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NO SPEND September Thread

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I'm only counting non-essential spontaneous purchases in my no-spend challenge because that is where I suffer the most. Next month, I may tackle the grocery bill and the waste that occurs there, but for now it's baby steps. I have GOT to curb the little extras that I can justify in the moment, but truly don't need.


Yesterday I spent nothing other than buying groceries. Today is a different day, though I haven't spent anything yet. I woke up wanting to give the kids something special for our first day doing schoolwork, and DH agreed that something modest would be appropriate. Now, I'm rethinking it, because even though it's a small, planned purchase, it's still not essential. It's so silly how the spending consumes my life to the point that a <$5 purchase has me stressed out.

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This weekend I took ds16 and a guy from his Aspie teen group to the movies. I paid cash for the tickets out of my allowance which is my "anything" money. But I had to use my debit card for concessions. Dd14 went too, so for all of us it was $36.75 for popcorn, candy, and drinks. I told the kids that was the last frivolous thing we'll be doing this month. I did pass on Starbucks this morning but it was hard to do. I like getting a coffee after I weigh in at Weight Watchers. :)

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I'm joining in, but must admit that I'm kinda cheating because I don't have any excess money. lol I'm on a $0 budget. :D However, it makes me feel good to hear how others are cutting costs and not spending $ on anything other than food, gas, etc. I used to be horrible at online shopping when I used to have money so I understand how unnecessary spending can be really tough!

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I'm joining in, but must admit that I'm kinda cheating because I don't have any excess money. lol I'm on a $0 budget. :D However, it makes me feel good to hear how others are cutting costs and not spending $ on anything other than food, gas, etc. I used to be horrible at online shopping when I used to have money so I understand how unnecessary spending can be really tough!


I think I can still have some goals, though, so here they are:


1) Try to curb any unnecessary driving to save on gas $

2) Try to meal plan as cheap as possible to possibly save some $ in my grocery budget.

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Sept 1 I picked up a Rx at Rite Aid that was needed, but I also grabbed a butterfly sandwich cutter that was $1, the Mad Gab game that was on clearance for $9.99, and both girls got a lollipop that was 2 for $1.


Sept 2 We stayed home so $0 was spent.



Sept 3 Had hubby stop to get milk and bread , under $10


Sept 4 Had to return a hoodie I got for dd 13 that didn't fit. I got her a pair of jeans for $8 a br@ for $7 and one for $10. I picked up dd4 a bathing suite for next year for $5 and myself a top for $5. So after the return and new stuff I still walked away with $3 and some change!!! I love the clearance rack. For the first time ever I left my wallet in the glove box so I would spend any money other than what I got back from the return.



I know I will need gas and groceries tomorrow. I am going to plan a menu from what I have on hand and try to buy as little as possible tomorrow. I am also going to try to make the gas last all month by planning trips out better and just staying home more.

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9/1 and 9/2: nothing spent

9/3: $50 at Applebees for our anniversary dinner (with kids), $12 for a frisbee

9/4: $30 for anniversary cake (this was ordered before I decided to get in the no spend groove)

9/4: $7 for salads that will feed me for the next two lunches


Total as of 9/4: $99


Tomorrow, I have to grocery shop and estimate about $90 in spending but we are taking pop cans back before so that will put a chip in it. I have $100 cash to spend if needed and that is it. Anything left over will go towards an oil change I need this week because I have a coupon!

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So far Iam doingvery well.


My husband downloaded one kindle devotional for .97 cents

I put 25$ Gasoline in the van, I will fill up with my 10 cent off a gallon once we get paid Friday.


It has been kinda hard not to spend money at my own work this week since a lot of items went 90% off, but I just walked out everyday. :)


I have cooked and packed a lunch for my Hubby every day so far and he has not had to eat out.


We go grocery shopping tomorrow. Plan is to buy only needed items, especially items I can do freezer meals with.


I also got inspired this last weekend and baked 4 batches of muffins and some baked oatmeal to freeze for breakfast. That should help school days go smoother.

