad is actually doing much better today. They're trying him out on a cpap machine to see if he can get off the vent.


Maybe all he needed was for me and my sister to have an argument. :tongue_smilie: But seriously, he's doing better today.


What a crazy stressful rollercoaster.


My mom. She's still mom. She called my sister and I "girls" when we were arguing. "Girls, calm down now. Dad wouldn't want you to argue." Sigh. She's right, I know.

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