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Who is planning/organizing today?

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If you are doing any planning or organizing for school today, post here. I'm attempting to get off the computer, off my butt and get cracking on organizing materials and developing at least a rough plan for each subject for the year. I've done some of this already, but still have quite a bit left.


This morning I'm going to tackle organizing the books and choosing TOG written assignments (already planned all the reading assignments) for the first half of the year for both Dc. (But, first I have to walk the dog.)


So, post what you plan to tackle today. I'm posting in hopes it will help me with accountability. :tongue_smilie:

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I'm going to get my planner pages bound at Staples today :D I only write in the planner a week in advance so I'll fill in next Wed and Thursday (we follow dd17's school calendar) this afternoon. I'm also going to pick up the first batch of books at the library.


I need to pre-watch some online science videos. I also need to check out some online geography games. Stinks that I can't do flash on this iPad, grr.

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I printed all 45 pages of the TOG Y3 Loom: Teaching Rhetoric Literature. I'm reading, highlighting, etc. (I think my head is about to pop off...LOL)


I've printed out 36 weeks worth of planning charts for 2 students and put those in binders.


I have the map projects planned for the first 3 weeks.


The rest of the books should be here Friday or Monday...


I need to finish planning the first 4 weeks of R Lit assignments for co-op.

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ditto Mrs Mungo. Our focus today and tomorrow is to get all the books looked at,introduction chapters read, and next week lined out. Tomorrow they will be taking a standardized test . I love to compare the same test at the end of the year. It helps all of us see the progress that has been made.

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I printed all 45 pages of the TOG Y3 Loom: Teaching Rhetoric Literature. I'm reading, highlighting, etc. (I think my head is about to pop off...LOL)


I've printed out 36 weeks worth of planning charts for 2 students and put those in binders.


I have the map projects planned for the first 3 weeks.


The rest of the books should be here Friday or Monday...


I need to finish planning the first 4 weeks of R Lit assignments for co-op.


Thanks for reminding me I need to do this too. I was wondering if people usually print it. I've got the Poetics readings to print too. Hope I don't run out of ink!


Only thing I've done so far....walk the dog and get Dd started on her dog training. I did send an email postponing my public speaking class until 2nd semester. I just couldn't add another thing to my plate this fall.

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I'm supposed to be finishing planning but I'm practicing my procrastination skill first. I thought that that might be a vital skill to have before we head into the new school year. :D


Please! I really don't need encouragement in that area and I think I've developed that skill to its fullest potential. :lol:


And lest, I be tempted to join you, I'm off to haul up books from the basement.

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Did this ALL day yesterday, and again today since 7 am. UUGH


Finally finalized the younger kids' science, older kids' grammar.


Now I'm printing... and printing... and printing...

Last time I did this much printing, I killed a printer. Hope I don't kill this one! LOL


Got a bunch of books in my cart at amazon that I need next week, but hoping I can find them used cheaper. (really need them cheaper!!!!) Darn library doesn't have any of them. :(

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I am supposed to finish setting up the classroom, assembling notebooks and binders, and finish lesson plans today. We are starting school on Monday, and the boys want tomorrow to be "orientation day."


I am moving very slowly today. The baby has not slept well all week, and has been very needy today.


I also need a kick in the pants to get off of the computer.:lol:

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I am supposed to finish setting up the classroom, assembling notebooks and binders, and finish lesson plans today. We are starting school on Monday, and the boys want tomorrow to be "orientation day."


I am moving very slowly today. The baby has not slept well all week, and has been very needy today.


I also need a kick in the pants to get off of the computer.:lol:


Here it is...




I need to give one to myself too.

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I ordered several new things this week, and now I have to try to figure out how to schedule everything so it all gets done, but isn't "too much or too little."


And then, after the first week of school, I'll realize that my plans were absolutely idiotic, and I'll have to modify like crazy.


:ack2: :ack2: :ack2:

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I'm supposed to be finishing planning but I'm practicing my procrastination skill first. I thought that that might be a vital skill to have before we head into the new school year. :D


I don't like to brag, but my procrastination skills are quite advanced. :D


Let me know if I can give you any helpful advice, but don't expect a reply right away. ;)

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I ordered several new things this week, and now I have to try to figure out how to schedule everything so it all gets done, but isn't "too much or too little."


And then, after the first week of school, I'll realize that my plans were absolutely idiotic, and I'll have to modify like crazy.


:ack2: :ack2: :ack2:


I can pretty much bank on that here too.


Yesterday I spent all day emptying my 3 enormous school bookshelves and replacing them with different ones. Now I have mountains of books and carp all over the floor and I have to put everything back. Yuck.


And paint the closet


And finish ordering readers for the year

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I will be planning/organising in two days time when DH and DC go off to visit Granny. At the moment we're dragging to the end of a rather tiresome vacation and I'm getting more and more enthusiastic about the idea of planning/organising (I'm even feeling quite excited about cleaning, especiallly when they'll all be out of the house for two days so the place will actually stay clean for a little longer).


I'll be tackling Science, then History and reading up more on The Writer's Jungle. We start back on Tues Sept 4.


Thanks for the motivation Shanvan.

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Well, today I got a pedicure and bought some snacks for my weekend get-away with hubby. But, I did clean the floors!


Yesterday, I:


printed maps for the boys' history programs (separate programs)


purged old papers


cleaned bookshelves


planned mythology reading

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