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Following the format now:


9/1 -$149 at Costco for groceries,

$33 at Aldis for more groceries

$17 for Ebay auctions for clothing for DDs

9/2 - $37 on haircuts for DH and DD

9/3 - $91 for (more) groceries

9/4 - $0


I foresee a bad weekend because I have a going away party to attend where each person pays their own way plus a portion towards the guest of honor. Also, my family is hosting our church's coffee hour this Sunday, so I have to buy additional groceries for that (but we do get money to offset our purchases).

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Tomorrow, I have to grocery shop and estimate about $90 in spending but we are taking pop cans back before so that will put a chip in it. I have $100 cash to spend if needed and that is it. Anything left over will go towards an oil change I need this week because I have a coupon!


Super success!! I'm sooo thrilled! I grabbed 1.5 garbage bags of pop cans from my parents (and later found out that they have two more full bags that I didn't see - those will be for next week!) and grabbed ours and we went to Walmart. I estimated I would spend around $90 as mention above...


Wellllllll, our total came as $92.05 and that included about $7-8 of extra things that dh wanted at the last minute! I was pretty happy that I was technically below my estimate. Then the returned bottle tickets reduced our final shopping trip bill to $82.74!!:lol::lol:


Now I have about $17 extra in case we need more bread, eggs, etc before we go next week. Then whatever is left over will go towards another week of shopping (or the oil change I need). I have $100 ready for next week but nothing for the following week, so I'm going to use all the leftover money towards the week without any money. That's the plan!


We do need to get some toothbrushes for the girls but I'll get those at the Dollar Tree - a six pack for a dollar!


Total spent 9/5: $84 for groceries and toothbrushes, dish soap and sponges


Total this month: $185

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I guess I need to join as well...


My goals are:


  1. To be able to put some in savings for the baby coming in April/May
  2. Be able to find an extra $200 a month to pay back my student loans that start back in Oct./Nov.
  3. Try not to eat out just b/c I am too tired to cook abd we have a freezer full of food



I know that I have to play for registration for the truck the next time I go to town and my little brother's birthday is on the 16th.


9/1 - $0

9/2 - $0

9/3 - $25 (gas for truck)

9/4 - $49 (toner for the printer)



Total Monthly Spending: $74

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I spent nothing yesterday, but it helps that we stayed indoors all day except for a sports practice last night. :D I resisted the urge to buy dinner out last night and instead, came home and cooked. A small thing for most, but huge for me.


I will likely have to pay some library fines today. :glare:

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$190 groceries 9/1

$39 gift for dh bday 9/2

$57 for gas 9/2

$27 on gift for nephew.9/3

$3.50 coffee and donut planned as part of eating out budget 9/4

$3.79 milk 9/4

7.00 face soap 9/4

$0 9/5


Total monthly spending as of 9/5: $310.97


My son just broke his $70 hockey stick...not intentional, but he needs a new one before his tournmanet in October (he has an old wooden one he can use for ow) Sigh.:glare:

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I'm in! We had to write a very large check on our house we just sold at closing. Thankfully we get a precentage back from DH's company as part of our relocation package but that can take several weeks. This is also our first month in 23mos that we are not having to pay rent AND mortgage. It's a huge blessing and we are using this month as a tester for our budget that we think might work for us and we are also saving for a new (to us) car for the spring. We'd like to pay cash and not have a payment. My month is running 9/5-10/5 since that is my start here on the thread (and we didn't leave the house yesterday).


My goals $500 for food (we have a well stocked pantry) this also includes eating out.


No drive days goal 10. I'd love to do more but this is realistic for what our schedule is.

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Well, I've completely lost track. :lol: we are doing a cash envelope thing for a couple of months, so I have no way of going back to look.


I've been doing good e past few days, the only thing I've spent money on is groceries. :)



Eta: we also put $400 into savings today, so I'm calling is pay period a win. As long as we don't take it back out! Lol

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$190 groceries 9/1

$39 gift for dh bday 9/2

$57 for gas 9/2

$27 on gift for nephew.9/3

$3.50 coffee and donut planned as part of eating out budget 9/4

$3.79 milk 9/4

7.00 face soap 9/4

$0 9/5

$3.50 coffee and snack to get me through work. This is budgeted for, however :)


Total monthly spending as of 9/6: $314.47

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9/04 $17 Farmers' Market, including $6 for kettle corn that my spouse decided DS "needed."

