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I need your leisure reading suggestions for a girl who doesn't enjoy fantasy.


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My daughter has read the Ramona series, Clementine series, and Henry Huggins series. She likes Nancy Drew, but there are sooo many of them. She like to take a break from Nancy, once in a while, and read another (shorter) series. I enjoyed the Ramona series as a child, and read one of the Clementine books recently to check them out. I could not *stand* Henry Huggins, but she likes them. Our reading tastes are fairly different (she doesn't like fantasy books much) so I'm at a loss here. What other books might she like? I'm looking for mind candy, twaddle, fluff, whatever you want to call it. I have a nice list of school books for her to read, this is for her to do in her own time. I don't know what to suggest for her to look at.


She's also read Ivy+Bean and Bad Kitty books, but those are way, way below her reading level (the others are, too, but I'd rather she enjoy reading than worry about her reading level during leisure reading time) and she sails through them in a matter of minutes. What would be something slightly ABOVE the Ramona books, but still a similar feel?

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Ronia, the Robber's Daughter, by Astrid Lindgren is the first to pop into my head.


While the Ivy and Bean books might be below her grade level, she might really enjoy Rylant's series, The Light House Family. At a higher level is Rylant's The Cobble Street Cousins series. All delightful.


Other authors to consider are Gail Levine, and Kathyrn Lasky.

Edited by LibraryLover
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My daughter has read the Ramona series, Clementine series, and Henry Huggins series. She likes Nancy Drew, but there are sooo many of them. She like to take a break from Nancy, once in a while, and read another (shorter) series. I enjoyed the Ramona series as a child, and read one of the Clementine books recently to check them out. I could not *stand* Henry Huggins, but she likes them. Our reading tastes are fairly different (she doesn't like fantasy books much) so I'm at a loss here. What other books might she like? I'm looking for mind candy, twaddle, fluff, whatever you want to call it. I have a nice list of school books for her to read, this is for her to do in her own time. I don't know what to suggest for her to look at.


She's also read Ivy+Bean and Bad Kitty books, but those are way, way below her reading level (the others are, too, but I'd rather she enjoy reading than worry about her reading level during leisure reading time) and she sails through them in a matter of minutes. What would be something slightly ABOVE the Ramona books, but still a similar feel?


I asked DD for some suggestions. She is eight but reads at about a 6-7th grade level. She LOVES all things Ramona. She also doesn't like fantasy (which I love!) and is always requesting books that are funny.


Pippi Longstockings

Gooney Bird Greene

Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle


What Happened on Fox Street (she's reading this right now)

Hoboken Chicken Emergency

This Can't be Happening at MacDonald Hall (whole series of these books)


ETA: I see LibraryLover also recommended the Cobblestreet Cousin books. They'll be an easy read for her though. Took DD about 30 minutes to read each one of them.

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She's 10. She doesn't like fantasy, sci fi, or really anything magical. What she likes, to me, is kind of boring :tongue_smilie: I tried to read Henry Huggins to YDS and gave up, it was sooo dated and "everyday stuff", I wanted to fall on a fork. I love SciFi and murder mystery, so I'm like her polar opposite LOL I think she liked the comedic aspect of Ramon, Clementine, and Ivy+Bean


I thought I might let her try the Emily of New Moon and Anne of Green Gables books. She's perfectly *capable* of reading them, but she's gotten so used to tearing through her leisure reading in a sitting that she's resistant to something longer. Plus, we do a lot of school reading, so I like feel like she can read whatever in her free time. That said, unless I can find something else Ramona/Clementine-ish, I don't know what else to offer her. Oh, she read Ballet Shoes by Noel Streatfield and liked it well enough. We have a hard time finding the other "shoes" books in that series, though. I just lucked up on that one at a resale bookstore.

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I asked DD for some suggestions. She is eight but reads at about a 6-7th grade level. She LOVES all things Ramona. She also doesn't like fantasy (which I love!) and is always requesting books that are funny.


Pippi Longstockings

Gooney Bird Greene

Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle


What Happened on Fox Street (she's reading this right now)

Hoboken Chicken Emergency

This Can't be Happening at MacDonald Hall (whole series of these books)


ETA: I see LibraryLover also recommended the Cobblestreet Cousin books. They'll be an easy read for her though. Took DD about 30 minutes to read each one of them.