9/05 $0

9/06 $234


Today was horrible. DS10 has had a cough for over a week; he sounds like a seal. His ped wanted us to bring him in today and he prescribed two different inhalers, including a spacer. Our insurance -- which is usually good coverage -- calculated our prescription copay as $176! We totally weren't expecting that and our bank balance is perilously low (pay day isn't until a week from tomorrow). Add to that $25 copay for the doctor's visit, $21 at the farm stand, and $12 at the grocery store.


We're putting off the haircuts we desperately need until payday. The car inspection sticker expired at the end of August (here's praying we don't get stopped) and our mechanic has to work on the car first to get it to pass inspection (duly scheduled for payday).


The good news? We have plenty to eat and this thread was started just at the right time for us. It is so helpful to check in here and read how everyone is doing with their goals. Thanks, OP and all who are contributing!


:grouphug: that sounds rough. HAng in there

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9/6: $108 for oil change and two valve replacements:glare:, $2 for a snack while waiting for said oil change and valve replacements (for two very patient girls!)

$2 for one feeder mouse


Total spent so far: $297


I bought the girls cookies today while on our walk: $2

(it was taken out of my "weekly allowance")


Total as of 9/7: $299

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So far I was feeling pretty decent about this month. My husband brings home his first pay check tonight and I am hopeful it will cover the first half of the bills. The really frustrating thing is that my work has not only decided to cut us all back to half the hours we have been working they took away 6 hours I had planned on for this week. :(


We have groceries for the entire month but we have to paint the house due to insurance and so far we only have the primer. Our tire is flat/popped on one car so we are sharing the van until we can afford to replace it, and I need to be able to pay the other half of the bills next payday.


So for now the only thing I can do is use as little electricity as possible, cut out unneeded trips to town, and keep up with packing dinners for my Hubby so he does not eat out. (That I have been doing very well at so far)

I have also been making and taking my own coffee everyday I work. :)

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$190 groceries 9/1

$39 gift for dh bday 9/2

$57 for gas 9/2

$27 on gift for nephew.9/3

$3.50 coffee and donut planned as part of eating out budget 9/4

$3.79 milk 9/4

$7.00 face soap 9/4

$0 9/5

$3.50 9/6 coffee and snack to get me through work. This is budgeted for, however :)

$0 9/7


Total monthly spending as of 9/7: $314.47

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9/4 $9 for an unplanned purchase of underwear :lol:

9/5 $0 so far, with $0 planned

9/6 $8.95 for coconut oil and a chocolate bar (since my coconut oil was cheaper than I had planned I got the girls and I a bar to split :) )

9/7 $99.68 for groceries and $50.32 for gas. Then $7 for milkshakes for dh and I after we went to a funeral last night. (It was SO hot and crowded...the urge hit us)

9/8 hopefully nothing today.


I am at about -$65 from what I had budgeted for these two weeks, with most of a week left to go :glare:

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OK, yesterday was a total fail for me:


Groceries were almost $30 more than I had budgeted, and I was just buying basics, nothing packaged. Why is produce suddenly much more expensive?


DD's youth group decided to go rafting and she needs sunscreen. I had gone all Summer without buying any because last year we over bought. Now at the end of Summer I have to buy a new bottle. Try finding the good stuff on sale in September. Another $11.


I am teaching a science co-op that includes 3 other families (16 kids total.) The other moms are new to homeschooling or totally swamped so I am on my own. I had all the experiment supplies, but I made these awesome, lab report folders for the year and the supplies cost $16.


Today is another day, right? I will just have to make this week's groceries stretch for next week, too.


Amber in SJ

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OK, yesterday was a total fail for me:


Groceries were almost $30 more than I had budgeted, and I was just buying basics, nothing packaged. Why is produce suddenly much more expensive?


DD's youth group decided to go rafting and she needs sunscreen. I had gone all Summer without buying any because last year we over bought. Now at the end of Summer I have to buy a new bottle. Try finding the good stuff on sale in September. Another $11.


I am teaching a science co-op that includes 3 other families (16 kids total.) The other moms are new to homeschooling or totally swamped so I am on my own. I had all the experiment supplies, but I made these awesome, lab report folders for the year and the supplies cost $16.


Today is another day, right? I will just have to make this week's groceries stretch for next week, too.


Amber in SJ


Yes! Just regroup and keep at it! Rice, potatoes and eggs are relatively inexpensive - you probably have enough loose change around the house if you need to pick up one or more of those items.

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$190 groceries 9/1

$39 gift for dh bday 9/2

$57 for gas 9/2

$27 on gift for nephew.9/3

$3.50 coffee and donut planned as part of eating out budget 9/4

$3.79 milk 9/4

$7.00 face soap 9/4

$0 9/5

$3.50 9/6 coffee and snack to get me through work. This is budgeted for, however :)

$0 9/7

$137 groceries

$44 pool filter...needed :(



Total monthly spending as of 9/8: $481.79

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I keep forgetting to tally up what I spend each day. :glare: I have mostly stayed within the budget, so that's the important part, right?


It's weird, I'm in major declutter/minimalism mode, so I don't even want to buy anything, it's really a nice feeling for once!



We do have some expenses coming up, like scheduled maintenance on our mini van and medical bills, so Ocotober will be another no spend month out of necessity!

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Thank you, thank you, thank you for this thread! I am in dire financial straights right now and I have just been tooling along deluding myself that all is well and anesthetizing myself with spending. As I haven't been tracking since the first of the month, I can only estimate at what I've spent and it is a shocking amount. And as my work is sporadic at best, it is hard to budget ahead of time. But, obviously real changes need to be made. You have opened my eyes to a real problem. Time to fix it. Thank you!

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$190 groceries 9/1

$39 gift for dh bday 9/2

$57 for gas 9/2

$27 on gift for nephew.9/3

$3.50 coffee and donut planned as part of eating out budget 9/4

$3.79 milk 9/4

$7.00 face soap 9/4

$0 9/5

$3.50 9/6 coffee and snack to get me through work. This is budgeted for, however :)

$0 9/7

$137 groceries 9/8

$44 pool filter...needed :( unexpected, but we do have a budget for "home repairs" so this will come from that.

$80 dog food for at least 2 months. Budgeted for. 9/9

$45 school supplies. Mostly planned and needed, except for $22 hole punch which ds broke when trying to hole punch cloth 9/9



Okay this is so much more than everyone else. I AM following my budget and i take consolation in that.

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9/4 $9 for an unplanned purchase of underwear :lol:

9/5 $0 so far, with $0 planned

9/6 $8.95 for coconut oil and a chocolate bar (since my coconut oil was cheaper than I had planned I got the girls and I a bar to split :) )

9/7 $99.68 for groceries and $50.32 for gas. Then $7 for milkshakes for dh and I after we went to a funeral last night. (It was SO hot and crowded...the urge hit us)

9/8 hopefully nothing today.

9/9 $0 (other than our tithe which I take out of our bills budget)


My personal win for today: There is a book I really, really want to read. Instead of buying it on Kindle, I put a hold request for it at the library. Delayed gratification wins. ;)

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I've been keeping track but having trouble getting here to post. My goals are to stay within my budget, eat lunch out only 1x per week, no shopping just to shop, date night dinner 2x month (cheap), and start on Christmas prep.


So far I've spent:

9/2 $114.69 Stuff for the house- replacing tea towels, mitts, sheets, lightbulbs, etc.

9/3 $13.00 groceries

9/4 $41.07 groceries, 26.12 drum sticks/music book

9/5 $0

9/6 $151.24 groceries

9/7 $20.00 date night dinner

9/8 $58.42 groceries, $10.00 lunch at farmer's market,

9/9 $39.40 business expense


That puts me at:


$263.73 spent out of $900 possible for groceries = $636.27 left

$170.81 spent out of $450 for all other expenses = $279.19 left

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