Oh, good list. We've read Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle and Hoboken Chicken Emergency and she liked them. I bet she would like Pippi. I've never read Betsy-Tacy, but she might like it. I know they have it at the library, too, so bonus points for not having to buy it to try it :tongue_smilie: I'll have to look up the McDonald Hall, Cobblestreet Cousins, and the others to see if I can find them anywhwere.

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Mine likes series, too.


Her favorites are: Ramona, Betsy-Tacy, Boxcar Children, The Great Brain & Encyclopedia Brown.


She hated and wouldn't finish: Little House, Narnia, Pippi, & the Littles.


She read through these, but didn't "love" them: Borrowers, Pippi, Paddington Bear, the Blume's Fudge series.


She is currently reading: Cricket in Time Square series, Blume's Pain & The Great One series, & Time Warp Trio.


Next up I've put aside: Patricia MacLachlan's Sarah, Plain & Tall series.


What about poetry? Mine loves Shel Silverstein and Jack Prelutsky.


We also have a few authors whose books aren't "series" but who have a number of works available: Tomie de Paola, Allen Say, and Dick Smith. The first two are more "picture books" in terms of presentation, but are not your basic stop-start-two-syllable type of picture book. Allen Say, in particular, has great writing.


Not series, but other books that went over well: Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, Phantom Tollbooth.

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I've got some Dahl, I'll pull them out. I also have Cricket in Times Square and The Saturdays, as well as the whole Time Warp Trio series. I had forgotten I had TWT, I'll dig them out too. I'm making a list of the others to try to locate.

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You might look at Bethlehem Books. They're best known for their reprints of historical fiction, but they also have several series of family stories by Rebecca Caudill, Hilda van Stockum, and others. There are previews available on their site. Here are some links:


Fairchild Family Series

Latsch Valley Farm Series

Bantry Bay Series


ETA a few more ideas:


Enid Blyton's school stories (Malory Towers, St. Clare's) -- definitely mind candy!

Various pony stories by Christine Pullein-Thompon, etc. -- ditto

Detective series, e.g. Nancy Drew, Trixie Belden


Susan Coolidge's What Katy Did, What Katy Did Next, Clover -- these aren't "fluff" (more in the Little Women line), but Katy was my favorite heroine at your daughter's age, so maybe she would like to read them just for pleasure

Edited by Eleanor
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Good suggestions.


My 9 year old boy is the same way. He's reading the Fudge/Tales of a 4th Grade Nothing series right now and loves it.


Animal fiction?


Call of the Wild (unless cruelty to animals really bothers her)

The Incredible Journey

Where the Red Fern Grows (unless the death of an animal bothers her)

The Good Dog

Black Beauty (unless cruelty to animals really bothers her)

Julie of the Wolves

Incident at Hawk's Hill

Skeezer: Dog with a Mission

Socks (Beverly Cleary)

My Side of the Mountain

Something James Herriot



The Westing Game

From the Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Basil E Frankweiler

Swallows and Amazons

Harriet the Spy

Bobbsey Twins/Nancy Drew/Trixie Beldon/Cherry Ames, Student Nurse

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The books of Eva Ibbotson are fantastic. A few of them are fantasy but many are not, like Journey to the River Sea, The Dragonfly Pool and The Star of Kazan. Also my DD was ready for The Mysterious Benedict Society at that age. I love all those books because they feature resourceful heroines, emotionally aware male characters, cooperative non-romantic relationships between children of the opposite sex and trusting relations with healthy grownups.

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What about the Black Stallion series? I loved them when I was in elementary school. My son prefers sci fi and doesn't usually like normal fiction but even he likes them.


Or maybe she would like to read more non-fiction? I used to like a lot of biographies and true stories.

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Mt daughter is the same way. She enjoys what she calls "realistic fiction." She LOVED, LOVED, LOVED the Babysitters Club series. I think she read all 100+ of them!


My DD calls it "Books about things that could happen in real life". Your DD's title is a little more succinct.

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